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ceremonie of twelve

caretaker of the olds





Name: Fiona Age: 12 Number: 18 Gender: Female Hair: Red Assingment: Caretaker of the Old

1. intelegent, quiet, friendly, humorous, » she was a good student, quiet and polite, but she had a sense of humor as well…« (p.29, ll.19 f.)2. calm, » … Fiona was a calm female« (p.49, l.33)3. calm, attentive, » She had been sitting quietly, serenely troughout the ceremony« (p.49, ll. 33 f.) 4. sensitive, gentle, » It was perfect for such a sensitive, gentil girl « (p. 49, ll. 36 f.)5. punctual on time, » i don‘t want to be late « 6. caring, works in the house of olds

she works in the house of olds

Friends: Asher and Jonas » I don‘t know why I‘m nervous. […] I‘ll ride home with you.« (P. 61, ll. 4, ff.) ~ She trusts Jonas and feels save when he‘s around