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Cruise ship terminal plan threatens Fuerteventura’s waves

As you all know Fuerteventura is one of Europes most popular surf destinations but a new plan to build a harbour for cruise ships is threatening the future of several of the go to waves and the local ecology. The development could affect Lobos, Harbour Left and Rocky Point.As you all can see, this will be a complet disaster.

The expansion of the Corralejo dock will lead to the direct disappearance of two well-known and appreciated spots Punta Elena and El Muelle, and it will be very likely that it will have a very serious impact on the wave of Lobos, the second longest right of Europe, and the first in Spain.

The project for the new port of Corralejo threatens to destroy the already fragile balance of the area by multiplying maritime traffic, adding noise, and waste pollution to an already over-exploited area and above all devaluing what is most beautiful, our biodiversity.It will put in danger our island and tourism industry will be damaged.

After reading the text...

Will you consider making a protest against the construction of a new harbour?Will a new harbour be the solution to improve tourism in the island?Will tourism once be understood from a sustainable perspective?