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Ghost dance

von Samirath und Rosemary

Robbie Robertson, born July 5 1943,is half Canadian and half Cayuga and Mohawk he mainly grew up on the Six Nation.

robbie robertson

1st Stop

Six Nations is Canada's most populous Aboriginal reservation.

the 6 nations reserve

R.Robertson's “Album for Native Americans'' is an album from 1994.

which was inspired by his Mohawk heritage and it′s purpose was to be used in the documentary ‚The Native American‘


music for the indigenous

release date

2nd stop

The ghost dance is a ritual that embodies many Native American belief systems.


The Ghost Dance was a spiritual movement that arose among Western American Indians.

The ghost dance was a reaction to poverty hunger and diseases. Even though The ghost dance movement was peaceful was believed to bring peace upon the Natives.

Wounded knee massacre

Ghost dance


Come on Cheyenne We shall live again (we shall live again) We shall live again (we shall live again) Come on Arapaho Come on Cherokee Come on Paiute Come on Sioux We shall live again (we shall live again) You used to do the Ghost Dance Used to do the Ghost Dance But we don't sing them kinda songs no more
My sister aboveBut she has red paint She died at Wounded Knee Like a Latter-day Saint You got the big drum in the distance The blackbird's in the sky That's a sound that you hear When the buffalo cry You don't stand a chance against my prayers You don't stand a chance against my love They outlawed the Ghost Dance They outlawed the Ghost Dance But we shall live again, we shall live again We shall live again Crazy Horse was a mystic (yeah) He knew the secret of the trance And Sitting Bull, the great apostle Of the Ghost Dance Come on Comanche Come on Blackfoot Come on Shoshone
Crow's brought the message To the children of the sun For the return of the buffalo And for a better day to come You can kill my body You can damn my soul For not believing in your God And some world down below You don't stand a chance against my prayers You don't stand a chance against my love They outlawed the Ghost Dance They outlawed the Ghost Dance But we shall live again, we shall live again

3rd stop

ghost dance Song