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created by Deborah Altenbeck, 2022

Passive Slave Trade

A TEAM ADventure expedition

Join this Adventure Expedition NOW and earn your badge.


  • something about African culture and instruments
  • more about the British history of slave trade
  • how to use the Passive-Voice (simple present / simple past)

In this TEAM Adventure Expedition

you will learn...

Passive Slave Trade

Passive Slave Trade

A TEAM ADventure expedition

Welcome to this adventure expedition! Get together as a TEAM and prepare yourself for the upcoming weeks.

TEAMWORK In this adventure expedition you will work closely together with your team and by helping each other you will try to overcome challenges. For same tasks it is wise to work alone and compare results with your group afterwards and sometimes it will be a good idea to work together right from the start. Sometimes you can only accomplish the task together with your team. Work hard and together as a team do the Check-Out Quiz at every camp to gain TEAM points. After the final Camp there will be a graded quiz that all of you will have to do on your own. However, your individual results will also be added up and then the most successful team will be celebrated. Decide now on a Team Name and let your teacher know before you continue.

Welcome Explorer! You will travel along the path and find challenges, tasks and resources which you have to accomplish. When you think you are ready to continue to the next stage, enter the first Camp. But you can only enter the camp if you know the password, which you will know if you paid attention on your way. In this first stage you will prepare yourself for the upcoming expedition. Photo by Fabio Comparelli on Unsplash

This symbol means that you must do this together as a team.

tap here to start!

Passive Slave Trade

A TEAM ADventure expedition

Start here and navigate through the thick jungle of this island.

Now learn the new words from this section. SB, p. 186 (to lead - ancestor)

Read the text "At the slavery museum". SB, p. 52, no. 1 There will be a quiz next.

Ready to go? You are about to start your adventure. This is the TEXT stage in which you will learn about African culture and instruments. Photo by Paul Zoetemeijer on Unsplash

Passive Slave Trade

A TEAM ADventure expedition

Start at Camp 1 and navigate further along the coastline of this island.

Learn the new words. SB, p. 186 - 187 (captive - mosque)

Work together with your team members on the background knowledge pages about "the slave trade". SB, p. 53, no. 5a-b If your team is not complete, go straight to Camp 2 (ask your teacher for the password) and return to Camp 1 as soon as everyone is there.

Together write a group statement (1-2 sentences) in which you describe your group's reaction to the information on slave trade. Follow the link below: click here to get to the TEXT Module

Welcome back TEAM! Now you are going to work through the second stage of the Adventure Expedition. You will have to work together if you want to be successful. In this stage you can find additional material, which at least one person of your TEAM should have a look at in order to gain additional points in the Check-Out Quiz at Camp 2. This is the BACKGROUND INFO Stage in which you will learn about the British Slave Trade.

You found a short cut. It may be a dangerous path through the jungle. Only use this path if you can't follow the main path, because some team members are ill. If you use this short-cut, remember to return to Camp 1 as soon as your team is complete!

Passive Slave Trade

A TEAM ADventure expedition

Start at Camp 2 and pass the long stretch of highlands.

Fill in the following worksheet on your iPad. Then compare your results with your team members and the answer sheet on the wall. You find the worksheet here.

Work with your team. Write quiz questions about Liverpool and answer them. Use the Passive Voice. SB, p. 55, no. 5 Photo by Neil Martin on Unsplash

Welcome back TEAM! Now you are going to work through the third and longest stage of the Adventure Expedition. You will have to work together if you want to be successful. If you want to score more TEAM points in camp 3, you should also have a look at the extra activities. This is the GRAMMAR Stage in which you will learn about the Passive Voice.

Check your Passive forms!

Solve the crossword puzzle

It's probably a good idea to revise the list of irregular verbs... SB, p. 246-247

Connect active and passive statements that belong together.

It's time for some Rookie Grammar! Fill in the worksheet using GoodNotes on your iPad. You find the worksheet here.

Passive Slave Trade

A TEAM ADventure expedition

Almost there! Keep up the good work!

Welcome back TEAM! Now you are going to work through the forth and final stage of the Adventure Expedition. At the end of this part you will have to work alone and show what you've learned so far in a final test. Your individual score will add to your group's score. This is the Final Stage in which you get a last chance to prepare before your knowledge will be assessed.

Time for some feedback Please take a moment to fill in this evaluation.

Before your final test Make sure you reviewed the Passive Voice as well as the vocabs for this session and are well prepared before you take the final test on your own. There will also be questions about the TEXT stage and the BACKGROUND stage.

If you need some extra practice for the Passive Voice check out this exercise on IServ. The answers are at the bottom of the page.

Warm up

  • make a list of 5 things
  • then tell your group about your ideas
  • go in a circle and only name one thing at a time

Give me 5...

things you can find in a museum

TEXT stage


At the slavery museum


The mask in the first gallery looks like a ...




Question 1/5

At the slavery museum

West Africa



Question 2/5


Where are masks like the one in the gallery still worn today?

At the slavery museum


water pots


Question 3/5


What are udus made of?

At the slavery museum




Question 4/5

Who would like to play a drum?


At the slavery museum



water pot drum

Question 5/5


What is this instrument called?

At the slavery museum


1 correct


2 corrects


3 corrects


4 corrects


0 correct


5 corrects


At the slavery museum

You should read the text again and this time more carefully!

You should read the text again and this time more carefully!

Try to read texts a bit more carefully next time!

Good job! Only one mistake!

Are you sure you have read the text? Read it again and do the quiz again.

Awesome! Very good job!

Listening Questions

The drumming workshop


Why has Mr Skeefe travelled to western Africa?


What does he say about the drums?


Why does Mr Skeefe say that Gareth is like a baby?


What does Mr Skeefe say about Jamaica?


Where are his ancestors from?

(c) answers by Cornelsen (Access 3)

Listen to "the drumming workshop" and take notes on the five questions. Afterwards, check your notes with the answers by clicking on the buttons on the right.duration: 05:40

  • it is in the West Indies
  • he was born there

  • Africa (probably Nigeria)

  • to find out more about the music of his ancestors

  • the udo is played by Igbo women at celebrations
  • the djembe can make three different sounds (pa, pe, pu)
  • you can make different rhythms with these there sounds

  • babies copy the sounds of their mothers, so they learn how to speak
  • Gareth copied the sounds of the drum and has learned the language of the drums

TEXT stage

Camp 1

Great! You've made it here! Before you can finally get some rest, take a moment to review what you've discovered so far. When you are ready, as a TEAM, take the Check-Out Quiz below. Then you can start the next stage.

Learn new words. SB, p. 186 (to lead - ancestor)

This is the official trailer of the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool. Watch it to see some of their objects and galleries.


Extra Material

The slave trade

Extra Material

The slave trade

Look at the plan to understand the cruel conditions under which slaves had been transported across the Atlantic.

Plan of a slave ship

292 slaves could be transported on this level under deck. They had hardly enough space to lie down.

It was almost impossible to stand below deck. Slaves had to crawl if they wanted to move.

130 slaves were assigned spaces on shelves, where they had hardly enough space to sit upright.

Men, women and children were separated. Women were transported on the left, boys in the middle and men on the right. Small children were allowed to move between the areas.

Many of these could not even sit upright, as they were hunched under the shelves where more slaves were slowed.

There was a lot more space reserved for the goods like food and water than for the African captives.

There was no toilet. As a result there was a horrible stench and many slaves became ill. About 20% of the group died during the journey. Sick or dead slaves were thrown overboard.

For a few hours a day, African captives were held on deck and were forced to dance and move around so that they would stay healthy. There were also fed on deck. But there was never enough food.

This was the captain's cabin.

These cabins were reserved for the crew.

Men were usually shackled together at the legs or wrists. Women were usually not shackled.

About 20-30 slaves were held under the poop deck and next to the captain's cabin.

A typical slave ship like this one could transport more than 400 African slaves. But there were cases in which such a ship would transport up to 609 human captives.


Camp 2

This was a cruel stage, wasn't it? But you've made it. Now before you take off your shoes, pass the Check-Out Quiz for this stage.As soon as you are ready to start again, enter the next stage of the expedition.

Learn your new words. SB, p. 186 - 187 (captive - mosque)

Watch this explanation by Studyflix. Ignore the part about the impersonal passive at the end of the film.


Extra Material

The Passive

Work on these exercises:

  • WB, p. 37, no. 7
  • SB, p. 54, no. 1

Work on these exercises:

  • WB, p. 39, no. 10a
  • SB, p. 55, no. 4a+b
If you need help, check out the more help page.

Passive Voice -Simple Present

Passive Voice -Simple Past

Passive Voice -by-agent


The Passive Voice

Work on these exercises:

  • WB, p. 38, no. 8
  • SB, p. 54, no. 2
If you need help, check out the more help page.


After each task, compare and discuss your results with at least one team member and help each other to understand the Passive Voice. Together, you can check the answer sheet on the wall afterwards.



Look at the pictures and together think of funny statements in the passive voice. Try to make as many statements as you can think of.You can click on the picture to see it fullsize.You find examples at the top right corners.

Passive Reports

What has happened here?

The Passive-Voice




Photo by Ian Parker on Unsplash

Photo by Bannon Morrissy on Unsplash

Photo by Jose Antonio Gallego Vázquez on Unsplash

example: The truck was hit by a tornado.

example:The pizza was found left alone by the dog.

example:New wheels were needed for an old wheel chair.

Listen to these songs. Can you hear sentences in the Passive Voice?

  • Take notes
  • Check answers
If you have difficulties hearing examples of the Passive Voice, read the lyrics and find examples there.


Extra material

The Passive Voice (simple present & simple past)

"Sweet Dreams" - by Eurythmics

“You Were Loved” by Whitney Houston

“Almost Lover” by A Fine Frenzy


  • Sweet dreams are made of this (simple present)
  • Some of them want to get used by you (infinitive)
  • Some of them want to be abused (infinitive)

  • We all want to our voices to be heard (infinitive)
  • You were loved by someone (simple past)
  • (were) touched by someone (simple past)
  • (were) held by someone (simple past)

  • My back is turned on you (simple present)
  • So you're gone and I'm haunted (simple present)

Tip This exercise includes the Passive Voice in the simple present, the simple past and the infinitive (e.g. I want to be seen by someone)


Camp 3

Good job! You're almost there! After this long strech make sure you won't forget to add points to your TEAM score before you get ready for the final stage of the TEAM Adventure Expedition.

Learn irregular verbs.

Write a report

from Gareth's perspective

Imagine you are Gareth. After the trip to the museum you decides to write a report about his trip to the International Slavery Museum.

  • what did you learn about the British slave trade?
  • what did you like about the museum?
  • how did you feel?
Remember to use a clear structure (introduction, body with 3-4 paragraphs, conclusion) Try to use lots of Passive Forms as well as Relative Clauses and lots of nice adjectives and linking words.

Extra credit

FINAL stage


You don't have to do this task. This is extra credit and a good exercise on writing texts. Please write your report in Pages and export it as a PDF, which you can send to my email address, if you want to get extra credit: deborah.altenbeck@nigb.de

  1. Do not talk to anybody
  2. Do not use your book
  3. Do not use the internet or apps
  4. Do not tell the others about the test

Rules and regulations

Final Test

FINAL stage


FINAL stage

You've made it!

Wow! There you are! You've been working so hard! Receive your Adventure Expedition Badge and then take a break while you enjoy the view.


Try again