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Interesting facts about famous sights.


Tower Bridge

Buckingham Palace

The British Museum

The Houses of Parliament

London City Map

London Sights

Find out interesting facts

The Shard

Westminster Abbey

Hyde Park


The Gherkin

City Hall

The Tower of London

The Tate Modern

The Globe Theatre

The London Eye

St. Paul'sCathedral

The Monument

Tower Bridge

Buckingham Palace

London Eye

Globe Theatre

Tate Modern

St. Paul's Cathedral

The Shard

The Gherkin

Tower of London

Westminster Abbey

The British Museum

The Houses of Parliament

City Hall

The Monument

Trafalgar Square

Hyde Park

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge is one of the oldest and most famous landmarks in London. When a ship comes up the river, the bridge raises so that they can go through. This happens around 900 times a year.It was built in 1894 and today many tourists go to London specifically to see Tower Bridge. More than 40.000 people use the bridge every day.

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Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace has been the home of British kings and queens since 1837. When the queen is at home, the Royal Standard flag flies.Inside the palace there are 800 rooms, including 52 bedrooms and 78 bathrooms. Sometimes tourists can go inside Buckingham Palace and are allowed to see some of the rooms.

London Sights

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The British Museum

The British Museum is the oldest public museum in the world and also one of the biggest museums.Inside you can see Egyptian mummies, paintings and precious artefacts from all over the world. One of the best things is that the entryis free for everybody.

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The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament is one of the most famous buildings in London. It is the place where the British government meets.The famous clock tower of the Houses of Parliament is often called "Bigt Ben", but that's not quite correct. Big Ben is only the nickname for the bell inside the tower. And the tower is called "Elizabeth Tower".

London Sights

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City Hall

This strange round building is very close to Tower Bridge. It was finished in 2002. It is the place where the Mayor of London and the local government work.It has ten floors of offices and a great viewing platform on the roof. Visitors can enjoy the great view of London from up there.

London Sights

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The Monument

The Monument is the tallest free-standing stone column in the world.It is in the heart of the City of London and it is 61.5 metres high.It was built in 1677 to remember the Great Fire of London, which destroyed this part of the city.If you want, you can go up a spiral staircase to a viewing platform.

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The Tower of London

The Tower of London was built in 1078 and is one of the oldest buildings in the city. At first, the Tower was a castle, then a prison and today it is a museum.Every year, more than 2.5 million visitors come here to see the Beefeaters and the famous Crown Jewels inside the Tower.

London Sights

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The Tate Modern

One of London's most popular art galleries is the Tate Modern. The building used to be a factory building before it became an art gallery.Inside the gallery, people can find world famous paintings, sculptures and photographs.The best thing is that the entry to the museum is free.

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The Globe Theatre

Back in 1600, when Shakespeare was alive, there was a round theatre in London. It was called "The Globe". Shakespeare was one of the owners of the theatre and performed his first plays there.The original theatre disappeared, but people built a new one, which was finished in 1987. It looks almost the same as the old Globe theatre.

London Sights

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The London Eye

The London Eye is the highest observation wheel in the world. It stands on the South Bank of the river Thames, not far from the Houses of Parliament.The London Eye is 135 metres high and it has 32 glass capsules. One ride takes about 25 minutes and you have an amazing view across London.

London Sights

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St. Paul's Cathedral

St. Paul's Cathedral is one of the most famous cathedrals in the world. The building was finished in 1710.You can climb up the 550 steps to the dome and enjoy the great view across London. Inside you can find incredible mosaics made of 30 million pieces of glass.

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The Gherkin

The official name of this great glass building is 30 St. Mary Axe, but people gave it the name "The Gherkin", because of its unusual shape.It is 180 metres high and has 40 floors. Inside are offices and London's highest restaurant, but only people who work in the building can eat there.

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The Shard

The Shard is the tallest building in London. (309 meters) It was finished in 2012 and it cost around £ 430 million. It has 95 floors of office, 13 floors of apartments, a 17-story hotel and three floors of restaurants. There is also a viewing platform on level 72.

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Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is one of the oldest and also most important religious buildings in London. All the British kings and queens are crowned at Westminster Abbey.Inside you can find a wooden throne on which they have been crowned for more than 900 years. Also, many famous people from Britain are buried there.

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Hyde Park

Hyde Park is the largest royal park in London. It was createc by Henry VIII for hunting in 1536.Hyde Park is one of the most famous city parks in the world with more than 4000 trees and a large lake. Many people come here to relax or do some sports.

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Trafalgar Square

This famous square is named after "the Battle of Trafalgar", which took place in 1805. The battle ended with a victory for Great Britain, which was led by Admiral Lord Nelson.Nelson's Column stands in the middle of the square and is guarded by four bronze lions. Today the square is a popular place for tourists and also for festivals.

London Sights

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