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Mission and vision









Choices to make


Course Features

About this course

give German a go and fall in love


Join the course!

The solution

The problem

You are new to a German speaking country and want to progress really fast to get along with your new situation? You need flexible and independent help learning the new language?

our basic vocabulary course


We will help you. Our basic vocabulary course is focused on fast progress and will provide you with the most necessary things you need to know to get started in your new situation.

Mission and vision

Learn whatever you will need

Over 800 entries

In our course "Speed-Deutsch" you will learn to communicate easily and effectively in Germany, Switzerland and Austria based on your mother tongue. You will learn all the important words and phrases you need to find your way around. Moreover, you get some practice using them in our exercises and our free and easy meetings with other learners before you will need them face-to-face.

About this course

Optional job course



Add a speed-course for your profession to quickly get started!

Use our MEMRISE-courses to learn the vocabulary!

Ask your questions in our forums!

Stay motivated with the help of our community!


Join our tandem training with other learners!

Team training

Learn in your own free time and set the pace!


Everything you'll need!

Our allrounder!

We know that a course in a classroom setting is a wonderful way to interact in another language. But we also know that not everybody has the chance to attend one of those classes. So, we decided to provide all willing learners with our community based language courses! Learn with others but stay flexible in matters of study time. Motivate each other by sharing your progress and meeting up to learn sessions!

Course Features


Visually structured

Interactive exercises

Bi-lingual for easy use

Visual and auditive

Wer sind Sie?Woher kommen Sie?Was machen Sie beruflich?

Wer sind Sie?Woher kommen Sie?Was machen Sie beruflich?


Lesson 2 - group 3



Lesson 2 - group 2



Wer sind Sie?Woher kommen Sie?Was machen Sie beruflich?

Lesson 2 - group 1



Choose 1 of 3 weekly times

Tandem practice

Every week we organize three practice meetings at different times to provide you with tandem exercises. Here you can use your learned vocabulary in staged conversations where you get a role and sentences to integrate in the dialogue with another learner. Our meeting times don't match your free time? Just download our role cards and meet up with another learner of your course community. You will be free to download every role card of the week to use in practice meetings with your community partners.


Save yourself a total of 100 € and use them maybe for one of our job-courses!


One time only purchase!

1 tandem practice / week

course forum

course group

over 800 basic words and phrases (+ MEMRISE)

Choices to make

+ 1 tandem practice / week

+ course group

+ 250 and more words and phrases (+ MEMRISE)

incl. VAT

+ 100 €

incl. VAT

350 €

1 tandem practice / week

course forum

course group

over 800 basic words and phrases (+ MEMRISE)

incl. VAT

150 €

+ Speed course "job"

3 months

1 month

You can always extent your subscription. Your progress will not be effected by the extention. Pro-Tip: When you bought a specific speed-course for your profession, you don't need to purchase another month for your job course.

What if I'm not done with the course after my subscription?

No. MEMRISE helps you to learn the vocabulary easily but it isn't necessary to use it. However, we provide our MEMRISE-courses with different sound recordings of native speakers. We definitly recommend using it.

Do I need an account at MEMRISE.com or do I need the app to succeed in the course?

We try to organize our content in a very responsive way. If you come across a lesson or exercise that doesn't look right on your device, please contact us.

Which device do I need?

No. You can learn at your own pace and whenever you have free time. If you cannot attend our tandem practices, just download our rolecards and meet up with another community member whenever you're both free.

Do I need to be online at certain times?

What you need to know



Join the course!

in our new speed course!

Hope to see you soon