Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Session 2/4 remote

Being autonomous on NP6

  • Presentation of key points seen during the previous session – 10 min
  • Good practices on the data collection – 15 min
  • Collective pratical application - Manual import creation – 30 min
  • Good practices on segmentation – 10 min
  • Collective pratical application - Understand the difference between a static segment and dynamic segment – 15 min
  • Reminder – 5 min
  • Presentation of the exercice to do for the following session – 10 min

session 2 PROGRAM

Being autonomous on NP6

Presentation of key points seen during session #1

  • Mobility, marketing pressure and personalization.
  • Anticipate its email addresses collection .
  • Prepare its segmentation criteria.
  • Anticipate its sending program for the whole year.

Presentation of key points seen during session #1

  • Function of the data structure fields:
    • Import its data on its NP6 CM account,
    • Segment its database,
    • Personalize its content,
    • Create its NP6 CM forms.
  • Mobility, marketing pressure and personalization.
  • Anticipate its email addresses collection .
  • Prepare its segmentation criteria.
  • Anticipate its sending program for the whole year.

Presentation of key points seen during session #1


Good practices on

Cadre européenSimplification des règlesResponsabilisation des acteurs économiques

Harmonisation secteur public et privéRenforcement des actions de contrôle de la CNIL

Droit d'informationDroit d'oppositionDroit d'accèsDroit de rectification

RGPD 2018

Law 'Confiance en l'Economie Numérique' in 2004

Law 'Informatique et Libertés' of 1978

#1 Legal key points

Only collect the data that will allow you to segment or personalize campaigns.

  • Clearly identify yourself
  • Being clair on the communication frequency and content that will be sent,
  • Make the legal notices easily accessible,
  • No subscription by default
  • Distinctly suggest the partner sending

#2 transparent collection

I check my registration forms.

  • It is primordial to keep, for each target, the collection source and the collection date.


On site

Customer account



Social networks

  • The collection source can be numerous:

#3 Keep the consent proof

I often check my unregistration processes.

  • You can directly verify if the collected adresses exists or are used,
  • You obtain a double optin of your registered target

The double opt-in involve to send an email to the pre-registrated target in order to that she onfirms its registration. Set in place a double optin registration brings you two advantages:

#4 Generalize the double optin

This processes can be automatized directly in NP6

  • Identify and remove inactive targets that don't react to reactivation campaign (better deliverability, better ROI)
  • Delete targets that are inactives for more than 3 years (RGPD)

A commitment coming from a target is never permanent. You regurarly need to check the following points:

#5 Database cleaning

Any questions?

  • Connect on cm.np6.com
  • Data manager >> Imports
  • Application : creation of a manual import

Importation of an adresses files


Best practices

It is your campaigns targeting, and so your segmentation, that answer to your goals.

  • Technical : ability to deliver your messages in Inbox (deliverability)
  • Marketing : ability to create some reactions coming from your readers (opening, clicks, conversion).

Your campaign success are based on two goals :

#1 Why segment ?

Profile management allow you to segment and personnalize your marketing campaigns.

  • Wanted frequency for email reception,
  • Interesting theme,
  • Contents type (articles, files, infographics, vidéos ...),
  • Favorite channel (email, SMS, social networks, display ...).

Subscription is the opportunity to better know your targets and also to personalize their subscription :

#2 Subscription granularity

You can create some tree structure for segments and sub-segments.

  • Static segments : it's the user that feeds the static segment, through an import, the search engine, a form linked to the static segment.
  • Dynamic segments: a dynamic segment is automatically recalculated from registered criteria (designed for recurring sending to a specific targets type).

In NP6 CM, you can create:

#3 NP6 Segmentation

Any questions?

  • Connect on cm.np6.com
  • Segmentation >> Segments
  • Segments menu presentation,
  • Difference between a static and a dynamic segment

Segmentation on Np6

  • Segmentation :
    • For a better deliverability,
    • For a better ROI.
  • Prepare its import on NP6 CM:
    • .txt or .csv file
    • Anticipate the necessary fields
  • RGPD compliance
    • Transparency,
    • Accessibility,
    • Easier subscription cancellation
    • Database cleaning


Create a segments tree structure for your NP6 CM account.

Exercise for the next session