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with poverty tourism

What is Poverty tourism?

Get to know the other side of countries



WHat is it about?

What is Poverty Tourism? Poverty Tourism or Ghetto Tourism is the kind of tourism that certaily does not show the most beautiful sights of any country. It rather focuses on areas that are not seen as wealthy and industiral.

Where can you Travel? Cape Town Rio de Janeiro "favelas" Mumbai -India

What is Poverty Tourism? Poverty Tourism or Ghetto Tourism is the kind of tourism that certainly does not show the most beautiful sights of any country. It rather focuses on areas that are not seen as wealthy and industiral.

Negative aspects: -Poor people are treated like zoo-animals -It profits from poverty -Peoples rights of privacy are simply violated -Local people are often underpaid and exploited -It makes poverty look exotic and almost glamourizes the harsh reality

Positive aspects: - The poor communities recieve some money - Can change your perceptions of poverty - Tourists will visit areas that they would never see otherwise - Parts of the profit could be recycled into local hands - Travell spotlights can help the government establish innovation and improvement - They can bring us closer and demestify some of our stereotypes

Costs and savings: -one of the more expensive travel experiences -price range for tours is between 3500$ and 8500$ -usually in groups up to 5 people -indiviual tickets cost between 700$ and 1500$

Slum Tourism: History Originally focused on the slums and ghettos of London and Manhattan in the 19th century.