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Google Video Search

Using Google search engine to find videos

The Open Teach project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, agreement no. 2020-1-DE03-KA201-077573.

Explore the videos menu

When selecting the Tools button, a series of sub-menus appears. Click on the arrows to see the possibilities in each of them.

Search the web The first sub-menu gives you the possibility of searching the video all over the web or specifically in the languages of your choice (according to your general settings on google).

Video Duration Users can choose videos with a specific duration. There are 3 options: Short (from 0 to 4 min), medium (from 4 to 20 min), and long (with more than 20 min).

Time Range It is also possible to choose the period with the following choices: past hour, past 24 hours, past week, past month, past year, and a custom range.

Video Quality It is also possible to choose videos with any quality or choose only the ones with high quality.

Closed Captioned It is also possible to select only videos with closed captions, i.e. those with subtitles added.

Source And finally, the source of the video can be any of those selected from a list of options provided by Google (usually the most popular ones for the topic you are searching for).