Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


by Manuel, Raban,Sascha,Till




Example projects

The problem

Our project

  • no emotional linking to the classrooms
  • grey, dull and monotonous classrooms
  • the students become less creative
  • 140 k students in secondary schools (Saxony)

The Problems

Our Project


STAFS is a start up from Dresden, Germany. Our plan is the improvement of the schools when it comes to design. We think a good learning environment needs the creativity from young people. For that we offer workshops with the students. There they learn about painting with spray cans and sponges and can improve their classrooms.


paint your classroom

create your own poster

Every student can paint a metal panel. They can take it home or maybe hang it also in the classroom. For the ones who like to work alone.

Example projects

The students create a big poster, which they can hang in the back of their main classroom. A cool thing to strengthen the team spirit.


There will be no costs for the students, because we're sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs Saxony. For the students it is the best way, because they do not have to pay for an additional action, which may not be fun for them.

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Layout by www.genial.ly

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