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Crossword puzzle: defective detective

Notions of Culture "Defective Detective"

Integrating teaching culture into the English classroom

Instructions: Crossword puzzle

1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

4. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

5. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


Integrating teaching culture into the English classroom

In your groups, discuss the issue of teaching culture and integrating it into the English classroom

How are you studying about other cultures in your current studies? Elia: Is in touch with different people all around the world because of the cosplay and gaming scene.Janina: In Uni through Culture classes and outside of uni, I am connecting with people all over the world by social mediasaneyah: I got to know about other cultures during social media, zoom apply and in the coolage

How did you learn about other cultures when you were in school? Different countries were part of the school curriculum, for example, the USA and the UK. Therefore cultures were introduced to all of us by the school books.Janina: used to have pen-pals when she was in school saneyah: when I was in the school I learn about other cultures just from the books

Integrating teaching culture into the English classroom

Write up the points that you all have in common. Learning about culture through conversation with other people that identify with the targeted culture.

How would you integrate the topic of other cultures into your teaching now and in the future? Let students present their own culture with projects or a “culture day”. Incorporate media like movies, books, music, etc. that represent different kinds of culture. Encourage students to learn about the culture they are interested in outside of school.

Integrating teaching culture into the English classroom

Write up the points that you all have in common. Learning about culture through conversation with other people that identify with the targeted culture.

How would you integrate the topic of other cultures into your teaching now and in the future? Let students present their own culture with projects or a “culture day”. Incorporate media like movies, books, music, etc. that represent different kinds of culture. Encourage students to learn about the culture they are interested in outside of school.

Defective Detective in Culture

Would the theme be related to differently in different cultures?

Is the theme common or familiar in the different cultures in the group?

What does this theme show about your different cultures in the group?

How does the clip lend itself to the teaching of this theme?

Different cultures are perceived differently by different people from the repective culture and therefore context and perspective are very important

When teaching culture it is important to not only teach culture similar to the students' culture but rather a diverse spectrum

It is common in the group as we all come from different backgrounds and have different perspectives on things

The theme teaches us about having to listen to each other and learn about each others cultures and styles of working rather than just jumping to conclusions

Defective Detective in Teaching

Step 1: Find Cultures to teach about

Step 3: Teach about the Cultures

Step 2: Learn about the Cultures

Teaching with the theme of defective detective

1. Let students explore the culture with the help of objects, pictures and authentic material (e.g. money, food etc.)

3. Let students explore differences and similarities of their own culture and the target culture

2. Talk about stereotypes and show the truth behind stereotypes

4. Students should gain a new perspective about their own culture as well as the target culture

5. Make sure to not only teach geography but also focus on language/traditions/beliefs/people

Defective Detective and Culture

What do the video and teaching culture have in common?

Therefore it is important to understand each other when working with people of different cultures

If a culture is misunderstood it leads to mistakes by either parties

If you want to teach culture, you also have to teach understanding