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1918 - 1933

Roaring 20s


and the controversy it caused in Weimar Germany



6. Sources

5. controversy

4. Weintraub Syncopators

3. Jazz in Germany

2. How it came to EUrope

1. Origin


- Friedrich Hollaender

the rhythm of the world shifted by an eighth - but what an eigth it was


- Early 20th century in New Orleans, Louisiana - Combination of classic and West African music- mostly played by African Americans in brothels and the red light district - First all-white band led to the success of Jazz - Jazz moves to major cities


How it came to Germany

- young people traumatized from war- Jazz as a form of resistance --> Americanization and mass culture - Soldiers bring Jazz back after WW1 - Phonograph, radio, and mass production of sheet music spread Jazz music


after 1924

- Dawes Plan brings economic stability- Berlin becomes a cosmopolitan city- New big Jazz orchestras form- Charleston, Shimmy and Fox Trot becomes popular dances in night clubs


- Small Jazz groups- Not many people with time or means to listen to Jazz

Years of turmoil

Jazz in Germnany

during the 1920s

before the 1920s

New Woman

Weintraub Syncopators

- 7 members - Stefan Weintraub as leader- Played parodies, swing and jazz music- Famous for their uniqueness and entertainment- Appeared in famous movies and theaters in Berlin- 1933 all members immigrate to different countries due to their Jewish background

Weintraub Syncopators

- Hans Siemens 1921

The German schoolmaster cannot dance it. The Prussian reserve officercannot dance it. If only all ministers and councilors and professors and politicians were obliged to dance jazz, even now and again publicly! In what ajoyous way would they be stripped of their entire honor! How human, how nice, how comical would they have to become! No atmosphereof stupidity, vanity, and grandeur could form. If the Kaiser haddanced jazz—all that would never have happened! But no! He could neverhave learned it. Being German Kaiser is easier than dancing jazz.


- Devil's music - Different concepts and values- Racism and antisemitism - In 1933 Nazis take over and ban Jazz music --> Jazz seen as "Alien music"



https://hancockhistoricalmuseum.org/i-love-the-1920s/jazz-music-during-the-1920s//#:~:text=Started%20in%20the%20late%2019,touch%20of%20West%20African%20culture.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazz_Agehttps://www.dhm.de/lemo/kapitel/weimarer-republik/kunst-und-kultur.html https://holocaustmusic.ort.org/politics-and-propaganda/third-reich/jazz-under-the-nazis/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_jazzhttps://www.pbs.org/wgbh/cultureshock/beyond/jazz.html#:~:text=It%20featured%20improvisation%20over%20traditional,seen%20as%20barbaric%20and%20immoral.https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.12657/31384/628781.pdf?sequence=1https://www.jstor.org/stable/3051611?seq=4https://www.jstor.org/stable/40244198?seq=5https://academic.oup.com/gh/article-abstract/6/2/145/717820?redirectedFrom=PDFhttps://www.bpb.de/themen/zeit-kulturgeschichte/sound-des-jahrhunderts/210142/roaring-twenties/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan_Weintraubhttps://www.nps.gov/jazz/learn/historyculture/people.htm https://jazzgeschichten.de/weintraubs-syncopators/file:///Users/leobrandenburg/Downloads/WR_Jazz%20in%20Germany.pdf https://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/search/search.cfm


For listening

Any Questions?




Analyze the Authors / Illustrators' stance on Jazz and the culture in Weimar Germanysummerize their arguments / point ov view