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Bourazza, Roux, Sebaoui, Moniot, Belkesa

The waste of the eco-district

4. Conclusion

3. Which waste to collect?

2. From composting to compost: Process and procedure

1. Waste at the eco-district level


Waste at the eco-district level

In our vision of a good Eco-neighborhood, waste management and recycling are very important. In particular, we wish to involve the future population of the district in a sustainable development approach resulting in a strict sorting of putrescible household waste and their contribution to a collective composter located nearby.

+ Info


From composting to compost:

Process and procedure


Composting: "Composting is the transformation, in the presence of water and oxygen, of organic waste by microorganisms (microscopic fungi, bacteria, etc...) into a humus-like product useful in agriculture and gardening: compost." Compost: "Compost is a humus and mineral rich compound similar to potting soil and often used as such in the garden. It is obtained by composting biodegradable organic waste (mainly of plant origin) which is done individually or in a composting center".

Which waste to collect?

Which waste to collect?

In general, to encourage users not to mix biowaste (putrescibles and greens) with household waste, communities have three solutions:



Composting seemed to us at first sight to be an easy practice with stakes limited to an environmental aspect. Nevertheless, we could see that its implementation for a community is quite complex and touches many fields: legislative, political, economic, technical, social and planning. We then had to study the different types of waste to be treated and the different composting processes.
