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by Victoria Rade

Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

Text-based Composition

..."how far are European countries from putting men and women on an equal footing? " (l.2/3) Explain the quotation in relation to the text and then summarize further examples mentioned by the author.


When it comes to text-based composition you actually have 2 tasks to accomplish: 1. Explain the quotation very briefly in relation to the whole text 2. Summarize further examples by the author - and only those that are required by the task!

In Short

ConclusionSum up your analysis in one or two sentences.

Main part Give a summary of those parts of the given text that are required by the task.

Explanation of quote and transitionUse the quote and explain it in relation to the whole text. Add a transition sentence to the main part (have a look at the task for that)

IntroductionIntroduce your composition by mentioning the title, topic, author and source of the text.

Let`s have a look at the correct structure. Match the explanations to the correct part of the text-based-composition.


..."how far are European countries from putting men and women on an equal footing? " (l.2/3)

Text Example

Use many direct quotes

Provide line numbers for direct quotes.

Pay attention to the correct layout. Leave some space between the individual parts

Use your own words as far as possible

Give your own opinion

Always keep the given task in mind while summarizing

Present background knowledge

Apply linking words and connectives

Summarize the whole text

Move the instructions to the correct boxes

Do´s and Dont´s

Describing effects and consequences

Rephrasing quotes

Summarizing and Concluding


Listing and structuring points

Brainstorm phrases for each of the four categories and note them down. Click on the button if you need help.

Useful Phrases


"The British are finished" (l.30)Explain the quotation in relation to the text and give examples to support the statement.


Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.

Thanks for your attention !