Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


by. michael tsokos




reactions of fans/critics

controversy points

what fascinates me

why i chose the book

main character





  • Body parts are seized from a private medical teaching institute
  • Paul Herzfeld recognizes a conspicuous Nazi tattoo
  • Proves that he has already dissected the man to whom this arm belongs
  • In his search for answers, Herzfeld comes so dangerously close to the culprits


  • Born: January 1967 in Kiel
  • Tsokos joined the German Armed Forces after Highschool
  • He studied medicine after serving in Braunschweig
  • he was involved in the exhumation and identification of bodies from mass graves
  • now he works as a forensic pathologist at the charite Berlin


  • he knows stories which no one can think of
  • liked writing since he was little
  • therapeutic for him
  • can make his characters do stuff he is not allowed to do in real life

Why did he start writing books?

  • is a commissioner
  • reports to Paul Herzfeld
    • calls him because of a bomb on the 20th august

Tom fordeside character

  • kidnaps and kills homeless people
  • from serbia
  • takes over criminal activities

Gavrillovicside character

  • back in forensic medicine
  • everything goes well in his private life
  • proud of his daughter

Paul Herzfeldmain character

and side characters

Main characters

  • boring ending
  • insight in the medical field
  • very detailed
  • very interesting
  • open ending
  • The book overextends in some chap.

in my opinions

Controversy Points

  • the insight in the forensic medicine

What fascinates me?

  • autopsy is written very precise, very exciting
  • detailed writing
  • very big fan of Mr. Tsokos
  • follow his work per media
  • writes good books about his experience

why i chose the book

  • fans:
    • very exciting
    • liked the story
    • disappointed because the end lost suspense
  • critics:
    • too many unnecessary chap.
    • didn't like the writing

and why are they controversal

Reactions of fans/critics

  • many diffrent opinions
  • the majority of the reviews are positive
  • positive ratings: 87%
  • negative ratings: 4%


of critics

My Opinion

The book has always interesting events and takes the reader into the story.I can recommend the book only to people who are interested in true crime and forensic medicine.