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Today's Lesson

Warm Up

Station work

Sum Up

Learning Objective

Today we are going to:- start the station work- use the words and phrases of the topic "body"

Today's Lesson - Learning objective - Warm up

Learning Objective

Body Rock Song:Let's rock, the rock, the body rock, yeah!Listen everybody, get ready for the rock, the rock, the rock, the body rock, yeah!Shake your body, to the beat, arms and hands and legs and feet, head and hair and ears and nose, come on, shake from head to toes!Listen everybody, get ready for the rock, the rock, the rock,the body rock, yeah!Boys and girls, join in please, touch your toes and touch your knees, touch your ears, your nose, your lips, clap your hands and touch your hips. Come one!

Today's lesson- Warm up- Main Activity

Warm Up

Double Circle

How are you?How old are you? What day is it today?What are you wearing?

Today's Lesson - Warm up- Main Activity

Warm Up

Station Work: Station 1: Record your roleplay with the iPadStation 2: Label the body partsStation 3: Role the dice

Warm up- Main Activity - Sum Up

Warm Up

Station work rules: 1) work as a team2) in whisper voice3) ask an expert for help4) look at the tips for help

Warm up- Main Activity - Sum Up

Warm Up


Warm up - Station Work - Sum Up

Learning Objective

Gucken wir uns ein Video der heutigen aufgenommen Rollenspiele an...- was fandet Ihr gut?- was könnte man noch besser machen?

Warm up - Station Work - Sum Up

Learning Objective

Heutiges Ziel:Ich benutze die "Body" Wörter und phrases -> hast Du das gemacht?-> wenn ja, wann und wieso?

Warm up - Station Work - Sum Up

Learning Objective


Warm up - Station Work - Sum Up

Learning Objective

Ten, nine, eight – English is great! Seven, six, five - give me high five! Four, three, two – we are a brilliant crew! And finally one – we are all gone

good bye