Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


By Nagjije&Malin (Englisch)


By Nagjije&Malin (Englisch)

•These products help preserve theEnvironment by reducing the pollution they could produce.

•Eco-friendly products are"Products that do not harm the environment whether in their production,use or disposal".


By Nagjije&Malin (Englisch)

•There are a lot of eco-productsthat can start using which can help to reduce waste and make this planet a better place to live.

•Eco-friendly products can be made from scratch,or from recycled materials

By Nagjije&Malin (Englisch)

•Eco-products are also knows as environment friendly products or green products as they cause minimal harm to people and the environment.

By Nagjije&Malin (Englisch)

Eco-friendly Products for Daily Life

By Nagjije&Malin (Englisch)
Stop using plastic bags.Carry with you a cloth or cotton mesh bag to avoid any trouble.

Author's name

1. Cloth or Cotton Shopping Bags:

By Nagjije&Malin (Englisch)
use water that can reuse instead of throe it away.We can use a bottle that made of glass.stainless steel or aluminium.

2.Reusable Water Bottles

By Nagjije&Malin (Englisch)
Products found in supermarkets to clean houses are full of environmentally harmful chemical components.They can be easily replaced by white vinegar,baking soda,tea three oil and water.

3.House Cleaners:

By Nagjije&Malin (Englisch)
Plastic Toothbrushes are non-recyclable,so we can use Bamboo compostable and sustainable toothbrushes.

4.Plastic Toothbrush:

By Nagjije&Malin (Englisch)
By Nagjije&Malin (Englisch)
