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Thinking & Writing

What is Motivation to me?

I see motivation as an individual field. On one hand, everyone may have different factors behind their motivated behavior and may need different interventions to get motivated. On the other hand, people tend to see motivation in very different ways and from different viewpoints. Maybe this is the cause, why motivation is such a frequently discussed topic.

What is motivation to me?

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First, motivation in relation to our psychological wellbeing, motivation regarding ourselves in general.

First, motivation in relation to our psychological wellbeing, motivation regarding ourselves in general.

We must know what we want to achieve, what our goals are and how we want to achieve them.

First, motivation in relation to our psychological wellbeing, motivation regarding ourselves in general.

However, we often tend to want everything, achieve every goal and this process has to go quick.It isn’t bad to have lots of smaller and bigger plans, but...

We must know what we want to achieve, what our goals are and how we want to achieve them.

First, motivation in relation to our psychological wellbeing, motivation regarding ourselves in general.

... we should stop rushing. We should take some time. We should remind ourselves, that too much can be exhausting, caused by many different reasons.

However, we often tend to want everything, achieve every goal and this process has to go quick.It isn’t bad to have lots of smaller and bigger plans, but...

We must know what we want to achieve, what our goals are and how we want to achieve them.

First, motivation in relation to our psychological wellbeing, motivation regarding ourselves in general.

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Some time, I think, we should take a step back and look at our current “motivation-status”. If it is low, we have to think of our resources to gain motivation, are there any resources or do we have to search for new ones?

What is my motivation status?

Second, motivation takes a huge part in sports for me.

Thinking of training and competition, motivation has a huge role. But I don’t consider motivation as an independent item. For me, it comes along with a big connection to discipline, perseverance, and consistency.

Second, motivation takes a huge part in sports for me.

If you are not motivated in doing sports, you aren’t really doing sports.And if you are doing it nevertheless, it won’t work out for you very well.

Thinking of training and competition, motivation has a huge role. But I don’t consider motivation as an independent item. For me, it comes along with a big connection to discipline, perseverance, and consistency.

Second, motivation takes a huge part in sports for me.

This may be difficult to understand for someone who has never done competitive sports, but motivation in this area expands to a totally different level.

If you are not motivated in doing sports, you aren’t really doing sports.And if you are doing it nevertheless, it won’t work out for you very well.

Thinking of training and competition, motivation has a huge role. But I don’t consider motivation as an independent item. For me, it comes along with a big connection to discipline, perseverance, and consistency.

Second, motivation takes a huge part in sports for me.

Considering this two viewpoints of mine, motivation is much more to me than just this single term itself. It includes nearly every aspect of our life. And in consideration of all the unnamed facts of motivation from studies and experts, this topic enlarges its range even more.

Summary → two viewpoints

My consideration for having a consistent motivation is...


  • get to know yourself better,
  • search for your positive and encouraging resources and
  • trust in your own competencies in knowing yourself best

My consideration for having a consistent motivation is...

I have a question for you to reflect:

Think about a time you had difficulty with a task. How did you manage your motivation to overcome the challenges? And, what would you do differently?