Want to make creations as awesome as this one?





Greek Myths and Legends

Congratulations you have successfully finished the first bilingual project and learned a lot about history and life in ancient Greece. Now it's time to read and listen to their stories. In the end you'll get active by writing your own myth and create a digital comic.

Welcome back

You will find interactive elements on the following slides. Behind these there are information, tasks, audio files, games and help. Don't miss to click on them.

In this second project you will to learn about Greek mythological creatures, read and listen to myths and legends, write an own story and create a comic.



Begin the project with a short revision of what you have learned so far. Can you remeber the dates?

Brief Introduction

Remember Greek History?


You created a profile about your favourite Greek god. Click on the gods and recap the information.

Brief Revision

Remember Greek gods?




Mythological creatures

Comic school and your comic

Write your story

Theseus and the Minotaur


Part 1

Part 2

Creative task

See the worksheet and make your own creatures.


Mythical creatures

Words mat - A Greece myth





THESEUS AND THE MINOTAUR Click on the characters from left to right. You are going to read and listen to the story. In the end there is a worksheet that will train your reading skills and check your comprehension.

Activity Time

Read and listen



Start writing your story. Put all together that you have learned, planned and created so far and write your first draft of your story.You'll need time, a quiet place to work, enough space. You can use the handout or the digital document for writing your story.

Story planer

In the next step you go more into detail and structure your story ideas. Create a mindmap and add your ideas (characters, place, problem, solution, end). Present your ideas to a partner or a small group.


What do you think could happen in your story? Think of a situation where good wins against evil. Is your hero/god strong enough to beat the monster? Closr your eyes and magine your story. Write down as many words that come to your mind and create a wordcloud. Take a screenshot.

Writing your story


STORYTELLING Comics tell a story. In this lesson, you will learn about some of the storytelling tools a cartoonist uses. Then you'll use these tools to create a comic of your own.

CHARACTERSBefore you start making your comic create your characters using Pixton.

Comic School 3

Comic School 2

GETTING STARTED In this lesson you will learn about the world of comics, you create your own avatar and a fisrst panel showing a particular emotion.

Comic School 1

In the following three lessons you will explore the world of comics. The tool we use is Pixton and you'll create your first characters and panels.

COMIC School

  1. Take out your written story and develop a storyboard for it.
  2. READY to create your first digital comic?
  3. Let's do it! Go to Pixton and start immediately.
  4. Finished? Proofread your comic.
  5. Show your comic to a partner and see if she/he understands your story.
  6. Really finished? Ask your teacher
to download your comic.


My final comic

Cap off a productive class with summary points students can easily remember.

Understanding a myth

Cap off a productive class with summary points students can easily remember.

My writing process

Cap off a productive class with summary points students can easily remember.

Presentation of information

Cap off a productive class with summary points students can easily remember.

Student Recap