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Linking words

The earth is warming up and that is why in the near future the polar ice caps will melt, ... the amount of carbon dioxide we produce must be reduced.

Match sentences with the correct linking word

Most bottles and food packing are made of plastic, ..., the use of plastic will be banned completely sooner or later.Word 2

Reusing is about making something new from something old, ... the fashion industry will invest time and money to become more sustainable.

Since more than ten years we have seen an increase in sustainable paper resources, ... digital formats will become more common


in fact


for this reason

It will be our duty to take part of the recycling movement as the amount of waste is considerable, however, the current situation will be harder for future generations if we do not do something soon.

In Germany, you get money for reusing old glass bottles and containers, ..., this measure will come to Spain

Recycling is a positive routine in out lives, ..., it will be a compulsory subject in schools.

as a matter of fact



  • Word - Word
  • Word- Word
Word- Word
  • Word- Word