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100 words revision e8 2022

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Read the sentences and complete the blanks with correct words or phrases. Remember about plural forms of the nouns and grammar forms of the verbs.

100 wordsrevisione8











1. My sister has a (blada) __________ complexion.2. Every member of my family has (piegi) __________ .3. I am so (dumny) __________ my daughter, she won the race!4. John used to be very (samotny) __________ but last summer he found a wonderful friend.5. Adam is easly recognisable. He has a big (blizna) __________ on his cheek.6. Do stand-ups make you feel (rozbawiony) __________?7. My uncle has a (wąsy) __________ and a beard. He looks very hairy, I don't like it. 8. I want to buy a polka-dot dress. I love this (wzór) __________ !9. A thief stole Kate's (biżuteria) __________ last night.10. This Halloween Mike wants to (przebrać się) __________ asa scary vampire.

1. The poster is signed by a (odnoszący sukcesy) __________ actor.2. Mark got (awansowany) __________ to a manager.3. (Zmianowa) __________ work is not for couch potatoes. 4. His boss got angry because Ben was always late. Yesterday Ben's boss told him that he's (zwolniony) __________!5. I hate the word 'jobless'. I prefer its synonym - (bezrobotny) _________. It sounds more polite.6. Mia's (kwalifikacje) __________ weren't adequate for the job. 7. I think (hydraulicy) __________ are very underrated.8. What do you __________ a living? (Z czego się utrzymujesz?)9. In the company Peter is (odpowiedzialny za) __________ serving coffee.10. The job is perfect, you should (aplikować) __________ !

1. My favourite school subject is (plastyka) __________ .2. Is a (dyrektor) __________ really your uncle ? If yes, can youtell him to buy new computers for us?3. Paul is good at (chemia) __________, he knows all the elements. 4. I'm sorry but you (nie zdać) __________ the exam.5. You are always borrowing my school supplies, it is so annoying! Buy your own (piórnik) __________ .6. Our teacher said we'll get our (oceny) __________ next week.7. Sue has been (powtarzać) __________ for the exam the whole night, that's why she looks so tired now.8. My school is old-fashioned, we still use (kreda) __________ .9. As your homework, you have to learn the poem (na pamięć) _________ .10. Class, please pay (uważać) _________ to what I'm saying!

1. I can't go for a walk with you, my father told me to mow the (trawnik) __________ .2. We are moving to a (dom bliźniak) __________ in three months.3. Tom has been cooking all day and the kitchen is (zabrudzony/zabałaganiony) __________ now.4. Do not sit on this (fotel) __________ . It's very old.5. The cinema is (naprzeciwko) __________ the hospital.6. This part of town is very (zanieczyszczony) __________ .7. Do you (wynajmować) _________ the flat or it's yours?8. Kate studies (daleko od) __________ her home town.9. Ben loves living in the (wieś) __________ .10. I really enjoyed the trip. We had such a (malowniczy) __________ view from our window!

1. At Easter we always eat white (kiełbasy) __________ .2. (Smażyć) __________ the meat before adding it to the sauce.3. My grandma's old (garnek) __________ has only one handle. 4. Unfortunately, Jeremy can't drink milk. He's allergic to (mleczne) __________ products.5. Don't play with your (łyżka) __________, Sam. Just put it next to your plate.6. My son hates grapefruit, it's much too (gorzki) __________ for him.7. Could you (posiekać) __________ the onion for me, please?8. Give me the recipe for the (ciasto) __________ to make pancakes.9. I can't prepare the salad, I don't have any(sałata) __________ .10. Are you ready to (zamawiać) __________ , sir?

1. He used the money to pay for his (operacja plastyczna) __________.2. Tom (cierpieć na) __________ a rare disease.3. I've got a (kaszel) __________ and a sore throat. 4. The doctor (przepisać) __________ her some pills to get rid of the rash.5. I was vomiting all night, the doctor diagnosed it as (zatrucie pokarmowe) __________ .6. Mary is (uzależniony od) __________chocolate. She eats it every day.7. Her operation was not (bolesny) __________ at all, fortunately.8. When somebody (kichać) __________ you should say 'Bless you!'9. I always hold my (oddech) __________ when I have hiccups.10. My whole family enjoyed the holiday in the mountains except for my oldest sister. She doesn't like heightsand always feels (zawroty głowy) __________ while hiking.

1. Son, put some paper into the (drukarka) __________, please.2. Google is the best (wyszukiwarka) __________. I always find the information I need in a fraction of a second.3. The light bulb is the most useful (wynalazek) __________ ever.4. We are trying to (przeprowadzać eksperyment) __________ out an experiment, don't interrupt! 5. The lift is out of (niedziałający) __________, use the stairs instead.6. The name of the sign @ in English is (małpa) __________.7. Wait, I'll (wgrywać) __________ these files to my server.8. Has your phone ever (zepsuć się) __________ down?9. It's dangerous not to change your (hasła) __________ once in a while.10. My brother lost his (słuchawki nauszne) __________ last month so I bought him a new model for his birthday.

1. My father loves putting (rozbić namiot) __________. He says it's like building a small house made of fabric instead of bricks.2. Have you ever travelled by (autokar) __________ ?3. Hi, I'd like to buy a (bilet powrotny) __________ to Warsaw. 4. She went to the (biuro podróży) __________ to book a trip.5. It's cold and rainy. Let's put on our (płaszcze przeciwdeszczowe) __________. Find them in my backpack, please.6. X: Why don't we go for a long walk? Y: No, thanks. I'm not keen on travelling (na piechotę) __________, you should go with Simon.7. Our plane's (odlot) __________ was delayed four hoursdue to dense fog!8. Does your sister enjoy (jazdę na nartach) __________ ?9. Last summer we swam in the (rzeka) __________ every day.10. Susan needs to buy new (płetwy) __________ for the summer.

1. Can I pay (gotówką) __________ cash? I forgot my credit card. 2. Tom went to the (warzywniak) __________ to buy some fresh dill.3. I told you I won't sell the house, it's not (na sprzedaż) __________! 4. Hi, I bought this T-shirt online but it's too big, can I (wymienić) __________ it for a smaller one?5. A (wózek sklepowy) __________ is comfortable to carry things while doing shopping in big supermarkets.6. To find the nearest pharmacy you have to turn right. It's opposite the (sklep papierniczy) __________ .7. I can't (nie stać mnie) __________ to buy a new computer.8.(Ile kosztuje) __________ is this hat? I love it!9. Excuse me, where is the (przymierzalnia) __________?10. It's impossible to park a car in the (centrum miasta) __________.

1. My favourite band (wydać płytę) __________ a new album last month. 2. Have you seen the last (sezon) __________ of 'The Smiths'? It was so unpredictable - Kate is in a coma and Mark married her twin sister! 3. Would you like to see a new (wystawa) __________ in the old town?4. Are you able to arrange an (wywiad) __________ with the President?5. The singer is (znany z) __________ her dancing skills.6. Peter plays the (perkusja) __________ in our band.7. My grandmother hates watching films with (napisy) ___________, she says she can't focus on the plot.8. After reading the first (rozdział) __________ of the novel, I got bored.9. Claude Monet used to paint (pejzaże) __________.10. It's my first time on (scena) __________, I am so stressed!