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Scottish Food

More than just haggis


The Scottish's favourite food

Scottish biscuits


For a good start into the day

Scottish breakfast

Special breakfast traditions


Kids' favourite food


For sea food lovers



Haggis is the national dish of Scotland. It is made of sheep's heart, liver, lungs and onion, spices and oats. A traditional haggis mix is put in a sheep's stomach (= Magen) and boiled.You usually it it with "neeps" (= Rüben) and "tatties. There is even a sport called "haggis hurling". People throw haggis as far as they can.



Shortbread has been made in Scotland since the 12th century. It is really simple to make and you only need three things: flour, butter and sugar.In the past, shortbread was very expensive. That is why people made it just for special days like Christmas. Today, people all over the world enjoy it. It also has its own national day.



Porridge is made out of oat and milk or water. It's not only for people in Scotland. People all over the world like to start their day with a cup of porridge.It can be sweet or salty. You can put fruits in it, too. People started to eat porridge over 2,500 years ago. Back then, they didn't have enough money to buy food. That is why they started eating porridge. It is cheap.



Look at the picture. Here you can see a lobster. This sea food is served directly out of the water at a lot of places in Scotland.It tastes sweet and fishy. You can grill or boil (= kochen) it and you can eat it with pasta or bread.



Tatties is the Scottish word for "potatoes". The Scottish like to eat potatoes. They are cheap and yummy.They often eat mashed (= gestampfte) potatoes. You can put other vegetables in it too.


Scottish Breakfast

The Scottish breakfast is similar (= ähnlich) to the English breakfast, but it has some special things.It has got bacon, eggs, tomatoes, cheese, beans and mushrooms. But it also has white pudding or black pudding (look at the photos) and porridge.


This is white pudding.
