Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


The Hunger-GamesA prediction

Basic guide to create a great presentation

Who I would team up with

  • Konstantin - talented at everything, probably wouldn't kill you
  • Talya - maybe she's capable of killing people from afar with a spear
  • Jan - so he doesn't end up killing Konstantin in the first place. Will survive the longest
  • Elliana - probably would kill the problematic in our group immediately
  • Free place

The oblivious troublemakers: Adrian, David and Izet. I'm sure they will eventually kill one of their groupmembersThe others: Ellias, Linus Roth, Simon, Finn. Can't tell if problematic or not, probably will.


Problematic groups, or ready to kill

- A group around Mathilda, probably iincluding Annalena, Vivien, Romy, Daya, Olivia and Adina- A group around Alexander, including Piuma, Bürstner, Sikorra, Raphael, Jannik.

The other groups





A quick timeline. I don't my group wilddieb tho. We're to smart for that.

+ info

death 4

+ info

AdinaJust a feeling

Death 3

SimonWill be pushed off a kliff

JannikHe seems very weak

Death 2

Linus PiumaHis group doesn't like him

Death 1

Who will die probably in the beginning

+ info

+ info


Now there are only a quarter of people left. The game designers created a new environment and made it more dangerous. In the end it is going to be Jan or Konstantin who will survive to the end.

10 days in

The first groups will have completely vanished. My group will have lost at least one member. Now we're at greater risk beacause of more loners walking and killing everything they see

Five days in

The first deaths will have been announced. Medical aid is shortages and every group has just a few things to ensure survival. There is still no group sponsernd.

Two days in
