Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


By briann wiest

101 essays that will change the way you think


06 Review

05 Happiness

04 Dicomfort

03 Emotional intelligence

02 Structure

01 Introduction

  • 101 Essays, written by herself
  • nonfictional
  • dealing with multiple topics, come all down to one final message
  • short introduction, bullet points
  • Precise language
  • some reoccurring messages


Structure Of the book

What is emotional intelligence?


Emotions And what we dO wroNg

Brianna Wiest

"You cannot selct emotions. You are either in accrod with their flow or in RESISTANCE to their nature. In the end, the choiCe is yours ."

  • Emotional intelligence does not mean that you control your feelings until they are nearly gone
  • feelings are temporary; the pain of holding on/ suppressing them, is not
  • not possible to change how we feel
  • sometimes cannot explain feelings rationally
  • Sign of change, do not confuse it with unhappiness
  • feeling lost means you are becoming more present
  • we are incapable to predict what we want, that is not something we already know
  • familiar discomfort feels like comfort
  • we look for safety in a rapidly changing world


The power Of diScomfoRt

What is happiness? (For you)

BRianna Wiest

"FinD meaning and joy in the work you do, not the work you wish you diD"

  • psychologically incapable of being able to predict what will make us happy
  • can only create what is known
  • happiness is not a state
  • “Upper Limit”
  • it is NOT suffering until you achieve something


HappinessBreaKing the upper limit

  • made me realize how much influence I can have when I have control over my mindset
  • a lot of aspects that I never thought about
  • Not an ultimate guide to happiness, but helps to understand how it works
  • will keep in mind some statements she made



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