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Each tado° SACC is always in a room of its owneven if it is actually in the same physical room as other tado SACCs or tado° heating devices

The app is available on mobiles for Android and IOS devices

Homekit installed devices are controlled solely through Homekit. (Customer does not need the tado app)

SACC in the app

Control with the tado° app only applies to customers with a device installed through the tado° app.

The tado° app Skills are shared between the SACC and the tado° heating devices

The tiles on the Home screen that are not Room specific are therefore the same regardless of which tado° products are installed

When Using the Open Window Detect Skill the interface looks the same as for the Heating products

Hoewer the Thresholds that trigger the Open Window Detection are different for the SACC compared to the heating Products. They can trigger at different Times even when installed in the same Room and very close together

In Standard Mode, the Smart AC Control sends the desired target temperature and settings to the AC. The AC directly controls and maintains the room temperature based on the temperature it measures and the target temperature set on tado°. This is the tado°-recommended control mode for most cases.The Ac modulates how much Power it uses

Standard Mode (non Thermostatic)

see how the Ui works in standard mode by clicking on the ui elements here

In Thermostat Mode, the Smart AC Control directly controls your AC. tado° acts as a room thermostat and measures the current room temperature. It also switches your AC on and off to maintain the temperature you've set on tado°.In this control mode, you can define a temperature range within which tado° should maintain the room temperature. This is called the Acceptance Range. tado° turns your AC on and off based on the target temperature you’ve set and the acceptance range.The AC always runs on the lowes/highest setting for heating and cooling

Thermostatic Mode

see how the Ui works in standard mode by clicking on the ui elements here

In Synthetic Mode, the Smart AC Control sends the desired target temperature and settings to your AC. Your AC directly controls and maintains the room temperature based on the temperature exactly like it works in the old Standard Mode.There are more available buttons in synthetic mode so the bottom part of the UI becomes scrollable.Some Functions are currently only available in the App and not on the Device UI

Synthetic Mode (the new Standard )

see how the Ui works in standard mode by clicking on the ui elements here

Multiple ACs can be controlled at the same time only if they all have a direct line of sight and are exactly the same make and model nameThey will receive the same command at the same time

Each Room can be individually controlled so one can heat while the other is being cooled

It Therefore needs direct line of sight with the AC that it is controlling

The tado SACC uses infrared signals to control any given AC

Multiple ACs