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(ALMOST) GRADUATED? How to access my Thomas More Career Center?

πŸ‘ˆ Click here to see the next steps

New user? Let's sign up

Go to:https://thomasmore.jobteaser.com/en/profiles/new

  • Fill in your name and e-mail address
  • Choose your password
  • Select your programme and graduation year
  • Click on "Register"

  • Login via https://thomasmore.jobteaser.com/
  • Click on icon in right corner
  • Choose Account Settings
  • Go to 'E-mail address' field
  • Change Thomas More e-mail to your personal e-mail
  • Save

Step 2:

πŸ‘ˆ Click here to see the next steps

Already have a profile with your Thomas More e-mail address? Keep in mind that your e-mail will expire . Change it to your personal e-mail address to keep access after graduation.

Step 1:

You're all set! Access your Career Center viahttps://thomasmore.jobteaser.com