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Fighting hate with humor

5- Thanks

1- humor

2- Firas Alsheter

3- His Youtube Channel

4- Sources




+ info

- humor allwos to reach more than you think- hate with humor better than hate with hate- with humor you can reach a lot of people- people who you thoght you never be able to reach


Firas alshater

University Babelsberg

  • he is an activist, film-maker and member of the revolutionary movement
  • he was arrested and tortured several times by Islamist groups, in the name of the Assad regime

  • he is from Syrian
  • living and working in Berlin since 2013
  • he has a Youtube Channel "Zukar"
  • he wrote a book with the title "Ich komm auf Deutschland zu"
  • he studied Film Edeting at the Film

Firas Alshater

His Youtube channel


- his Youtube Channel is "Zukar"- the first Video became 2015 a huge success- his first video was watched by more than half a million people in just a few days- he has 21.7K subscribers and 65 videos- making a story public enables more people to perhaps understand why we fled and what we experienced

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  • he grapples with the identity of Germans, their demands on immigrants and his own experiences in Germany
  • he will most certainly continue to reach out to Germany with humour in future

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  • https://www.berlin.de/lb/intmig/en/living-integration/refugees/firas-alshater-628908.en.php
  • https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/2298149/funny_humor_humorous_humour_humourous_joking_icon

