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A wireless Remote control:The dominating type of controller for residential air conditioning units.Can be Compatible with the tado° SACC

A wired Thermostat:Mostly found in office buildingsNot Compatible with the tado SACC

The indoor unit of an Airconditioning System can be controlled either by:


If a Remote looks compatible but usesBluetooth orRadiofrequency It is Not compatible

The Smart AC Controlworks with all air conditioners with anInfrared remote controlthat displays the air conditioner’s current settings(mode, target temperature and fan speed).

Another usefull SR is1a049 SACC + heating productsIt explains How the SACC works in an account that already has tado° heating products installed.

If a customer is unable to confirm compatibility after being provided with the Information you can use 1w077 SACC remote photosTo obtain pictures of the AC remote and do it for them.

If you dont know how or have never used a Saved Reply in Intercom click here to Learn how it works by watching a quick Video


When a customer asks for a compatibility check for an AC,the information from the previous slides can be provided to them by using the following Saved Reply (SR) in Intercom1w076 SACC Compatibility Info