Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Anca Geidel | TESOL 2.2


second tp - gran canaria

  • American curriculum
  • great colleagues and even greater students
  • Language Arts classes rather than EAL (MS + HS)


good teaching moment(s)

8A: everything worked exactly as planned, students engaged, fun lesson8B: did not work at all, had to stop an activity and improvise/show flexibilityvaluable lesson for myself >>> perfectionism


The only times I ever really felt unprofessional or unprepared were when I was either co-teaching with my mentor teacher or substituting for him. We were very different in planning and structuring a lesson.

what would you have done?

I have noticed a significant difference between teaching Middle and High School...


Google Classroom

Actively Learn


-THE END-Thanks!