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The Scientix

Scientix is the number one community for science education in Europe. It aims to promote and support a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other educational stakeholders to inspire students to pursue careers in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Scientix was born at the initiative of the European Commission, and European Schoolnet has coordinated the project since its first launch. It was funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union for research and innovation.

38 countries > 650 projects > 14000 visitors each month key pages available in 24 languages 43 Scientix webinars between 2015 and 2019 > 2200 teaching materials > 60 training courses >350 ambassadors All data from Scientix Update 2019

  • They offer not only webinars but also Moodle courses and Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC)
  • they hold regular conferences and the videos can be downloaded from the homepage
  • they also offer networking events for STEM teachers

The Scientix portal offers an abundance of materials for STEM teachers. This can make it easy to find the right ressources for an anticipated STEM project. With this in hand respective teachers can be searched for in eTwinning to start a project. In addition the webinars, moodle courses and MOOCs can be used to gain knowledge about new possibilities eg. using augmented reality or digital learning environments. Last but not least the platform also offers the possibility for networrking and these contacts can then be used to set up a project in eTwinning.