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by Mai

Heinz Strunk

What are the controversy points in the book?

Controversy Points


Summarized opinions about the book

Comparison and conclusion of the critics

and why are they controversial?

Reactions of fans/critics

What fascinates me?My opinion about the book

Why did I choose this book?

Who are the main and side characters?

Main Characters

What is the book about?


  • About a man in his mid-40s who is deep in a midlife crisis
  • He is bored with his work as a audio engineer and feels trapped in his relationship
  • At a premiere party the protagonist meets the younger and attractive wannabe actress Vanessa
  • Therefore an old relationship goes to pieces while a new one begins


What is the book about?

Heinz Strunk


Side Character:

  • in her mid 40s
  • a math teacher
  • considerate
  • got her life together
  • sweet
  • smoker
  • calm
  • got a glow-up
  • out for vengeance


  • in her 20s
  • wannabe actress
  • hot/pretty
  • playing hard to get
    • leads the protagonist on
  • ignorant
  • inconsiderate
  • desperate
  • has a eating disorder
  • insecure


  • in his mid 40s
  • a sound engineer
  • perverted, desperate
  • judgmental
  • rude
  • insecure
  • overthinker
  • alcoholic

The nameless protagonist:

Main Characters:

  • fast and easy to read
  • easy to remember
  • simple
  • vulgar language
  • protagonists thoughts/his behaviour

What fascinates me?

Why did I choose this book?

  • not for everyone
  • refreshing to read
  • particular chapters kept me intrested
  • wish they had more of Vanessa's POV

What is my opinion on the book?


  • a great insight in a toxic relationship
  • many interesting topics (grooming, ed,...)
  • well written thoughts of the protagonist
  • some boring chapters
  • confusing time-steps
  • almost every chapter has a sex scene

Controversy Points

  • negative reactions:
    • "Mit diesem Buch kann man sich möglicherweise etwas schwertun. Die Charaktere wirken unsympathisch und verströmen die Ödnis, (...) Die handelnden Personen wirken sexbesessen und doch lust- und freudlos. Man muss sich halt fragen, ob man sich runterziehen lassen möchte."
- walli
    • "Der Fäkalhumor ist pubertär, das Frauenbild unterirdisch, die Metaphern schlecht und sinnlos und lieblos zusammengezimmert."
- kommunikatives.lesen
  • positive reactions:
    • "Gut, jedes Buch von Heinz Strunk hat mir bisher extrem gut gefallen. Ich liebe diese Art der Erzählung, vor allem seine geistreichen Vergleiche und genialen Wortschöpfungen."
- Karl Laschnikov
    • "Die Lektüre des Buches, bietet einen Eskapismus in die Höhen und Tiefen einer toxischen Beziehung; Abhängigkeiten, tiefe Ängste, alles oder nichts, dichotom und doch irgendwie verflochten… Zwischen extremer Nähe und extremer Distanz."
- ouhu

and why they are controversial?

Reactions of fans/critics

  • a great representation of a toxic relationship
  • the book is like any other tragic-romance book
  • the characters are not relatable
  • many stereotypes
  • it's hard to empathize with the protagonist
  • it's badly written (the humour, the women,...)

Comparison and conclusion of the critics

Thanks for listening

The end