Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


All about bunnies and eggs.



Steps to do:


Egg hunt


Easter - Osternegg - Eichocolate - Schokoladebasket - Korbchick - Kükenchicken - Huhnlamb - Lammspring - Frühlingtulip - Tulpebunny/rabbit - Hasedaffodil - Osterglocke (Narzisse)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteteur, auri morca nian, dolore et magna.

Let's go!

Vocabulary training

Click the right picture!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteteur, auri morca nian, dolore et magna.

Question 1/4

Which picture shows an easter basket?

Question 2/4

Which picture shows a tulip?

Question 3/4

Which picture shows a bunny?

Question 4/4

Which picture shows an Easter egg?

Very good! You solved the quiz.

Let's keep going

Oops, that was wrong.

Try again

Let's find out about Easter in Great Britain.Click the egg!