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Over time

in the world

The role of the usa












Todays political role

Todays economic role

Role until ww1

Todays military role

9/11 and its effects

Cold War

Role during ww2

Role between the two ww

Role during WW1

Role of USAat beginning



  • Capital city: Washington D.C.
  • President: Joe Biden
  • citizens: 331.449.281 (2020)
  • GPD: 20,9 Billionen USD
  • oficially founded: 4th July 1776
  • size: 9.834.000 km²

about the usa

Basic information

  • discovered: 1449 by Christoph Columbus
  • first european settlement: 1565 by spain in St, Augustine, Florida
  • first long term settlement of brits: 1607 in Jamestown Virginia
  • 1620: Arrival of Mayflower
  • 4th july 1776: declaration of independence by Continental Congress
  • Role in world: First real democracy
  • place of dreams of a new life for europeans

at its start

Role of the usa

  • smaller wars to gain territory (against spain for example)
  • civil war between north (anti slavery) and south (pro slavery) in 1861 - 1865
  • 1866: Civil Rights act
  • Conveyer belt perfected by Henry Ford 1913
  • still same role in world
  • but increasing role in finance market

Until the first world war

Role of the usa

  • 1914 - 1918
  • USA until 1917 formal neutral, but supported Entente with supply deliveries
  • 6th April 1917: declaration of war by the USA on Germany
  • first big appearance of USA in world politics
  • USA now world leader in industry, economics, trade

During the first world war

Role of the usa

  • america's role in finance got bigger and bigger
  • stock market at wall street flourished
  • even normal workers could invest and earn money
  • went very well until 24. October 1929
  • in germany known as “schwarzer Freitag”
  • first big financial world crisis
  • great depression
  • 12% of america citizens unemployed (15 Million)

between the two world wars

Role of the usa

  • as well as in WW1, USA neutral at start
  • but supported Gb and Russia with weapons and money
  • entrance in War: 7th december 1941
  • as in WW1 potential of USA mandatory for Powers that fought Germany
  • USA only country that left war with stronger economy than before
  • new role: Superpower with worldwide presence

During the second world war

Role of the usa

  • Tensions between Sovjet Union and USA
  • 1949 NATO founded
  • Followed by nuclear arms race between NATO and “warschauer Pakt”
  • Cold war led to confrontations and proxy wars
  • Vietnam was first military loose in history in america
  • Vietnam War led to many peace movements
  • 1964: Civil Rights Act
  • Race to space

During the cold war

Role of the usa

  • 11.9.2001
  • George W. Bush announced “War against terrorism”
  • Axis of evil
  • March 2003: Third Gulf War
  • USA attacked without UN Mandate
  • New strategic concept: preventive war
  • Turn away from previous Foreign and security policy
  • destabilised middle east
  • lost some appreciation

After 9/11

Role of the usa

  • Permanent member of UN security council
  • Exceptionalism
  • Most americans want active role in world politics
  • Biden wants america to rule the world again, before china does it
  • Beacon of freedom and equality
  • "As a nation, we must convince the world that we are ready to lead again - not only by demonstrating our power, but also by the power of example"


Role of the usa Today

  • Biggest economy in world after GDP
  • USA: 20,807.27 Billion USD (2020)
  • Biggest industry 2019: Services
  • Biggest stock exchange of world: Wall Street
  • about one quarter of World GPD is from US


Role of the usa Today

  • Biggest spending in Army
  • 2020: 778 Billion USD
  • As of 2022: Third largest army (1.390.000)
  • Most overseas military bases in about 70 countries
  • About 750
  • 40 alone in Germany
  • Second most atomic warheads (5428)
  • Role: Big military strength
  • But want to show power as role model not only with military power


Role of the usa Today

THANK YOUfor listening!any question?

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vereinigte_Staaten https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamkrieg https://www.dhm.de/lemo/rueckblick/der-boersenkrach-von-1929.html https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christoph_Kolumbus https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erster_Weltkrieg https://www.topmania.de/2021/04/17/die-top-10-der-wichtigsten-amerikanischen-erfindungen/ https://www.lpb-bw.de/erster-weltkrieg-zusammenfassung https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/zwischen-partner-und-weltenfuehrer-wie-joe-biden-die-rolle-der-weltmacht-usa-neu-erfinden-will/26690664.html https://www.statista.com/statistics/262742/countries-with-the-highest-military-spending/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/264443/the-worlds-largest-armies-based-on-active-force-level/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_overseas_military_bases#Germany https://www.visualcapitalist.com/cp/nuclear-warheads-by-country-1945-2022/ https://researchfdi.com/world-gdp-largest-economy/ https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/165838/umfrage/anteile-der-wirtschaftssektoren-am-bruttoinlandsprodukt-der-usa/

Text sources

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e2/Flag_of_the_United_States_%28Pantone%29.svg/800px-Flag_of_the_United_States_%28Pantone%29.svg.png https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/f0NdGDsXBbVPrPOrT_iBbXt0sj8=/0x66:5340x4071/1200x800/filters:focal(0x66:5340x4071)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/46689262/GettyImages-121321782.0.0.jpg https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/img_auth.php/thumb/e/e0/Unclesamwantsyou5.jpg/250px-Unclesamwantsyou5.jpg https://www.farmersalmanac.com/10-ways-world-war-i-changed-america-22983 https://cdn.prod.www.spiegel.de/images/d036b3ed-0001-0004-0000-000000836240_w996_r1.778_fpx35.28_fpy54.99.jpg https://static01.nyt.com/images/2018/11/25/books/review/25Lawrence/merlin_8865849_cc6f120d-9720-4d03-ba4b-1b65a55e79c4-superJumbo.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e1/White_House_Washington.JPG/2560px-White_House_Washington.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/Mark_of_the_United_States_Army.svg/1200px-Mark_of_the_United_States_Army.svg.png https://cdn.prod.www.spiegel.de/images/8fd9aa68-43d9-4509-a386-fda44d9c5d77_w1600_r1.4998495335540174_fpx49.32_fpy49.99.jpg

Picture sources