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Motivation and


Motivation & Self-Regulated Learning

(Pintrich, 1994)

Motivation and


(Pintrich, 1994)

Motivation and


Questions that can help you to understand your motivation for academic tasks.

Motivation and


Not only motivational factors influence self-regulated learning, but self-regulated learners also control their motivation to some degree.

Motivation and


(Ormrod, 2020)

Self-imposing consequences
Enhancing the appeal of a task
Reminding themselves of the importance of doing well.
Minimizing enticing distractions
Focusing on productive attribution
Setting goals
Aligning assigned tasks with areas of interest

(Karabenick, 1998)

(click here to reveal)

Seeking help from a knowledgeable other person can be more beneficial than giving up prematurely, more appropriate than waiting passively, and more efficient than persisting unsuccessfully on one’s own.

What could be the reasons for avoiding help-seeking?

Self-regulated learning doesn't always involve learning independently. Self-regulated learners know when they need an expert's help to master certain topics or skills.

Motivation and


One aspect of self-regulated learning in which motivation is prominent is help-seeking behavior.

(Karabenick, 1998)

Being concerned about making a good impression on others and think that a request for help might make them look stupid.
Having a performance goal (rather than mastery goals) - perhaps including a desire to avoid making mistakes - in combination with low ability.
Believing that asking for help will undermine the sense of autonomy.
Perceiving requests for help as threatening the sense of competence and self-worth.

Seeking help from a knowledgeable other person can be more beneficial than giving up prematurely, more appropriate than waiting passively, and more efficient than persisting unsuccessfully on one’s own.

What could be the reasons for avoiding help-seeking?

Self-regulated learning doesn't always involve learning independently. Self-regulated learners know when they need an expert's help to master certain topics or skills.

Motivation and


One aspect of self-regulated learning in which motivation is prominent is help-seeking behavior.

Ormrod, J. E. (2020). Human Learning. Pearson.

Weiner, B. (1986). An attributional theory of motivation and emotion. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Schunk, D. H. (1991). Self-efficacy and academic motivation. Educational psychologist, 26(3-4), 207-231.

Pintrich, P. R. (1994). Student motivation in the college classroom. In K. W. Prichard & R. M. Sawyer (Eds.), Handbook of college teaching: Theory and applications (pp. 23–43). Westport, CT: Greenwood.

Ames, C. (1992). Classrooms: Goals, structures, and student motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84 , 261–271.

Bandura, A. (1982). Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency. American Psychologist, 37 , 122–147.

Karabenick, S. A. (1998). Help seeking as a strategic resource. In S. A. Karabenick (Ed.), Strategic help seeking: Implications for learning and teaching (pp. 1–11). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.


Motivation and