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Learn how to express your preferences

let's get started

Giselle Gachagoque

Would rather / would prefer

Imagine that you are at a restaurant for breakfast. You want something to drink, but you are not sure what. When the server walks over to your table, he says: Let me help. Do you prefer coffee or tea?You answer could be: I prefer tea to coffee.

With this excercises you are going to learn how to express a specific or general preference.

PREFER: + Noun +TO + Noun : I prefer coffee to tea PREFER + TO Infinitive + RATHER THAN + Bare Infinitive : I prefer to eat fish rather than (eat) meat to talk about general preferencesWOULD PREFER + TO Infinitive : Would you like to have a cup of coffee? I’d prefer to have some water. = To talk about specific preference

The extructure

How to talk about genral preferences

The formal way

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Complete the games so you can learn : ¡there is not other way to scape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.


Do you prefer coffee or tea?

mmm hello

I prefer tea to coffee

Prueba 1

When we are given choices, there are special phrases we use to say which thing we like more than another. We call these choices “preferences.”


I like cats and dogs but more ducks.

I prefer to read the book insteat to see the movie

I want to go home

Prueba 1

Which one of the next sentences express a preference

If we are comparing things, we can use the expressions: Would rather... than / Would prefer...rather that


Many people enjoys to cooking, but today I just want a hamburger.

The train does not leave at 12 AM, and I have to be there at 11 AM

It's such a fantastic working enviroment. I'd rather work here than in my office.

He obtained his degree. So now he can now work.

Prueba 1

Choose the sentences that matches the explanation before.

Prueba 1

Prueba 2

Prueba 3

Completa cada prueba para superar el juego: ¡no hay otra forma de escapar!

Let's learn more about

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.


Look the video and answer:¿What thinks Luisa about London and New York ?

The waitresses in London are too friendly

She personally think that people in London are more easy going

She like because is more peaceful and quiet

Prueba 2

Look at the video and answerWhat is the most better way to promote the concert?


She can conect with people as DJ and make music

Scartlet should be more commercial and meet the fans

Series on tv and radio that would help

Prueba 2

What they say that the boss should have in considerationListen carefully and choose the correct answer


The team propopose less hours of work, home office days, and bring the personal pets.

The team propoce places to sleep, more food, and more tme excercises.

The team propose have a cafe machine, good chairs and make better the air.

Prueba 2

The extructure

How to talk about genral preferences

The formal way

Let's learn more about

Complete the games so you can learn : ¡there is not other way to scape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.


Another expression that you can use the phrase “like…better” when talking with others.Example: I like tea better than coffee. Which sentence you can use for this video.

The City is good

I don't like to live in a haus

Prueba 3

I like living in the city better.


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