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Weekly News report




last week´s good news

united states

united kingdom


two royal birthdays

Madeleine McCann: formal suspect

  • disappeared on a vacation in Portugal in 2007
  • suspect: Christian Brückner

Florida bride drugs wedding party

  • bride, 42, and caterer, 31, arrested
  • several guests taken to the hospital

Wildfires in southwestern us

  • northern Arizona and New Mexico
  • 1600 firefighters
  • more than 100 square miles of timber and brush burned

spider monkey with "batman" markings

Judge blocks transgender law

  • no surgery needed to change birth certificate
  • only a temporary block

Scott Morrison in criticism

"Jenny and I have been blessed, we've got two children that don't - that haven't had to go through that."


  • Russia continues attacks on Mariupol
  • BUT: attempt at evacuation planned
  • apartment block bombed in Odesa