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This is (Not) America?

Los geht's!

4. Gruppenarbeit

3. Eduardo Galeano

2. This is not America

1. Impuls und Vorwissen



  • Was ist die Aussage des Liedes?
  • Wie wirken Bild und Ton auf dich?
  • Welche historischen/kulturellen Referenzen hast du verstanden?
  • Welche Bilder waren besonders beeindruckend? Welche besonders verstörend?

Eduardo Galeano: Die offenen Adern Lateinamerikas

"Along the way we have even lost the right to call ourselves Americans, although theHaitians and the Cubans appeared in history as new people a century before the Mayflower pilgrims settled on the Plymouth coast. For the world today,America is just the United States; the region we inhabit is a sub-America, a second-class America of nebulous identity. Latin America is the region of open veins."