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Native americANs




  1. Numbered lis
  2. Numbered li

3:Culture4:My own opinion


1:Some Information


  • The first inhabitants of the United
States, long before the discovery of America
  • 7 mil. people used to live there
  • The most famous indians were the :
Paleo Indians Wooland Indians Missisipi Indians
  • In German :Ureinwohner oder Indianer
  • Indigenous people of canada
and the united states

This paragraph is ready to hold stunning creativity, experiences and stories.

Some information

  • More and more cultures have spread out
in the united states.
  • The number of the Indians became smaller
with the beginning of the kolonial period.
  • They developed new cultures until the
actual Native Americans no longer existed.

And what happend to the Indians?

And what happend to the Indians?

Author's name

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But they already ate something like •potatoes• beans

  • Squirrel meat
  • marmot
  • wesp soap
  • insects
  • snakes
  • B


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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

  • They lived in longhouses
  • Some built huts out of sod mats
  • Other lived in stilthouses
  • Or in rockhouses
  • Some Indians lived in teepees

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.Euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat. Euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat.

  • Today , only 2 % of Us-Americans
are of indigenous origin
  • The indigenous people try to combinate
the old and the new cultures
  • Bulleted listThe children learn their
own language again.
  • In 1924 they received the American
  • 10 years later they were allowed to live
as they used to

Are there still Native Americans today ?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

This paragraph is ready to hold stunning creativity, experiences and stories.

I chose this topic because I think we could learn much from the Native Americans .In my opinion the Native Americans used to live very modest


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Why i chose This topic

Sources:Wikipedia and Google

Do you have any questions?
