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From birth to death: Life of a blue whale



Identity card : requal royal


From birth to puberty

* Gestation period : 9-16 months.* Size : 4000 kg, 8 m, + 90kg a day.* Nutrition : 90 kg of the mother's milk per day.* Other characteristics :- Ability to swim after 30 mins of being born.- Having it's mother to help it reach the surface to take it's first breath.- Leaves its mother at 6-7 months old.

Birth of a calf

* Hits puberty at 9 years and a few months.* Gives birth to 1 new whale every 2-4 years.* Rarely gives birth to twins* Males : use their voices to attract mates.*Females : choose their mates based on size and depth of voice.



Habitat and reproduction areas

"Permanent" habitat for blue whales in the Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Blue Whale Habitat Pacific Ocean Blue Whale Habitat in Winter Pacific Ocean Blue Whale Habitat in Summer Important place of birth Habitat Pygmi Blue Whale


The death

After the death

  • at the bottom of the water, the carcass of a whale will feed other marine animals
  • In 18 months, she was already in the state of a skeleton
  • up to 178 species on a single vertebra
  • if the carcass washes up on a shore, scavengers will feed on her

  • Scientists estimate its life expectancy at 80 years
  • Very rare stranding on shore
  • Primary instinct so as not to drown
  • Walvis Bay, Namibia April 2021
  • Impressive and it attracts the public

Anthropogenic causes of deathDirectly

  • collide with ships
  • whaling (aboriginal subsistence/ commercial/ scientific)
  • oil spill
  • the noise
  • chemical contaminants
  • climate change
  • plastic ingetion

Natural causes of death

  • calves have many predators
  • the young get lost and wash up on the shore
  • diseases and parasites
  • parturition difficulties


Sources:https://www.twinkl.fr/teaching-wiki/blue-whale https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/blue-whalehttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_whalehttps://www.nhm.ac.uk/bluewhale/ocean/
