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Vyshyvanka Day in Ukraine

presentation by Lupalenko Angelina
Ukrainians all over the world celebrate the day of the national embroidered shirt, or Vyshyvanka. Vyshyvanka Day in Ukraine is celebrated on the third Thursday of May, has turned into a global cultural diplomacy opportunity for the numerous Ukrainian communities around the world, and a national statement inside the country. The Vyshyvanka Day emerged as a flash mob not attached to any public holiday.On this day Ukrainians wear vyshyvankas to demonstrate adherence to the idea of national identity. The day unites Ukrainians regardless of their gender, social status, religious beliefs or political opinions.

Characteristics of Ukrainian clothing

  • Embroidery is one of the main characteristics of Ukrainian clothing. The patterns of embroidery are different for different regions of the country. And they’re also very symbolic. There are guardian patterns, patterns that tell a specific story about the owner of the shirt, patterns that bring luck and so on. Usually white cloth is embroidered with red and black threads, but there are also some variations: white embroidery on white cloth, black on white, red on black, blue on white and colorful (red, black, yellow, green, orange, blue etc.) patterns.

" The embroidered shirt is a document of the Ukrainian people! This is an amulet! In the ornaments all the magic of love and the history of each region of my favorite country! "