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Rollthe dice!

Colors and alphabet

3 words that starts with A

How is she?

What do you like to drink?

How is he?

When do you eat breakfast?

What color is the frog?

3 words that starts with B

How is she?

When do you go to school?

What color is the box?

4 words that starts with C

How is he?

When do you have a shower?

What color is the snake?

What color is the bus?

4 words that starts with D

How is she?

When do you watch TV?

4 words that starts with E

When do you brush your teeth?

What color are grapes?

4 words that starts with J

4 words that starts with F

When do you sleep?

What color is the fox?

How is she?

4 words that starts with G

When do you wash your face?

What color is the flower?

3 words that starts with H

How is she?

When do you do your homework?

What is your favorite color?

5 words that starts with O

When do you comb your hair?

What color is lemon?

6 words that starts with N

6 words that starts with M

What color is giraffe?

What you don't like to eat?

4 words that starts with L

When do you get up?

Name the numbers and colors

What color is this bird?