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Freedom of speech means the free and public expression of opinions without censorship, interference and restraint by the govermentsource: wikipedia.com

What is freedom of speech?

Freedom of speech can be restricted by the government if in that way public interests or one's reputation can be protected

Are there any restrictions?

  • only people with power can restrict free speech
  • they can only be restricted if they are clearly stated in law

Jabbar Savalan (UK) is one example

There are people who got imprisoned just because they expressed their opinion

Are there any ectreme cases of free speech restriction?

1. The Group of Riaz refuse the book= free speech is against their believes2. Deedee and Shahid endorse the novel = they accept free speech

The satanic verses

Freedom of speech based on the book

The group of Riaz are islamists which means they live out a very extreme form of the islam that thrives further away from the actual and peaceful religion. They do not accept any other religion and think it is alright to speak up against other religions but do not want to hear anything against theirs.=They practice free speech but do not accept offense from other free speakers like Deedee who has a different opinion on religion as they do.

1. Riaz thinks that Prince's music derives you from Allah so he does not support Shahid listening to him.



censorship only benefits the ones with power

limit religious freedom

some people are using the right of free speech to discriminate others

nobody wants to get offended by others

Why is freedom of speech so important?
