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Students: Merle, Marie and ZoeAdvisor: Ms VP

Born a crime

Chapter 1, 2 and 3

03. Comment Ch. 1


07. Summary Ch. 3

09. Comment Ch. 3

08. Analysis Ch. 3

06. Comment Ch. 2

05. Analysis Ch. 2

04. Summary Ch. 2

02. Analysis Ch. 1

01. Summary Ch. 1

political injustice and conflicts

Side Story

Trevor and his mom want to get to church but jump out of a car

  • Apartheid
  • churches
  • Trevor and his mom
  • riots and corruption in South Africa
  • Trevor and his mother jump out of a car


Frame Story


"We had a very Tom and Jerry like relationship"


"I eventually decided black people needed more time with Jesus because we suffered more"

"Christian Karaoke" - church"We smoked them" - running from the men


"(...) and I kicked everyones ass"

style of writing:

"(...) But thats beside the point. So lets give this Jesus thing a shot."



Personal Opinion and Comment

seggregation and hirachie of colored people in south Africa

Side Story

upbringing and family backround

  • birth and upbringing
  • prohibition of interracial sex
  • Patricias story
  • Trevor's father
  • dynamic between different races

Born a crime.

Frame Story


“ he was quiet and reserved she was wild and free”

Patricia and his father

"She was always out at some club, some party, dancing, meeting people"

  • admirable
  • outgoing
  • fearless
  • independent
  • highly intelligent

adjectives used

Born a crime.

Characterisation of His Mother

Personal Opinion and Comment

genderroles and influences in his life

Side Story

Trevor upsets his whole neighborhood by making them think theres a demon in his house

  • female genderrole
  • no father
  • abusive men in his life
  • prayers and worship
  • poops into kitchen
  • excorcising the demon

Trevor, Pray .

Frame Story


  • author narrates
  • main character is more relatable
  • experiences seem more personal
  • chronological line of events
  • f.e starts with birth
  • inserted flashbacks

first person narrator

  • point of high interest
  • builds tension
  • no monotonie


chronological storytelling

Trevor, Pray.

Narrative Devices

Personal Opinion and comment




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Inform yourself

And do you think, their influence on black communities and families is good or bad?


How do western religions and missionary programs effect South Africa?


Thank you for your attention

Any questions?