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Presented by Lucie Gruau

4. Why Frida Kahlo is inspirational?


3. The Stereotypes she broke

2. Her Achievements

1. Her Biography

Frida Kahlo

  • Birth name: Magdalena Frida Carmen Kahlo Calderón
  • Birth: July 6, 1907 in Coyoacán, Mexico
  • Death : July 13, 1954
  • Nationality: Mexican
  • Main activity: Artist painter
  • Husband: Diego Rivera

Her Achievements

A work she created was her self-portrait, ''Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird''.


It was she who received the National Prize of Arts and Sciences from the Ministry of Public Education in 1946.


The stereotypes she broke

1. She challenged gender stereotypes. 2. She was openly bisexual. 3. She painted real women and real experiences.

The standards she sets for herself are her own. Society used to devalue and label as unfeminine and ugly the characteristics it valued. She was therefore a feminist. Frida also dressed in a particular way that was very different from the daily dress of Mexican women at that time.

Why Frida Kahlo is inspirational?
