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and rubbish


7. Thanks!

6. E-waste

5. Wild landfills

4. How waste segregation affects the environment?

3. Ecological symbols

2. What is recycling?

1. How to segregate rubbish?

table of contents

How to segregate rubbish?

  • Green trash can (glass) - there we throw such waste as: glass bottles, glass jars or glass packaging of cosmetics
  • Blue trash can (paper) - there we throw such waste as: paper or cadboard packaging, paper bags, newspapers, notebooks or books
  • Orange trash can (metals/plastics) - there we throw such waste as: plastic bottles or bags, metal canc, polystyrene foam or packaging of clening products
  • Brown trash can (bio) - there we throw such waste as: vegetable and fruit waste, food resideus or coffee grounds and tea grounds
  • Black trash can (mixed waste) - there we throw such waste as: used towels, wipes, foils or paper, tabel glass, ceramics, porcelain and mirrors

Well, reycling is a process thet involves the reuse of waste to produce a new product. The materials obtained in this way are used for the production of new products. Recycle is one possible way to protect the enviroment. The aim of recycling is to save energy, protect nature and natural goods. A significant part of municipal waste can be reused, recovering valuable raw materials from it.

What is recycling?

Ecological symbols

  • A sign stating that the product is suitable for processing in composting plants (biodegradable product)
  • Green point - a symbol imposing on the manufactturer the obligation on reuse the packaging
  • Symbol on recyclable and reusable packaging

How waste segregation affects the environment?

The first of the benefits of waste segregation is the improvement of the natural environment. The second of them is previously segregated waste, which is easier to recycle later. Thanks to this, we obtain new ecological materials.

Wild landfills

Wild landfills are most often places where waste is collected without the consent of authorities and local governments. Most often you can come across them in forests, ravines or other places where it is easy to hide larger amounts of garbage. The biggest threat from wild landfills is the lack of waste protection against direct contact with water, land and the environment.

When broken or unwanted electronics are thrown into landfill, toxic substances such as lead and mercury can seep into the soil and water. Electronics also contain valuable non-renewable resources, including gold, silver, copper, platinum, aluminum, and cobalt.This means that when we dispose of them without recycling, we throw away valuable materials.


Why is e-waste a problem?

E-waste should be properly recycled. First, however, you can find a new life for them or try to return to the manufacturer. If there really is no way to reuse the item, find a reliable local organization that will recycle your e-waste.

what can be done with e-waste?

E-waste means electronic waste, garbage or scrap. It can also be referred to by the acronym WEEE, which corresponds to the name Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. E-waste includes everything that contains plugs, wires and electronic components and is all kinds of electronic or household appliances.

what is e-waste?

Kinga Dytko VIIa
