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Green Screen Summit


July 21st

July 20th

July 22nd

10:20 am

11:00 am

11:40 am

1:00 pm

Coffee Time Live!Morning Giveaways

Session 1

The Merrills

Noa Daniel

Lunch Interviews

Maria Högberg

Jessica Winston

Jen Leban

Erika & Tricia

Tricia Fuglestad

Jenny O'Sullivan

2:00 pm

2:40 pm

3:20 pm

4:00 pm

5:30 pm

Jen Hall

Barbara Bray

The eTwinz

Happy Hour Live!

Jake Kessler

Susan Maynor

Tim Needles

Traci Piltz

Bruce Reicher

Kristina Holzweiss

Cathy Hunt

Erika & Tricia

Erika & Tricia

Coffee Time Live!Morning Giveaways

Coffee Time Live!Morning Giveaways

Session 2

Session 3

& Giveaways

Lunch Interviews

& Giveaways

Lunch Interviews

& Giveaways

Session 5/6

Session 7

Session 8

Session 9

Session 10

Session 11

Session 12

Session 14/15

Session 16

Session 17

Session 18

Tamara Llorens

Tony Gugliotta

Session 19

Session 20

Session 21

Session 23/24

Session 25

Session 26

Session 27

Erika, Tricia & Manny

Happy Hour Live!

Happy Hour Live!


tickets here!

Saturday, July 23rd

Tina Katz

12:20 pm

Conni Mulligan

Session 4

Session 13

Session 22

Celeste Endo

Anita Goodwin

10:00 am

10:20 am

10:oo am

Jason Meltzer

Session 28

Coffee Time Live!Morning Giveaways

Erika & Tricia

11:00 am

Session 29

11:40 am

Janet Corder

Session 30

Erika, Tricia & Manny

Erika, Tricia & Manny

Erika Sandstrom

Rhonda Jenkins

Liberty White

Cindy Gonzalez

Amanda Fox



Amazing Presenter Giveaways

Erika & Tricia

Tamara Llorens Tamara Llorens, better known as Chromtastic Teacher, is from Spain. Her tourism degree gave her a chance to travel and live in many different countries and around the world. She believes in the importance of learning a foreign language to better understand people’s culture. She earned a degree in English as a Second Language and a Master’s Degree in Bilingual Education and is in her 10th year as an Elementary Art and English teacher in León Felipe School in Alicante, Spain. She also trains other Foreign Language teachers to learn how to use green screen and different technologies with the goal to inspire them further outside the box and create motivational content for their students. IG: Chromtastic_Teacher Twitter: Chromtastic_T

The Merrills Kristin and Joe are Fourth and First Grade teachers and authors of the InterACTIVE Class series. Together, put a spin on traditional strategies by infusing EdTech with learning that meets the needs of all students. IG: @themerrillsedu Twitter: @themerrillsedu

Noa Daniel Noa Daniel MEd, is a classroom teacher in the York Region District School Board outside Toronto, Canada. Through her consulting work at Building Outside the Blocks she creates personalizing projects and initiatives for schools, boards, and communities. Noa is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Mentoree. She is also a blogger, a children’s book author and podcaster. Noa’s children’s books include Crazy for Canada, Old Timers: The One That Got Away, and her newest, Strum and The Wild Turkeys through EduMatch Publishing. Noa hosts OnEdMentors on voicEd Radio and the former show, The Personal Playlist Podcast. She is also a TEDx and keynote speaker. As a board member of Learning Forward Ontario, Noa strives to contribute to meaningful professional learning opportunities for educators. All of Noa’s work amplifies voice and propels engagement for learners of all ages. She is always building outside the blocks. linktr.ee/NoaDaniel IG @iamnoadaniel Twitter @iamnoadaniel

Maria Högberg Maria, from Sweden, has worked for 30 years in a Swedish preschool where the children are between 1-5 years old. She is currently working as an ICT (information and communication technology) educator in Kumla municipality training preschool educators to use digital tools in a creative way together with the children. She shares her experiences on instagram at Digitalkreativitet, lectures and offers workshops both digitally and on site through her company. She authored the book Digital kreativitet i förskolans undervisning (Digital creativity in preschool teaching) IG: @digitalkreativitet

Jessica Winston Jessica is an Instructional Technology Specialist in San Antonio, TX. She loves all things rainbows and unicorns. She's got an active-duty Air Force husband, and two children on their way to 1st and 6th grade. (*  ̄︿ ̄) #yikes!! She's also got an adorable Houdini kitten named Rainbow Rose! She's hoping to help you and your students find meaningful interactions with technology in the classroom. And hey if you giggle a little during the process that's also a win! IG @mzjwinst Twitter @mzjwinst

Jen Leban Jen is a National Board Certified Visual Arts teacher (EAYA-Young Adult Art) who loves infusing art and design processes into everyday teaching practices. She is a 20+ year teaching veteran with experience teaching grades K-8 in fine arts, technology, and library/makerspace classes. Jen currently works as an Instructional Technology Coach with the Learning Technology Center of Illinois. She is a 2020 IL State Teacher of the Year Finalist, a Teach Plus IL Policy Fellow, a Google Certified Innovator and Coach, and a children’s book illustrator. IG @themrsleban Twitter @mrsleban

Tricia Fuglestad Tricia Fuglestad, K-5 art teacher from Illinois with a MATL in K-12 tech integration. She has successfully blended digital and physical art making with her transdigital lessons to expand the curriculum, give students an opportunity to explore new media, and find transformative ways for students to demonstrate learning dynamically. Tricia’s classroom is featured in educational publications and higher education textbooks. Her students’ Fugleflicks, student-created, art-related videos have screened at international film festivals and won national awards. She has been recognized with many state and national awards for her innovation and dedication to art education by NAEA, IAEA, Golden Apple, PBS, Artsonia, and ISTE. https://linktr.ee/fuglefun IG: Fuglefun Twitter: @TriciaFuglestad

Jenny O'Sullivan Jenny O’Sullivan teaches in the K-5 STEAM Lab at A.D. Henderson University School on the campus of Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL. A former third grade teacher, Jenny’s STEAM students explore augmented reality and green screens, create ceramics using 3D printed rolling pins, write code to solve problems, and more. Named the 2020 FAU Lab School District Teacher of the Year, O’Sullivan has presented on STEAM and technology in the elementary classroom at major education conferences including FETC and ISTE. She currently serves on the National Science Teachers Association's Technology Advisory Board. She blogs occasionally at http://suntansandlessonplans.blogspot.com. Twitter: @suntanslsnplans

Tony GugliottaTony Gugliotta, a video production teacher at Seekonk High School, began teaching after spending 15 years in the broadcast news industry as an on-air reporter, anchor, photographer, and editor. He has covered everything Super Bowls to craft fairs and everything in between. He look forward to sharing ideas and creating together! IG @mr.tonygugs Twitter @MrTonyGugliotta

Jen Hall Jennifer Hall has been an educator for more than twenty-three years and currently serves as an Educational Technology Specialist for Atlanta Public Schools. As a member of the district's Instructional Technology Department, Jen collaborates with teachers to effectively integrate technology in standards-based lessons, works with students to foster college and career readiness skills, provides targeted school-based training, as well as timely and relevant district-wide professional development. Jen's passion is sharing instructional technology tools and strategies to foster student engagement. Jen is a creator, speaker, National Board Certified Educator, ISTE Certified Educator, Google Certified Educator, Innovator, and Trainer as well as a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert and Master Trainer. Jen created her Tech Tips 411 website and weekly newsletter to share apps, tools, resources, ideas, and more. She also shares quick tips, tutorials, lesson highlights, student projects, and live-streamed professional development on her Tech Tips 411 YouTube channel. IG @techtips411 Twitter @apsitjen

Barbara Bray Barbara Bray is an author, podcast host, coach, speaker, and difference-maker. She's been on a mission for over 30 years to transform teaching so learning is authentic and meaningful. Barbara is owner of Computer Strategies, LLC doing business as Rethinking Learning and My eCoach, past co-founder of Personalize Learning, LLC and co-author of Make Learning Personal and How to Personalize Learning. In 2017, Barbara started the Rethinking Learning podcast and #rethink_learning Twitter chat to capture stories defining who we are and why we are here. From these stories, she developed activities for participants to discover and grow the WHY. These activities and stories became the heart of her book, Define Your Why: Own Your Story So You can Live and Learn on Purpose. Since the pandemic, she has been doing presentations, keynotes, and workshops on redefining your WHY during uncertain times, empowering learner agency, and disrupting the status quo. IG @Bbray27 Twitter @Bbray27

eTwinz Alberto and Mario, known as the eTwinz, are award-winning educators and international speakers originally from Spain that moved to Utah several years ago to teach 5th and 6th grade in a Spanish Immersion School. The eTwinz have presented in many conferences and events around the world sharing their expertise to help teachers transform their practice. In 2021, The EdTech Magazine (CDW) included the eTwinz in the "30 K-12 IT Influencers to follow in 2021”. In 2022, the eTwinz were recognized by ISC in their big data research “Top 75 Edruptors of 2021” including them in the 75 most influential educators around the world. Currently, they are working on their PhD focused on future-ready skills. IG @etwinzedu Twitter @eTwinzEDU

Jake Kessler Jake Kessler is a 16 year Educator, Musician, Artist, Producer, Engineer, Mindfulness Practitioner and All-Around Awesome Human. Born and raised on the North Shore of Massachusetts. Second year presenter and most likely responsible for the (not just) in our title lol. So happy to be a part of this event again! Twitter @Mezreal_JK

Susan Maynor Susan Maynor has over 30 years experience in education, serving in both public and independent schools, as a classroom and media communications teacher, curriculum consultant and disruptive agent of change in education. She now serves as learning experience designer for EPiC Elementary in Liberty Public Schools, an innovative, project-based learning community designed to inspire students to be creative and think big. She holds a master’s degree in digital communications, a Missouri gifted certification and has produced media and video stories for small companies, nonprofits, and various educational institutions. She's a no-red-light thinker, passionate about transformative learning and re-imagining education. IG @shmaynor Twitter @shmaynor

Tim NeedlesTim Needles is an artist, educator and author of STEAM Power: Infusing Art Into Your STEM Curriculum. He is a technology integration specialist and teaches art/media at Smithtown School District, is a TEDx Talk speaker, and his work has been featured on NPR, in the New York Times, Columbus Museum of Art, Norman Rockwell Museum, Alexandria Museum of Art, Katonah Museum of Art, and Cape Cod Museum of Art. He’s the recipient of ISTE’s Technology in Action Award and Creativity Award, NAEA’s Eastern Region Art Educator Award & AET Outstanding Teaching Award, and The Rauschenberg Power of Art Award. He’s a National Geographic Certified Teacher, PBS Digital Innovator, a NASA Solar System Ambassador, an ISTE Community leader, Chair of the NAEA ArtEdTech interest Group leader, and Adobe Creative Educator. He’s active on social media at IG @timneedles Twitter @timneedles

Traci Piltz Traci is a K-3 tech integration specialist for her district in Billings, Montana. She loves helping young learners and their teachers discover ways to use technology to create media and share their thinking and learning in new ways. Traci is an Apple Distinguished Educator, PBS KIDS Early Learning Champion and Google Certified Educator. She is thrilled to be a part of this Summit and can’t wait to learn with you! IG: @bpstis Twitter: @TraciPiltz

Bruce Reicher Dad, Husband, Author, Technology Teacher. State presenter & BOE member. Wakelet Ambassador, Brainpop CBE, Google Certified Level 1&2. @icodeinschool Codesters & @Wevideo Ambassador Knick & Met Fan, My Own Views. Proud member of local board of education. @breicher

Kristina HolzweissKristina A. Holzweiss is a high school educational technology enrichment specialist on Long Island, New York. Kristina was named the School Library Journal Librarian of the Year in 2015, a National School Board 2016 - 2017 "20 to Watch" emerging education technology leader, and a 2018 Library Journal Mover & Shaker. She is also the winner of the 2015 NYSCATE Lee Bryant Outstanding Teacher Award and 2015 Long Island Technology Summit Fred Podolski Leadership and Innovation Award. In 2015 she founded SLIME - Students of Long Island Maker Expo (slimemakerexpo.com) where schools, libraries, museums, nonprofit organizations, civic associations, and educational companies can celebrate creativity and innovation. Kristina is an international speaker on the libraries and the Maker Movement, and has presented at conferences including ISTE, AASL, ALA, and NYSCATE. In 2016 she was invited to represent Long Island, NY in Washington, D.C. during the National Week of Making. Kristina is the Long Island Director for NYSCATE, an affiliate of ISTE. IG @lieberrian Twitter @lieberrian

Cathy Hunt Cathy is an advocate for the creative integration of technology in education, developing ground-breaking programs for students around the world that combine hands-on, tactile and collaborative ways of working with mobile devices. As an award-winning educational consultant, presenter, author and experienced Visual Art, Design Technologies, Media Art, STEAM and Digital Technologies teacher on Australia’s Gold Coast, she has worked with thousands of teachers globally to connect creative technology and cutting-edge pedagogical approaches with diverse learners. Through her bestselling books, dynamic presentations and workshops across the globe for schools, and work for prominent cultural organisations and galleries including the National Gallery of Australia, Cathy models and promotes learning across subject areas that leverages ‘hands-on making’ with 21st Century skills and tools. She has delivered keynotes for Cue and iPadpalooza in the USA, been on the big stage for the world’s large edtech conference ‘ISTE’, and many other other events. Cathy is probably best known for her work on iPadartroom.com, a home base for educators to engage with innovative ideas, resources and technology for learning in that combines paint and pixels. Her site has grown to become the ‘go-to’ resource for teachers leveraging mobile devices for creativity. Cathy is an Apple Distinguished Educator currently serving on the Advisory Board for the Asia-Pacific region. Recent accolades include the 2016 International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) Mobile Learning Innovation Award, two Digital Innovation in Learning Award honourable mentions from Edsurge/Digital Promise and 21st Century Learning International’s Teacher of the Year finalist. Cathy’s iBook, ‘More iPad Art’ also won Best Non-Fiction and Best Reference title at the iBA Awards IG @ipadartroom Twitter @art_cathyhunt

This LINK will take you to the private Facebook Group where you can view the LIVE coffees, giveaways, and happy hours. You must be a registered attendee to join.

This LINK will take ticket holders to the Teachable platform to view the sessions beginning July 20th.

  • Use the top credentials of this page and ignore the log in with Teachable button:https://erika-sandstrom-s-school.teachable.com/login
  • You will be able to see the courses that they have purchased on their account. After logging in, you can select the course and gain access to the curriculum.
  • You should have been sent an email to create a password when they purchased the course or created their account
  • If they do not remember it, they can use the "Forgot Password" link in purple on the login page to reset it.
Next you will need to find "my products" Erika will show you in this video.

Session Title: Creating Green Screen Experiences in the Foreign Language and Art classroom. Session Description: My session will provide you with ideas on how to bring your classroom to life with the magic of green screen, as well as other cool apps that can take our lessons to the next level. I will show you how to visualize learning and implement this technology with gamification, storytelling, CLIL, and cultural content to make your English and Art lessons more engaging and fun. Last but not least, I will share with you how to display all your students’ green screen work in a virtual 3D space.

Session Title: Digital Creativity with Littles & Tips on the Magic of Green Session Description: In my session I will show how young children (1-5 years old) use digital tools in preschool in Sweden in a creative way. How they create with green screen, program with robots, investigate with web microscopes and create environments with projectors. I will also show how to use green objects to play and create using the Green Screen app by Do Ink.

Session Title: Using Animation to Teach SEL Session Description: Draw over video, animate from under your paper, and share your feelings with paper lips. Trust me, it will not only make sense, but make you want to create and explore different ways to use rotoscope animation, stop motion animation, and simple iPad apps to help students dynamically and creatively express emotions through art.

Session Title: Making Learning Stick with InterACTIVE Flipgrid Stickers! Session Description: Level up student video creation with custom made photo frames, stickers and overlays. Join Kristin and Joe Merrill, fourth and first grade teachers and authors of the InterACTIVE Class series, as they share how to engage your learners by creating your own custom Flipgrid Photo Stickers. These stickers are images with transparent backgrounds that may be placed on top of response videos both before and during recording. Turn students into famous historical figures, drop them into a storybook, or teach them to become a live sticker themselves!

Session Title: Breakout the Books! Session Description: Take a look...it's in a book!! Build text-based breakouts in a fast and fun way using Genially's engaging and kid hooking templates! I'll even share how you can make guest appearances within your breakout with a little green screen magic!! This session will walk you through breakout organization, time-saving hacks, and more. Getting stuck in a good book never looked so good!

Session Title: Green Screen, AR, and Core Curriculum - Oh, my! Session Description: Using technology in the classroom is fun, but it is also a powerful tool teachers can leverage to engage students in the core curriculum. Explore different ways to use green screen, augmented reality, CAD, and Merge Cubes as creation tools to allow students to demonstrate their understanding of academic content.

Session Title: Building Outside the Blocks Session Description: In my session, I will share a few Building Outside the Blocks projects, aka BOBs, where students could use an array of the tools they are learning through the other presenters to build skill, autonomy and community in meaningful ways. Some of the BOBs I will share are: The Personal Playlist Project, What's In a Name (WIN), Master Storyteller, Precious Cargo, and Healthy Start.

Session Title: Making Books Come to Life With Green Screen Magic! Session Description: As a former K-5 librarian and illustrator of children's books, I'm always looking for ways to promote my work and to engage students in stories. In this session, I'll show you how you can use green screen techniques to put students into the books that you read in class and make stories come to life!

Session Title: If I Can Do It, YOU Can Too! Session Description: Accompany Tina as she takes you on a “How to get started” journey. She will show you where to find everyday items for green screening, how to organize all these items, and how to implement in the classroom or on the go. Green screen magic can happen in the primary classroom! Join Tina to see how!

Session Title: Social Media Madness Session Description: This session will show you how to design those ultra-popular social media tiles that promote an event or person. These are typically used by athletic organizations to report game schedules, player accomplishments, and score updates. It's so easy and will make you the HIT of your school and town!!

Session Title: Stranger Pedagogy: Using Canva to turn instruction Upside Down Session Description: In this session I will talk about how to use pop culture, like Stranger Things, to reach and engage students! I will show you how to create your own stranger things fonts, intro videos, virtual classrooms, themed lessons, and graphic organizers all within Canva!

Session Title: Creating and Sharing is Simple with Seesaw! Session Description: I love making media with little learners to give them new ways to share their thinking and learning! In this session, we'll explore Seesaw - one of my favorite creation tools - and how easy it is to save & share all of your other creations to Seesaw. We'll look at apps like Scratch Jr. and how to easily share your media creations to Seesaw! Participants will receive a brief introduction to Seesaw and and some hands-on time creating in a Seesaw class.

Session Title: Creating Cool Clips & Fun Flicks Session Description: Are you looking for ways to increase student engagement? Are you seeking creative projects and new tools? Explore ideas, apps and resources for creating quick video projects as well as short films. Project examples are adaptable across subjects and grade-bands.

Session Title: Can you hear the THUNDER?! Sound Design and Editing for Video Session Description: In my epic session I will share some tips and tricks on how to make your videos sound AMAZING! Want fantastic sword battles? I got you! Want to hear that fire crackling? We can do that! Want to have a blast finding, recording and editing your own sounds? Perfect! I will show you both pre and post recording techniques, sound editing you can share with your students and some other super secret ways to make your video sound EPIC!

Session Title: Passion Projects Video Creation Session Description: Learn about the best project ever!! Passion projects taps into what students want to learn. Once they have a topic they research and then create videos about their project. This session will cover everything a teacher will need from A-Z. Examples will be given of all students video and video of the culminating Passion Project Festival. This is a must for every classroom.

Session Title: Making Presentations POP! Tips & Tricks 2022 Session Description: Your presentation has a great message. What do you need to make your presentation pop so you empower your audience to take action? Join Barbara’s #GreenScreenSummit session where she shares new tips and tricks you can use right away: Learn how to …

  • improve lighting and sound when presenting online.
  • use new features in Canva that will spark the creative and innovative YOU.
  • set up a green screen using Zoom with customized virtual backgrounds, avatars, and more.
  • access and create a collection of resources for your presentation in Wakelet.
  • discover amazing resources, lessons, and ideas in FLIP.
During one of the happy hours, Barbara will be sharing some fun facts and is also giving away two copies of her book.

Session Title: Create for A Cause Session Description: Our world is steeped in visual story. In this session, participants will learn and experience an authentic production process from concept development to distribution, designed as an instructional model to integrate into any class or content. Participants will explore video storytelling tell a story about humans’ environmental impact on the earth from the perspective of the affected animal/person. This session integrates the sustainable development goals of Responsible Consumption/Production, Climate Action, and Life Below Water. Participants are encouraged to bring an iPad or ChromeBook. We will spotlight Adobe Spark and Keynote. Resources, student examples, and ideas will be shared.

Session Title: Creativity and Accessibility Session Description: Find out how the green screen and video editing can open up a world of creativity for our diverse learners.

Session Title: The Ultimate Combo to Unleashed Creativity: Wakelet & Adobe Creative Cloud Express Session Description: Do you want to learn how to app smash Wakelet and Adobe Creative Cloud Express to spark the creativity of your learners? Join us on this session full of resources and real-world examples! What are you waiting for?

Session Title: Storytelling With New Media Session Description: Learn a variety of innovative and creative approaches to storytelling using different visual technologies such as augmented reality, video games, green screen, and animation that can be utilized in any learning environment.

Session Title: Green is GOLD! Session Description: More than ever it should be obvious that schools are special places, filled with rich opportunities to learn together. This session will be an uplifting, flyover view of the incredible creative work our teachers are doing around the globe in challenging and diverse setting, and an absolute treasure trove of inspiration. Get ready to fill your basket with green screen goodness, new creativity apps, workflows and tasks… this is a share-fest you have got to join. This presentation will include a user-friendly introductory lecture on the importance of creativity, technology and the arts in education. We’ll unpack the benefits of using mobile devices in the classroom, messy making and iterative learning practices, and hands-on hybrid work flows for learning so you can advocate for these opportunities in your schools. And how good is green screen? Let’s dig deeper into the relational, cognitive, fine motor and creative benefits that emerge from this powerful, flexible tool. We’ll then connect these concepts with a showcase of practical, classroom-ready examples for you to take away and remix. This session is for all teachers P-12 interested in super-charging student creativity, hands-on hybrid activities in P-12 classrooms, tactile learning and tra-digital workflows! Bring some ideas to share!

Rhonda JenkinsRhonda is currently a Library Media Center Director in a K-5 building in Naperville, Illinois. She has been a teacher for 22 years. She is an avid reader, computer geek, gardener, and a lover of languages. She has a creative soul and 22 great-nieces and nephews! She was also recognized as Illinois Librarian of the Year by the Association of Illinois School Library Educators. IG @iluv2teachtech Twitter @luv2teachtech

Conni Burke Mulligan Conni Burke Mulligan is a K-12 Technology Integration Specialist currently working as a Technology Facilitator at a high school in Charlotte, NC. As a technology integration specialist, Conni focuses on seamless technology integration for all K-12 administrators and teachers across all curricular areas. Through puppetry, her workshops and sessions focus on a series that she calls, "Tra-Digital Storytelling." A blend of where and what our students know in this digital world with traditional puppetry storytelling techniques and hands-on puppet building skills. She has presented at various conferences and workshops focusing on technology integration (ISTE, ICE, DEN, FETC, NCTies, SC EdTech and online) and puppetry (Virtual Puppet Con 2020: Northeast Edition, NCPF Online Summer 2020 (National Capital Puppetry Festival), PofA, PofA-Southeast Regional Festival and PofA-PIET IG @Dancinghandpuppets Twitter @CurlyTeach

Session Title: Wait! What? WeVideo can do that? Session Description: Sometimes the task of teaching the art of making videos can seem daunting. With WeVideo I assure you it's easier than you think! You don't have to be an expert! You just need to know a little more than your students. Join me as I take you through basic steps that will leave you with the know how and courage to take some giant steps on your own! We'll take a look at personal and classroom WeVideo! You'll come away with ideas you can implement right away!

Session Title: Tra-Digital Storytelling: Greenscreen Puppet Magic Session Description: Puppets are not just for the "littles!" We will explore how to use various styles of puppetry (for all grade and age levels) in conjunction with green screen technology to immerse the viewer into the story. Puppetry is an ancient storytelling artform that can be dated back to shadow stories displayed on cave walls by firelight. Through the various styles/forms of puppetry (Hand, Rod, Stick, Marionettes, etc.) that are available, the possibilities are endless for students. This is a wonderful storytelling tool that will can be used for Problem/Project Based Learning and also fits into all STEM and STEAM curriculum environments.

Jason Meltzer Jason Meltzer, Ph.D. is currently a technology integrator and technology teacher at Oak Grove School District #68 in Green Oaks, IL. In this K-8 one-school, school district, he has worked with students and teachers of all grade levels on strategies of incorporating creative digital imagery and video into classroom instruction. As a technology integrator, he also uses his skills as a Google Certified Trainer and Apple Teacher to help all teachers streamline classroom logistics and create collaborative assignments. Additionally, he focuses on helping the other teachers in the Art Department find the appropriate tools to support their teaching and community communication. For many years Jason has presented at workshops and conferences helping other teachers understand a variety of multimedia tools. Topics have included Graphic Design, Filmmaking, Green screen, Microphones, Stop-Motion, and Music Composition. Recently, he presented a 5-year study of 6th grade students that explored their attitudes and skills regarding technology. IG @Jasonmelt800 Twitter @JasonMelt

Session Title: Demystifying Audio: How to Improve Your Sound Session Description: Video and sound go hand-in-hand, so why is it so hard to get good audio? Can you think of a bad experience you had with a live or recorded event? In this presentation, you will learn about different types of microphones and their pick-up patterns. We will also recommend equipment that works well with iPads, computers, cameras, and live events. You will walk away knowing what questions to ask when recording your next group. And you will have a basic understanding of all the types of analog and digital cables. Be sure to “speak into the microphone” if you have any more questions.

Janet Corder I am an educational technology consultant specializing in technology integration, BYOD implementations, mobile learning devices, and online professional development. My passion for assisting educators learn new strategies for successfully integrating technology into their curriculum has provided me with many opportunities to present at national, state, and local conferences and in school districts throughout the United States. I have co-authored four books on technology integration and professional development. I have served in various positions for the Texas Computer Education Association Board of Directors for several years and was awarded ISTE’s Making It Happen award given to leaders in educational technology. Recently I was named an ISTE20 Featured Voice.I am an educational technology consultant specializing in technology integration, BYOD implementations, mobile learning devices, and online professional development. My passion for assisting educators learn new strategies for successfully integrating technology into their curriculum has provided me with many opportunities to present at national, state, and local conferences and in school districts throughout the United States. I have co-authored four books on technology integration and professional development. I have served in various positions for the Texas Computer Education Association Board of Directors for several years and was awarded ISTE’s Making It Happen award given to leaders in educational technology. Recently I was named an ISTE20 Featured Voice. Twitter @corderj

Session Title: Green Screen Magic! Session Description: Your K-12 students can easily create videos for storytelling, book reviews, historical reenactments, weather reports and more using Green Screen Technology. Janet and Joan will show you how to create awesome videos with an iPad, some cool apps and various inexpensive green screen backgrounds.

Erika Sandström Erika is a Digital Learning Coach and a 6-8 as Digital Media Teacher specializing in Green Screen and Video Production. In her 31st year, she has created and presented Mindfulness Professional Development globally and serves as a leader for her District’s SEL Core Team. Her passion is to help educators, students and parents globally through a movement called #MyBreathingBubble to incorporate Mindfulness into everyday tasks and beyond! Dubbed “Green Screen Gal”, Erika shares her passions as a featured speaker at conferences, through professional development and online webinars and creates online courses. She has hosted LIVE webinars for Wakelet, WeVideo, Adobe, and presented in educational summits, podcasts, as well as Climate Action Day. Erika also hosted the 1st annual Green Screen Summit in July 2021 and recently was featured on the cover of the of Ed Tech K12 Magazine. Her dream is to help others harness the power of balancing their MIND, BODY and SPIRITS in creative ways! IG @GreenScreenGal44 Twitter @GreenScreenGal

Session Title: THE JOY is "REEL" Description: PLAY is one of the healthiest things kids can do…and truthfully adults too! Green Screen and creative video production can provide endless opportunities for PLAY and cultivate immense joy and creativity in the process! Join me for a GUARANTEED good time learning not only some easy media ideas for your students, but also some FUN classroom (Green Screen projects) along with classroom management! In this session we will explore how to incorporate creative REELS into ANY curriculum as well as creating interactive GRIDS for innovative deep learning about important subjects including SEL and Climate Change! Most importantly, we will have a ton of FUN creating some together! Time to join the #GreenScreenFever train y'all!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events! Featuring Manny Curiel, head of community for EdPuzzle and co-host of the first annual Green Screen Summit IG @mannydiscotech Twitter @MannyDiscoTech

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take you to the private Facebook Group where you can view the LIVE coffees, giveaways, and happy hours

This LINK will take ticket holders to the Teachable platform to view the sessions beginning July 20th.

Celeste Endo In 6th grade, Esther Michiko Goto gave Celeste and her classmates a golden ticket opportunity to star in a class film. It had pirates “arrgh”, treasure, Can Can dancers, and Snoopy in every scene! Each child got a starry picture in the Director’s chair! Lovingly scripted and directed by Miss Goto, it was an experience that transcended education. Everybody mattered, worked hard, and had an incredibly FUN time! Celeste never forgot being part of Miss Goto’s class that shifted life trajectories towards better paths. Celeste was so happy to meet Miss Goto decades later and introduce her two children to the teacher who shaped their family’s lives for good. In honor of Esther Michiko Goto and all the kindhearted teachers who help people thrive, Celeste hopes to helpfully strive! brainbowconnection IG @tinkthinktank Twitter @celyendo

Session Title: Sparkle in Our Own Way Anime and Cosplay Session Description:Our Tink Think Tank Tech Team (T5) used WeVideo to collaborate on our Anime: bit.ly/letsgojapan It was selected for the 2021 Cultural Animation Film Festival. My student editor and I will share the process to create the movie virtually. Lots of app smashing needed since it was done remotely, students turned in art with a Google Form and we used Google Meets to plan and craft. Stopmotion origami was also used and Canva too. Cosplay- will share how I used green screen and the behind the scenes process to create a video based on Computer Science curriculum I teach. It was meaningful to the 5th Graders Moving Up and was shown at the year end virtual assembly: bit.ly/IfElsaConditionals

Amanda Fox Amanda Fox, is an educator and author currently living in Louisville, Kentucky and the founder of STEAMPunksEdu.com and MetaInkBooks.com. She has taught English Language Arts, Social Studies, Film, Journalism, and enjoys writing, illustrating, and cooking in her free time. Recipient of the 2016 ISTE Emerging Leader Award, recognized as a PBS Digital innovator for her initiatives in enhancing student learning with technology, Fox has also served as President of the Young Educator Network for ISTE, and received the President's Volunteer Award in 2018. She is the author of The Canva Classroom, The Quiver Classroom, Teachingland: A Teacher's Survival Guide to the Classroom Apocalypse, Zom-Be A Design Thinker, and Markertown. Learn more or connect with Amanda on Twitter @AmandaFoxSTEM IG @amandafoxpopuli Twitter @AmandaFoxSTEM

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events! Featuring Manny Curiel, head of community for EdPuzzle and co-host of the first annual Green Screen Summit IG @mannydiscotech Twitter @MannyDiscoTech

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events! Featuring Manny Curiel, head of community for EdPuzzle and co-host of the first annual Green Screen Summit IG @mannydiscotech Twitter @MannyDiscoTech

Tina KatzTina Katz, former classroom teacher (primarily 1st grade) turned Instructional Technology Coach, is in her 23rd year of education. She is a nationally board certified teacher in literacy who strives to create a digitally savvy classroom culture. It is important to her to create an environment that thrives on collaboration, creativity, voice and choice! She loves all things with green screen, animation, and design. Her passion for all things tech is evident daily with students and staff. Twitter @thefrogpond102

Session Title: How to Create Snackable Content Like an 8 Year Old Session Description: ​Teachers, do you need to tell your compelling story through social media? As an expert in film and marketing, let me help you engage your audience as I break it down into bite-sized pieces. ​

Liberty White Liberty White CEO at CHOZEN MEDIA, a boutique video marketing, and live stream production agency in Atlanta and Toronto (Canada). With nearly 20 years of expertise, Liberty has worked to create solutions to address social and business needs for organizations including, but not limited to: ESPN, United Negro College Fund (UNCF), the Georgia Department of Economic Development, rolling out, and ATL WEBFEST, the first web series festival in the Southeast region of the United States. When she's not fundraising or building CHOZEN MEDIA Kids, a digital entertainment and EdTech platform where parents can find diverse content and programming to help Black children see themselves as the heroes, leaders, and stars of their own stories, she's trying to learn how to play Roblox from her daughter. IG: @chosenmediakids Twitter: @i_am_liberty

Session Title: If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It Session Description: Join me to learn how kindergarten through fourth grade students reach for their dreams. Discover how we integrate video with everyday curriculum, including a computer science twist.

Cindy Gonzalez Cindy Gonzalez, also known as Cindy GO, is a K-4 technology teacher in sunny Miami, Florida. She is also the producer of the school’s morning announcements show produced daily by her fourth graders. She loves to find ways to create interactive learning and to integrate video into her technology classes and everyday curriculum. Cindy Go works with her students and teachers to bring their ideas to life using her green screen recording studio and computer science/robotic skills. Twitter CindyGo75

Session Title: There’s no secret “Code” to “Green Screen” Session Description:This session will show you how to app smash the free Scratch Junior Coding App and Green Screen Do Ink App to make a project that can be easily done in your elementary classroom. I’ll take you step by step from start to finish to create a project with me. Then you can take what you learn to use in your classroom next year.

Anita Goodwin Anita Goodwin, also know as Goodwinnovate, former second grade teacher is now a K-6 Innovation teacher in Berne, Indiana. Combining STEM and Makerspace she teachers all K-6 students about coding, robotics, making, creating and more. Some students also learned about stop motion and green screen while creating various projects like the one she will teach in her session. She shares daily in Instagram stories @mrsgoodwinclass all about her Innovation classroom happenings. You can find her work at #GreenScreenEDU and #GreenScreenGURU IG @goodwinnovate Twitter @amsgoodwin

This LIVE Event will feature the presenter giveaways. Make sure got in your extra entry by tagging the presenter and using #GreenScreenSummit in your post! This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

Click Here to make a copy of the Green Screen Summit guide in Canva for collecting links and notes

Welcome to #WeekofAI


10:20 am

11:00 am

11:40 am


Session 1

The Merrills

Noa Daniel

Maria Högberg

Jessica Winston

Jen Leban

Tricia Fuglestad

Jenny O'Sullivan

2:00 pm

2:40 pm

3:20 pm

4:00 pm

5:30 pm

Jen Hall

Barbara Bray

The eTwinz

Happy Hour Live!

Jake Kessler

Susan Maynor

Tim Needles

Traci Piltz

Bruce Reicher

Kristina Holzweiss

Cathy Hunt

Session 2

Session 3

Session 5/6

Session 7

Session 8

Session 9

Session 10

Session 11

Session 12

Session 14/15

Session 16

Session 17

Session 18

Tamara Llorens

Tony Gugliotta

Session 19

Session 20

Session 21

Session 23/24

Session 25

Session 26

Session 27

Erika, Tricia & Manny

Happy Hour Live!

Happy Hour Live!



Saturday, July 23rd

Tina Katz

12:20 pm

Conni Mulligan

Session 4

Session 13

Session 22

Celeste Endo

Anita Goodwin


10:20 am

10:oo am

Jason Meltzer

Session 28

Coffee Time Live!Morning Giveaways

Erika & Tricia

11:00 am

Session 29

11:40 am

Janet Corder

Session 30

Erika, Tricia & Manny

Erika, Tricia & Manny

Erika Sandstrom

Rhonda Jenkins

Liberty White

Cindy Gonzalez

Amanda Fox



Amazing Presenter Giveaways

Erika & Tricia

July 20th

June 17th

June 18th

June 19th

June 14th

June 15th

June 16th

Tamara Llorens Tamara Llorens, better known as Chromtastic Teacher, is from Spain. Her tourism degree gave her a chance to travel and live in many different countries and around the world. She believes in the importance of learning a foreign language to better understand people’s culture. She earned a degree in English as a Second Language and a Master’s Degree in Bilingual Education and is in her 10th year as an Elementary Art and English teacher in León Felipe School in Alicante, Spain. She also trains other Foreign Language teachers to learn how to use green screen and different technologies with the goal to inspire them further outside the box and create motivational content for their students. IG: Chromtastic_Teacher Twitter: Chromtastic_T

The Merrills Kristin and Joe are Fourth and First Grade teachers and authors of the InterACTIVE Class series. Together, put a spin on traditional strategies by infusing EdTech with learning that meets the needs of all students. IG: @themerrillsedu Twitter: @themerrillsedu

Noa Daniel Noa Daniel MEd, is a classroom teacher in the York Region District School Board outside Toronto, Canada. Through her consulting work at Building Outside the Blocks she creates personalizing projects and initiatives for schools, boards, and communities. Noa is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Mentoree. She is also a blogger, a children’s book author and podcaster. Noa’s children’s books include Crazy for Canada, Old Timers: The One That Got Away, and her newest, Strum and The Wild Turkeys through EduMatch Publishing. Noa hosts OnEdMentors on voicEd Radio and the former show, The Personal Playlist Podcast. She is also a TEDx and keynote speaker. As a board member of Learning Forward Ontario, Noa strives to contribute to meaningful professional learning opportunities for educators. All of Noa’s work amplifies voice and propels engagement for learners of all ages. She is always building outside the blocks. linktr.ee/NoaDaniel IG @iamnoadaniel Twitter @iamnoadaniel

Maria Högberg Maria, from Sweden, has worked for 30 years in a Swedish preschool where the children are between 1-5 years old. She is currently working as an ICT (information and communication technology) educator in Kumla municipality training preschool educators to use digital tools in a creative way together with the children. She shares her experiences on instagram at Digitalkreativitet, lectures and offers workshops both digitally and on site through her company. She authored the book Digital kreativitet i förskolans undervisning (Digital creativity in preschool teaching) IG: @digitalkreativitet

Jessica Winston Jessica is an Instructional Technology Specialist in San Antonio, TX. She loves all things rainbows and unicorns. She's got an active-duty Air Force husband, and two children on their way to 1st and 6th grade. (*  ̄︿ ̄) #yikes!! She's also got an adorable Houdini kitten named Rainbow Rose! She's hoping to help you and your students find meaningful interactions with technology in the classroom. And hey if you giggle a little during the process that's also a win! IG @mzjwinst Twitter @mzjwinst

Jen Leban Jen is a National Board Certified Visual Arts teacher (EAYA-Young Adult Art) who loves infusing art and design processes into everyday teaching practices. She is a 20+ year teaching veteran with experience teaching grades K-8 in fine arts, technology, and library/makerspace classes. Jen currently works as an Instructional Technology Coach with the Learning Technology Center of Illinois. She is a 2020 IL State Teacher of the Year Finalist, a Teach Plus IL Policy Fellow, a Google Certified Innovator and Coach, and a children’s book illustrator. IG @themrsleban Twitter @mrsleban

Tricia Fuglestad Tricia Fuglestad, K-5 art teacher from Illinois with a MATL in K-12 tech integration. She has successfully blended digital and physical art making with her transdigital lessons to expand the curriculum, give students an opportunity to explore new media, and find transformative ways for students to demonstrate learning dynamically. Tricia’s classroom is featured in educational publications and higher education textbooks. Her students’ Fugleflicks, student-created, art-related videos have screened at international film festivals and won national awards. She has been recognized with many state and national awards for her innovation and dedication to art education by NAEA, IAEA, Golden Apple, PBS, Artsonia, and ISTE. https://linktr.ee/fuglefun IG: Fuglefun Twitter: @TriciaFuglestad

Jenny O'Sullivan Jenny O’Sullivan teaches in the K-5 STEAM Lab at A.D. Henderson University School on the campus of Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL. A former third grade teacher, Jenny’s STEAM students explore augmented reality and green screens, create ceramics using 3D printed rolling pins, write code to solve problems, and more. Named the 2020 FAU Lab School District Teacher of the Year, O’Sullivan has presented on STEAM and technology in the elementary classroom at major education conferences including FETC and ISTE. She currently serves on the National Science Teachers Association's Technology Advisory Board. She blogs occasionally at http://suntansandlessonplans.blogspot.com. Twitter: @suntanslsnplans

Tony GugliottaTony Gugliotta, a video production teacher at Seekonk High School, began teaching after spending 15 years in the broadcast news industry as an on-air reporter, anchor, photographer, and editor. He has covered everything Super Bowls to craft fairs and everything in between. He look forward to sharing ideas and creating together! IG @mr.tonygugs Twitter @MrTonyGugliotta

Jen Hall Jennifer Hall has been an educator for more than twenty-three years and currently serves as an Educational Technology Specialist for Atlanta Public Schools. As a member of the district's Instructional Technology Department, Jen collaborates with teachers to effectively integrate technology in standards-based lessons, works with students to foster college and career readiness skills, provides targeted school-based training, as well as timely and relevant district-wide professional development. Jen's passion is sharing instructional technology tools and strategies to foster student engagement. Jen is a creator, speaker, National Board Certified Educator, ISTE Certified Educator, Google Certified Educator, Innovator, and Trainer as well as a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert and Master Trainer. Jen created her Tech Tips 411 website and weekly newsletter to share apps, tools, resources, ideas, and more. She also shares quick tips, tutorials, lesson highlights, student projects, and live-streamed professional development on her Tech Tips 411 YouTube channel. IG @techtips411 Twitter @apsitjen

Barbara Bray Barbara Bray is an author, podcast host, coach, speaker, and difference-maker. She's been on a mission for over 30 years to transform teaching so learning is authentic and meaningful. Barbara is owner of Computer Strategies, LLC doing business as Rethinking Learning and My eCoach, past co-founder of Personalize Learning, LLC and co-author of Make Learning Personal and How to Personalize Learning. In 2017, Barbara started the Rethinking Learning podcast and #rethink_learning Twitter chat to capture stories defining who we are and why we are here. From these stories, she developed activities for participants to discover and grow the WHY. These activities and stories became the heart of her book, Define Your Why: Own Your Story So You can Live and Learn on Purpose. Since the pandemic, she has been doing presentations, keynotes, and workshops on redefining your WHY during uncertain times, empowering learner agency, and disrupting the status quo. IG @Bbray27 Twitter @Bbray27

eTwinz Alberto and Mario, known as the eTwinz, are award-winning educators and international speakers originally from Spain that moved to Utah several years ago to teach 5th and 6th grade in a Spanish Immersion School. The eTwinz have presented in many conferences and events around the world sharing their expertise to help teachers transform their practice. In 2021, The EdTech Magazine (CDW) included the eTwinz in the "30 K-12 IT Influencers to follow in 2021”. In 2022, the eTwinz were recognized by ISC in their big data research “Top 75 Edruptors of 2021” including them in the 75 most influential educators around the world. Currently, they are working on their PhD focused on future-ready skills. IG @etwinzedu Twitter @eTwinzEDU

Jake Kessler Jake Kessler is a 16 year Educator, Musician, Artist, Producer, Engineer, Mindfulness Practitioner and All-Around Awesome Human. Born and raised on the North Shore of Massachusetts. Second year presenter and most likely responsible for the (not just) in our title lol. So happy to be a part of this event again! Twitter @Mezreal_JK

Susan Maynor Susan Maynor has over 30 years experience in education, serving in both public and independent schools, as a classroom and media communications teacher, curriculum consultant and disruptive agent of change in education. She now serves as learning experience designer for EPiC Elementary in Liberty Public Schools, an innovative, project-based learning community designed to inspire students to be creative and think big. She holds a master’s degree in digital communications, a Missouri gifted certification and has produced media and video stories for small companies, nonprofits, and various educational institutions. She's a no-red-light thinker, passionate about transformative learning and re-imagining education. IG @shmaynor Twitter @shmaynor

Tim NeedlesTim Needles is an artist, educator and author of STEAM Power: Infusing Art Into Your STEM Curriculum. He is a technology integration specialist and teaches art/media at Smithtown School District, is a TEDx Talk speaker, and his work has been featured on NPR, in the New York Times, Columbus Museum of Art, Norman Rockwell Museum, Alexandria Museum of Art, Katonah Museum of Art, and Cape Cod Museum of Art. He’s the recipient of ISTE’s Technology in Action Award and Creativity Award, NAEA’s Eastern Region Art Educator Award & AET Outstanding Teaching Award, and The Rauschenberg Power of Art Award. He’s a National Geographic Certified Teacher, PBS Digital Innovator, a NASA Solar System Ambassador, an ISTE Community leader, Chair of the NAEA ArtEdTech interest Group leader, and Adobe Creative Educator. He’s active on social media at IG @timneedles Twitter @timneedles

Traci Piltz Traci is a K-3 tech integration specialist for her district in Billings, Montana. She loves helping young learners and their teachers discover ways to use technology to create media and share their thinking and learning in new ways. Traci is an Apple Distinguished Educator, PBS KIDS Early Learning Champion and Google Certified Educator. She is thrilled to be a part of this Summit and can’t wait to learn with you! IG: @bpstis Twitter: @TraciPiltz

Bruce Reicher Dad, Husband, Author, Technology Teacher. State presenter & BOE member. Wakelet Ambassador, Brainpop CBE, Google Certified Level 1&2. @icodeinschool Codesters & @Wevideo Ambassador Knick & Met Fan, My Own Views. Proud member of local board of education. @breicher

Kristina HolzweissKristina A. Holzweiss is a high school educational technology enrichment specialist on Long Island, New York. Kristina was named the School Library Journal Librarian of the Year in 2015, a National School Board 2016 - 2017 "20 to Watch" emerging education technology leader, and a 2018 Library Journal Mover & Shaker. She is also the winner of the 2015 NYSCATE Lee Bryant Outstanding Teacher Award and 2015 Long Island Technology Summit Fred Podolski Leadership and Innovation Award. In 2015 she founded SLIME - Students of Long Island Maker Expo (slimemakerexpo.com) where schools, libraries, museums, nonprofit organizations, civic associations, and educational companies can celebrate creativity and innovation. Kristina is an international speaker on the libraries and the Maker Movement, and has presented at conferences including ISTE, AASL, ALA, and NYSCATE. In 2016 she was invited to represent Long Island, NY in Washington, D.C. during the National Week of Making. Kristina is the Long Island Director for NYSCATE, an affiliate of ISTE. IG @lieberrian Twitter @lieberrian

Cathy Hunt Cathy is an advocate for the creative integration of technology in education, developing ground-breaking programs for students around the world that combine hands-on, tactile and collaborative ways of working with mobile devices. As an award-winning educational consultant, presenter, author and experienced Visual Art, Design Technologies, Media Art, STEAM and Digital Technologies teacher on Australia’s Gold Coast, she has worked with thousands of teachers globally to connect creative technology and cutting-edge pedagogical approaches with diverse learners. Through her bestselling books, dynamic presentations and workshops across the globe for schools, and work for prominent cultural organisations and galleries including the National Gallery of Australia, Cathy models and promotes learning across subject areas that leverages ‘hands-on making’ with 21st Century skills and tools. She has delivered keynotes for Cue and iPadpalooza in the USA, been on the big stage for the world’s large edtech conference ‘ISTE’, and many other other events. Cathy is probably best known for her work on iPadartroom.com, a home base for educators to engage with innovative ideas, resources and technology for learning in that combines paint and pixels. Her site has grown to become the ‘go-to’ resource for teachers leveraging mobile devices for creativity. Cathy is an Apple Distinguished Educator currently serving on the Advisory Board for the Asia-Pacific region. Recent accolades include the 2016 International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) Mobile Learning Innovation Award, two Digital Innovation in Learning Award honourable mentions from Edsurge/Digital Promise and 21st Century Learning International’s Teacher of the Year finalist. Cathy’s iBook, ‘More iPad Art’ also won Best Non-Fiction and Best Reference title at the iBA Awards IG @ipadartroom Twitter @art_cathyhunt

This LINK will take you to the private Facebook Group where you can view the LIVE coffees, giveaways, and happy hours. You must be a registered attendee to join.

Session Title: Creating Green Screen Experiences in the Foreign Language and Art classroom. Session Description: My session will provide you with ideas on how to bring your classroom to life with the magic of green screen, as well as other cool apps that can take our lessons to the next level. I will show you how to visualize learning and implement this technology with gamification, storytelling, CLIL, and cultural content to make your English and Art lessons more engaging and fun. Last but not least, I will share with you how to display all your students’ green screen work in a virtual 3D space.

Session Title: Digital Creativity with Littles & Tips on the Magic of Green Session Description: In my session I will show how young children (1-5 years old) use digital tools in preschool in Sweden in a creative way. How they create with green screen, program with robots, investigate with web microscopes and create environments with projectors. I will also show how to use green objects to play and create using the Green Screen app by Do Ink.

Session Title: Using Animation to Teach SEL Session Description: Draw over video, animate from under your paper, and share your feelings with paper lips. Trust me, it will not only make sense, but make you want to create and explore different ways to use rotoscope animation, stop motion animation, and simple iPad apps to help students dynamically and creatively express emotions through art.

Session Title: Making Learning Stick with InterACTIVE Flipgrid Stickers! Session Description: Level up student video creation with custom made photo frames, stickers and overlays. Join Kristin and Joe Merrill, fourth and first grade teachers and authors of the InterACTIVE Class series, as they share how to engage your learners by creating your own custom Flipgrid Photo Stickers. These stickers are images with transparent backgrounds that may be placed on top of response videos both before and during recording. Turn students into famous historical figures, drop them into a storybook, or teach them to become a live sticker themselves!

Session Title: Breakout the Books! Session Description: Take a look...it's in a book!! Build text-based breakouts in a fast and fun way using Genially's engaging and kid hooking templates! I'll even share how you can make guest appearances within your breakout with a little green screen magic!! This session will walk you through breakout organization, time-saving hacks, and more. Getting stuck in a good book never looked so good!

Session Title: Green Screen, AR, and Core Curriculum - Oh, my! Session Description: Using technology in the classroom is fun, but it is also a powerful tool teachers can leverage to engage students in the core curriculum. Explore different ways to use green screen, augmented reality, CAD, and Merge Cubes as creation tools to allow students to demonstrate their understanding of academic content.

Session Title: Building Outside the Blocks Session Description: In my session, I will share a few Building Outside the Blocks projects, aka BOBs, where students could use an array of the tools they are learning through the other presenters to build skill, autonomy and community in meaningful ways. Some of the BOBs I will share are: The Personal Playlist Project, What's In a Name (WIN), Master Storyteller, Precious Cargo, and Healthy Start.

Session Title: Making Books Come to Life With Green Screen Magic! Session Description: As a former K-5 librarian and illustrator of children's books, I'm always looking for ways to promote my work and to engage students in stories. In this session, I'll show you how you can use green screen techniques to put students into the books that you read in class and make stories come to life!

Session Title: If I Can Do It, YOU Can Too! Session Description: Accompany Tina as she takes you on a “How to get started” journey. She will show you where to find everyday items for green screening, how to organize all these items, and how to implement in the classroom or on the go. Green screen magic can happen in the primary classroom! Join Tina to see how!

Session Title: Social Media Madness Session Description: This session will show you how to design those ultra-popular social media tiles that promote an event or person. These are typically used by athletic organizations to report game schedules, player accomplishments, and score updates. It's so easy and will make you the HIT of your school and town!!

Session Title: Stranger Pedagogy: Using Canva to turn instruction Upside Down Session Description: In this session I will talk about how to use pop culture, like Stranger Things, to reach and engage students! I will show you how to create your own stranger things fonts, intro videos, virtual classrooms, themed lessons, and graphic organizers all within Canva!

Session Title: Creating and Sharing is Simple with Seesaw! Session Description: I love making media with little learners to give them new ways to share their thinking and learning! In this session, we'll explore Seesaw - one of my favorite creation tools - and how easy it is to save & share all of your other creations to Seesaw. We'll look at apps like Scratch Jr. and how to easily share your media creations to Seesaw! Participants will receive a brief introduction to Seesaw and and some hands-on time creating in a Seesaw class.

Session Title: Creating Cool Clips & Fun Flicks Session Description: Are you looking for ways to increase student engagement? Are you seeking creative projects and new tools? Explore ideas, apps and resources for creating quick video projects as well as short films. Project examples are adaptable across subjects and grade-bands.

Session Title: Can you hear the THUNDER?! Sound Design and Editing for Video Session Description: In my epic session I will share some tips and tricks on how to make your videos sound AMAZING! Want fantastic sword battles? I got you! Want to hear that fire crackling? We can do that! Want to have a blast finding, recording and editing your own sounds? Perfect! I will show you both pre and post recording techniques, sound editing you can share with your students and some other super secret ways to make your video sound EPIC!

Session Title: Passion Projects Video Creation Session Description: Learn about the best project ever!! Passion projects taps into what students want to learn. Once they have a topic they research and then create videos about their project. This session will cover everything a teacher will need from A-Z. Examples will be given of all students video and video of the culminating Passion Project Festival. This is a must for every classroom.

Session Title: Making Presentations POP! Tips & Tricks 2022 Session Description: Your presentation has a great message. What do you need to make your presentation pop so you empower your audience to take action? Join Barbara’s #GreenScreenSummit session where she shares new tips and tricks you can use right away: Learn how to …

  • improve lighting and sound when presenting online.
  • use new features in Canva that will spark the creative and innovative YOU.
  • set up a green screen using Zoom with customized virtual backgrounds, avatars, and more.
  • access and create a collection of resources for your presentation in Wakelet.
  • discover amazing resources, lessons, and ideas in FLIP.
During one of the happy hours, Barbara will be sharing some fun facts and is also giving away two copies of her book.

Session Title: Create for A Cause Session Description: Our world is steeped in visual story. In this session, participants will learn and experience an authentic production process from concept development to distribution, designed as an instructional model to integrate into any class or content. Participants will explore video storytelling tell a story about humans’ environmental impact on the earth from the perspective of the affected animal/person. This session integrates the sustainable development goals of Responsible Consumption/Production, Climate Action, and Life Below Water. Participants are encouraged to bring an iPad or ChromeBook. We will spotlight Adobe Spark and Keynote. Resources, student examples, and ideas will be shared.

Session Title: Creativity and Accessibility Session Description: Find out how the green screen and video editing can open up a world of creativity for our diverse learners.

Session Title: The Ultimate Combo to Unleashed Creativity: Wakelet & Adobe Creative Cloud Express Session Description: Do you want to learn how to app smash Wakelet and Adobe Creative Cloud Express to spark the creativity of your learners? Join us on this session full of resources and real-world examples! What are you waiting for?

Session Title: Storytelling With New Media Session Description: Learn a variety of innovative and creative approaches to storytelling using different visual technologies such as augmented reality, video games, green screen, and animation that can be utilized in any learning environment.

Session Title: Green is GOLD! Session Description: More than ever it should be obvious that schools are special places, filled with rich opportunities to learn together. This session will be an uplifting, flyover view of the incredible creative work our teachers are doing around the globe in challenging and diverse setting, and an absolute treasure trove of inspiration. Get ready to fill your basket with green screen goodness, new creativity apps, workflows and tasks… this is a share-fest you have got to join. This presentation will include a user-friendly introductory lecture on the importance of creativity, technology and the arts in education. We’ll unpack the benefits of using mobile devices in the classroom, messy making and iterative learning practices, and hands-on hybrid work flows for learning so you can advocate for these opportunities in your schools. And how good is green screen? Let’s dig deeper into the relational, cognitive, fine motor and creative benefits that emerge from this powerful, flexible tool. We’ll then connect these concepts with a showcase of practical, classroom-ready examples for you to take away and remix. This session is for all teachers P-12 interested in super-charging student creativity, hands-on hybrid activities in P-12 classrooms, tactile learning and tra-digital workflows! Bring some ideas to share!

Rhonda JenkinsRhonda is currently a Library Media Center Director in a K-5 building in Naperville, Illinois. She has been a teacher for 22 years. She is an avid reader, computer geek, gardener, and a lover of languages. She has a creative soul and 22 great-nieces and nephews! She was also recognized as Illinois Librarian of the Year by the Association of Illinois School Library Educators. IG @iluv2teachtech Twitter @luv2teachtech

Conni Burke Mulligan Conni Burke Mulligan is a K-12 Technology Integration Specialist currently working as a Technology Facilitator at a high school in Charlotte, NC. As a technology integration specialist, Conni focuses on seamless technology integration for all K-12 administrators and teachers across all curricular areas. Through puppetry, her workshops and sessions focus on a series that she calls, "Tra-Digital Storytelling." A blend of where and what our students know in this digital world with traditional puppetry storytelling techniques and hands-on puppet building skills. She has presented at various conferences and workshops focusing on technology integration (ISTE, ICE, DEN, FETC, NCTies, SC EdTech and online) and puppetry (Virtual Puppet Con 2020: Northeast Edition, NCPF Online Summer 2020 (National Capital Puppetry Festival), PofA, PofA-Southeast Regional Festival and PofA-PIET IG @Dancinghandpuppets Twitter @CurlyTeach

Session Title: Wait! What? WeVideo can do that? Session Description: Sometimes the task of teaching the art of making videos can seem daunting. With WeVideo I assure you it's easier than you think! You don't have to be an expert! You just need to know a little more than your students. Join me as I take you through basic steps that will leave you with the know how and courage to take some giant steps on your own! We'll take a look at personal and classroom WeVideo! You'll come away with ideas you can implement right away!

Session Title: Tra-Digital Storytelling: Greenscreen Puppet Magic Session Description: Puppets are not just for the "littles!" We will explore how to use various styles of puppetry (for all grade and age levels) in conjunction with green screen technology to immerse the viewer into the story. Puppetry is an ancient storytelling artform that can be dated back to shadow stories displayed on cave walls by firelight. Through the various styles/forms of puppetry (Hand, Rod, Stick, Marionettes, etc.) that are available, the possibilities are endless for students. This is a wonderful storytelling tool that will can be used for Problem/Project Based Learning and also fits into all STEM and STEAM curriculum environments.

Jason Meltzer Jason Meltzer, Ph.D. is currently a technology integrator and technology teacher at Oak Grove School District #68 in Green Oaks, IL. In this K-8 one-school, school district, he has worked with students and teachers of all grade levels on strategies of incorporating creative digital imagery and video into classroom instruction. As a technology integrator, he also uses his skills as a Google Certified Trainer and Apple Teacher to help all teachers streamline classroom logistics and create collaborative assignments. Additionally, he focuses on helping the other teachers in the Art Department find the appropriate tools to support their teaching and community communication. For many years Jason has presented at workshops and conferences helping other teachers understand a variety of multimedia tools. Topics have included Graphic Design, Filmmaking, Green screen, Microphones, Stop-Motion, and Music Composition. Recently, he presented a 5-year study of 6th grade students that explored their attitudes and skills regarding technology. IG @Jasonmelt800 Twitter @JasonMelt

Session Title: Demystifying Audio: How to Improve Your Sound Session Description: Video and sound go hand-in-hand, so why is it so hard to get good audio? Can you think of a bad experience you had with a live or recorded event? In this presentation, you will learn about different types of microphones and their pick-up patterns. We will also recommend equipment that works well with iPads, computers, cameras, and live events. You will walk away knowing what questions to ask when recording your next group. And you will have a basic understanding of all the types of analog and digital cables. Be sure to “speak into the microphone” if you have any more questions.

Janet Corder I am an educational technology consultant specializing in technology integration, BYOD implementations, mobile learning devices, and online professional development. My passion for assisting educators learn new strategies for successfully integrating technology into their curriculum has provided me with many opportunities to present at national, state, and local conferences and in school districts throughout the United States. I have co-authored four books on technology integration and professional development. I have served in various positions for the Texas Computer Education Association Board of Directors for several years and was awarded ISTE’s Making It Happen award given to leaders in educational technology. Recently I was named an ISTE20 Featured Voice.I am an educational technology consultant specializing in technology integration, BYOD implementations, mobile learning devices, and online professional development. My passion for assisting educators learn new strategies for successfully integrating technology into their curriculum has provided me with many opportunities to present at national, state, and local conferences and in school districts throughout the United States. I have co-authored four books on technology integration and professional development. I have served in various positions for the Texas Computer Education Association Board of Directors for several years and was awarded ISTE’s Making It Happen award given to leaders in educational technology. Recently I was named an ISTE20 Featured Voice. Twitter @corderj

Session Title: Green Screen Magic! Session Description: Your K-12 students can easily create videos for storytelling, book reviews, historical reenactments, weather reports and more using Green Screen Technology. Janet and Joan will show you how to create awesome videos with an iPad, some cool apps and various inexpensive green screen backgrounds.

Erika Sandström Erika is a Digital Learning Coach and a 6-8 as Digital Media Teacher specializing in Green Screen and Video Production. In her 31st year, she has created and presented Mindfulness Professional Development globally and serves as a leader for her District’s SEL Core Team. Her passion is to help educators, students and parents globally through a movement called #MyBreathingBubble to incorporate Mindfulness into everyday tasks and beyond! Dubbed “Green Screen Gal”, Erika shares her passions as a featured speaker at conferences, through professional development and online webinars and creates online courses. She has hosted LIVE webinars for Wakelet, WeVideo, Adobe, and presented in educational summits, podcasts, as well as Climate Action Day. Erika also hosted the 1st annual Green Screen Summit in July 2021 and recently was featured on the cover of the of Ed Tech K12 Magazine. Her dream is to help others harness the power of balancing their MIND, BODY and SPIRITS in creative ways! IG @GreenScreenGal44 Twitter @GreenScreenGal

Session Title: THE JOY is "REEL" Description: PLAY is one of the healthiest things kids can do…and truthfully adults too! Green Screen and creative video production can provide endless opportunities for PLAY and cultivate immense joy and creativity in the process! Join me for a GUARANTEED good time learning not only some easy media ideas for your students, but also some FUN classroom (Green Screen projects) along with classroom management! In this session we will explore how to incorporate creative REELS into ANY curriculum as well as creating interactive GRIDS for innovative deep learning about important subjects including SEL and Climate Change! Most importantly, we will have a ton of FUN creating some together! Time to join the #GreenScreenFever train y'all!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events! Featuring Manny Curiel, head of community for EdPuzzle and co-host of the first annual Green Screen Summit IG @mannydiscotech Twitter @MannyDiscoTech

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take you to the private Facebook Group where you can view the LIVE coffees, giveaways, and happy hours

This LINK will take ticket holders to the Teachable platform to view the sessions beginning July 20th.

Celeste Endo In 6th grade, Esther Michiko Goto gave Celeste and her classmates a golden ticket opportunity to star in a class film. It had pirates “arrgh”, treasure, Can Can dancers, and Snoopy in every scene! Each child got a starry picture in the Director’s chair! Lovingly scripted and directed by Miss Goto, it was an experience that transcended education. Everybody mattered, worked hard, and had an incredibly FUN time! Celeste never forgot being part of Miss Goto’s class that shifted life trajectories towards better paths. Celeste was so happy to meet Miss Goto decades later and introduce her two children to the teacher who shaped their family’s lives for good. In honor of Esther Michiko Goto and all the kindhearted teachers who help people thrive, Celeste hopes to helpfully strive! brainbowconnection IG @tinkthinktank Twitter @celyendo

Session Title: Sparkle in Our Own Way Anime and Cosplay Session Description:Our Tink Think Tank Tech Team (T5) used WeVideo to collaborate on our Anime: bit.ly/letsgojapan It was selected for the 2021 Cultural Animation Film Festival. My student editor and I will share the process to create the movie virtually. Lots of app smashing needed since it was done remotely, students turned in art with a Google Form and we used Google Meets to plan and craft. Stopmotion origami was also used and Canva too. Cosplay- will share how I used green screen and the behind the scenes process to create a video based on Computer Science curriculum I teach. It was meaningful to the 5th Graders Moving Up and was shown at the year end virtual assembly: bit.ly/IfElsaConditionals

Amanda Fox Amanda Fox, is an educator and author currently living in Louisville, Kentucky and the founder of STEAMPunksEdu.com and MetaInkBooks.com. She has taught English Language Arts, Social Studies, Film, Journalism, and enjoys writing, illustrating, and cooking in her free time. Recipient of the 2016 ISTE Emerging Leader Award, recognized as a PBS Digital innovator for her initiatives in enhancing student learning with technology, Fox has also served as President of the Young Educator Network for ISTE, and received the President's Volunteer Award in 2018. She is the author of The Canva Classroom, The Quiver Classroom, Teachingland: A Teacher's Survival Guide to the Classroom Apocalypse, Zom-Be A Design Thinker, and Markertown. Learn more or connect with Amanda on Twitter @AmandaFoxSTEM IG @amandafoxpopuli Twitter @AmandaFoxSTEM

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events! Featuring Manny Curiel, head of community for EdPuzzle and co-host of the first annual Green Screen Summit IG @mannydiscotech Twitter @MannyDiscoTech

This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events! Featuring Manny Curiel, head of community for EdPuzzle and co-host of the first annual Green Screen Summit IG @mannydiscotech Twitter @MannyDiscoTech

Tina KatzTina Katz, former classroom teacher (primarily 1st grade) turned Instructional Technology Coach, is in her 23rd year of education. She is a nationally board certified teacher in literacy who strives to create a digitally savvy classroom culture. It is important to her to create an environment that thrives on collaboration, creativity, voice and choice! She loves all things with green screen, animation, and design. Her passion for all things tech is evident daily with students and staff. Twitter @thefrogpond102

Session Title: How to Create Snackable Content Like an 8 Year Old Session Description: ​Teachers, do you need to tell your compelling story through social media? As an expert in film and marketing, let me help you engage your audience as I break it down into bite-sized pieces. ​

Liberty White Liberty White CEO at CHOZEN MEDIA, a boutique video marketing, and live stream production agency in Atlanta and Toronto (Canada). With nearly 20 years of expertise, Liberty has worked to create solutions to address social and business needs for organizations including, but not limited to: ESPN, United Negro College Fund (UNCF), the Georgia Department of Economic Development, rolling out, and ATL WEBFEST, the first web series festival in the Southeast region of the United States. When she's not fundraising or building CHOZEN MEDIA Kids, a digital entertainment and EdTech platform where parents can find diverse content and programming to help Black children see themselves as the heroes, leaders, and stars of their own stories, she's trying to learn how to play Roblox from her daughter. IG: @chosenmediakids Twitter: @i_am_liberty

Session Title: If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It Session Description: Join me to learn how kindergarten through fourth grade students reach for their dreams. Discover how we integrate video with everyday curriculum, including a computer science twist.

Cindy Gonzalez Cindy Gonzalez, also known as Cindy GO, is a K-4 technology teacher in sunny Miami, Florida. She is also the producer of the school’s morning announcements show produced daily by her fourth graders. She loves to find ways to create interactive learning and to integrate video into her technology classes and everyday curriculum. Cindy Go works with her students and teachers to bring their ideas to life using her green screen recording studio and computer science/robotic skills. Twitter CindyGo75

Session Title: There’s no secret “Code” to “Green Screen” Session Description:This session will show you how to app smash the free Scratch Junior Coding App and Green Screen Do Ink App to make a project that can be easily done in your elementary classroom. I’ll take you step by step from start to finish to create a project with me. Then you can take what you learn to use in your classroom next year.

Anita Goodwin Anita Goodwin, also know as Goodwinnovate, former second grade teacher is now a K-6 Innovation teacher in Berne, Indiana. Combining STEM and Makerspace she teachers all K-6 students about coding, robotics, making, creating and more. Some students also learned about stop motion and green screen while creating various projects like the one she will teach in her session. She shares daily in Instagram stories @mrsgoodwinclass all about her Innovation classroom happenings. You can find her work at #GreenScreenEDU and #GreenScreenGURU IG @goodwinnovate Twitter @amsgoodwin

This LIVE Event will feature the presenter giveaways. Make sure got in your extra entry by tagging the presenter and using #GreenScreenSummit in your post! This LINK will take ticket holders to the private Facebook Group where they can view the LIVE events!