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Deconstructing GenderLess Stereotypes, More Awareness

Overall InformationEnd-ProductAssessment CriteriaSchedule & Material

Ban Ki Moon

“Achieving gender equality requires the engagement of women and men, girls and boys. It's everyone's responsibility”

"Deconstructing Gender: Less Stereotypes, More Diversity"When? 5 weeks from now, 3 lessons/week = 15 lessonsWhat? Raise and foster gender awareness in relation to gender-stereotypes.How? Acquiring 4 different theoretical aspects of gender and gender-stereotypes during the week's theory blocks, resulting in an end-product that reflect's your learning and awareness processes and serves as an access to gender-awareness for further members of the school which is developed in the productivity blocks.

What are we aiming at?

Overall Information

"Deconstructing Gender: Less Stereotypes, More Diversity"What?Development of a comic which visually deconstructs an individually chosen gender-stereotype. How?With the tablet App Canva. Additionally, you document the development process as well as your learning process during the course of the project in an accompanying Mahara portfolio.When?You can work on your end-products at any time. However, in weeks 2-4, the single lesson is respectively dedicated to development and execution of your comics. Here, you are able to solicit feedback from your peers as well as from your teacher.

What are we aiming at?


The basis for your assessment at the end of the project is built by: 1) end-product 2) portfolio3) language aspects The exact assment criteria can be assessed through the project Padlet:

What are we aiming at?

Assessment Criteria

Less Stereotypes, More Diversity

Deconstructing Gender

Theoretical Aspect 4Lesson 10 & 11: Theory Block 4Lesson 12:Productivity Block 4

Theoretical Aspect 3Lesson 7 & 8: Theory Block 3Lesson 9:Productivity Block 3

Theoretical Aspect 2Lesson 4 & 5: Theory Block 2Lesson 6:Productivity Block 2

Exhibition & Reflection WeekLesson 13 & 14:ExhibitionLesson 15:Reflection

Theoretical Aspect 1Lesson 1 & 2: Theory Block 1Lesson 3:Productivirty Block 1

general schedule

Final schedule

Exhibition WeekLesson 13, 14 & 15

Gender in the English languageLesson 10, 11 & 12

Gender representation in our mediaLesson 7, 8 & 9

The social roots of gender-stereotypesLesson 4, 5 & 6

Gender-stereotypes and meLesson 1, 2 & 3

Less Stereotypes, More Diversity

Deconstructing Gender

ExerciseGroup together with 3 of your peers sitting next to you. Try and come up with 2 examples for each question below. You have 20 minutes.1) When was I stereotyped because of my gender?2) When did I stereotype somebody else because of their gender?Write down your findings as they will be discussed in the beginning of the next session.

Theory Block 1

Gender-stereotypes and me

Exhibition WeekLesson 13, 14 & 15

Gender in the English languageLesson 10, 11 & 12

Gender representation in our mediaLesson 7, 8 & 9

The social roots of gender-stereotypesLesson 4, 5 & 6

Gender-stereotypes and meLesson 1, 2 & 3

Less Stereotypes, More Diversity

Deconstructing Gender

Charpentier-Basille, G. (2018). Devenir. Retrieved on April 20, 2022, from https://vimeo.com/236305663

ExerciseWhile watching the following video without further context, try and focus on the following aspects

  • What does the video convey visually and auditory?
  • Can you try and come up with a thesis what the video is about?
  • Who are the people involved in the video?

Géraldine Charpentier-Basille


Exercise 1Conduct to a 10-minute research on Simone de Beauvoir and Judith Butler on the basis of the following questions: 1) Who are these women? 2) What are their main argumentative aspects in regard to gender itself and in the society?Write down your notes as your findings are going to be discussed in plenum.Exercise 2Fill out the worksheet "What is a man, what is a woman?" individually. What strikes you about it?

Theory Block 2

The social roots of gender-stereotypes

Exhibition WeekLesson 13, 14 & 15

Gender in the English languageLesson 10, 11 & 12

Gender representation in our mediaLesson 7, 8 & 9

The social roots of gender-stereotypesLesson 4, 5 & 6

Gender-stereotypes and meLesson 1, 2 & 3

Less Stereotypes, More Diversity

Deconstructing Gender

Tanzer, M. (August 22, 2018). The Bechdel Test: Why it’s important for Students.https://classroom.popcultureclassroom.org/wp- content/uploads/2018/08/therule.jpg

Exercise 1In groups of 3, conduct to a 10-minute research, each member focusing on one question. Present your findings to your group before we discuss them in plenum.1) What is the Bechdel Test?2) What exactly does the Bechdel Test reflect in detail?3) Is the Bechdel Test the ultimate test, or are there others?Exercise 2In the next 30 minutes, collect ideas and approaches for tests that examine various media in relation to their depiction and representation of gender. Be creative! We will talk about them after your creative phase.

Theory Block 3

Gender represenation in our media

Exhibition WeekLesson 13, 14 & 15

Gender in the English languageLesson 10, 11 & 12

Gender representation in our mediaLesson 7, 8 & 9

The social roots of gender-stereotypesLesson 4, 5 & 6

Gender-stereotypes and meLesson 1, 2 & 3

Less Stereotypes, More Diversity

Deconstructing Gender

Exercise 1Read the informative text on your worksheet "Gender in Language" individually and highlight the for you most important aspects, before the text is read out loud by one of your peers. After reading the text twice, consider the following questions and write down your answers as we will be discussing your findings:1) What do you think about the information provided?2) Would you agree/disagree? Why?3)Have you thought about any of those aspects before? Exercise 2Take a look at the given examples of gender-biased vocabulary below the informative text. In groups of two, try to come up with a list of misleading work-titles and other vocabulary and develop gender-sensitive synonyms on the given flash cards. We well discuss your findings in 35 minutes.

Theory Block 4

Gender in the English Language

Exhibition WeekLesson 13, 14 & 15

Gender in the English languageLesson 10, 11 & 12

Gender representation in our mediaLesson 7, 8 & 9

The social roots of gender-stereotypesLesson 4, 5 & 6

Gender-stereotypes and meLesson 1, 2 & 3

Less Stereotypes, More Diversity

Deconstructing Gender

10:10-10:20Meeting in groups for last preparations10:20-11:00Gallery walk: presentation and group feedback11:00-11:05Five-minute break11:05-11:25Implementing the exhibition in the school's foyer11:25-11:30Conclusion

Schedule for today

Exhibition and Reflection Week

Time to reflect!If you need food for your reflective thoughts, for example, think of the following aspects:What was your favorite facet of the project?When did you have the most fun?What have you learned? What would you have liked to learn?What would you have liked to be different?What aspects could have been expanded/added/left out?

Project reflection

Exhibition and Reflection Week

And don’t forget: you are incredibly capable and valuable in all your facets!

Thank you for participating!