Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Your presentations
Orientation exam
Class test
Vocab test
Civil Rights Movement
Native Americans
Getting to know the South
How y'all doin'?

Stories from the Deep South

Writing a summary
Getting a first impression of the Deep South

Wed, 27.04.

Tue, 26.04.

How y'all doin'?

1. Find the following things on the map in your textbook:- the states of the Deep South- where the Mississippi River starts and what states it flows through- the city of New Orleans

The Deep South

TB p. 78/792. Work with a partner. Each of you will pick a photo and describe it to the other. Also say why you chose this photo.

The Deep South

TB p. 78/793. Watch the slide show and answer the following question:Does the video make you want to visit the South? Why or why not?

The Deep South

WB p. 47/1Watch the slideshow again and tick the correct answer.

The Deep South

WB p. 47/2Write sentences about two good things and two bad things in the Deep South.

The Deep South

worksheetFill the gaps with the new vocabulary. Use the TB p. 78/79 for help (not the vocabulary list!)


Virtual Bingo

Warm up

More help: TB p. 170


  1. Read the text carefully. Look up words that you don't know.
  2. Say in one sentence what the text is about.
  3. Find a heading for each paragraph.
  4. Pick the most important information in each paragraph.

How to write a summary

More help: TB p. 170


  1. Read the text carefully. Look up words that you don't know.
  2. Say in one sentence what the text is about.
  3. Find a heading for each paragraph.
  4. Pick the most important information in each paragraph.

How to write a summary

Thu, 19.05.Orientierungsarbeit
Presenting your poster in a gallery walk
Writing an e-mail: My home
Preparing for the Orientation Exam
Getting to know Tennessee
Sweet Home Alabama
Creating a poster about Louisiana

Wed, 04.05.

Wed, 11.05.

Tue, 17.05.

Wed, 18.05.

Tue, 10.05.

Tue, 03.05.

Getting to know the South

What's the word?


Can you put the parts in the correct order?
The culture of the Deep South
Slavery in the Deep South
The history of the Deep South
Facts about the Deep South
The text is about the Deep South of the USA and tells us why this region is so special.

Comparing your summaries

1. Swap your text with your partner's.2. Read your partner's text and correct what you can. 3. Give your partner feedback:- Did he/she put all the important information in the text? Or is it too much?- What did you like about the text? What could be improved?- How is his/her handwriting? Is it readable?

Peer feedback

Kelly is visiting New Orleans and chatting with a friend. What can you find out about the climate, food and city?

Messages from the South

Build groups of 4 and choose the topic each of you will work with. Then do tasks 1+2 individually.


Together, make a list with a maximum of 5 important, new words from the text.
Get together in your expert groups (numbers) and agree on the most important information about your topic.


text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

new wordnew wordnew wordnew wordnew word


Make sure that:- every topic is on your poster- you use pictures, texts and your vocab lists- your text is readable
Go back to your basic group and design your poster about Louisiana.


text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text


text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text


- One of you will stay with your poster, explain everything to the visitors and answer questions- The rest of the group will visit the other posters, read all the information, ask questions and give feedback!
Present your poster in a gallery walk.


Topic: States of the USA

Perfect minute

Warm up

Read along and complete the lyrics with the words from the box.

Song: Sweet Home Alabama

Student's book p. 80- Skim the pictures and the headings.- What's the article about?- How do you think Leah feels about her hometown?

Home, sweet home

Fast finishers: task 2b

Student's book p. 80- Read the article.- unknown words: go to pages 212 - 213- Complete p. 81 task 2a

Home, sweet home

Student's book p. 80-81- What are the differences between Leah's life and your life?- What's the same?

Home, sweet home

Fast finishers: task 5

Workbook p. 48- Complete tasks 3 and 4.- You can use the text in your books for help.

Home, sweet home

Tell Leah about yourself and about your hometown.
You're going to write an e-mail to Leah about your home.

E-Mail to Leah

Step 1 Take notes
Tell Leah about yourself and about your hometown.

E-Mail to Leah

Step 2 Plan paragraphs
Tell Leah about yourself and about your hometown.

E-Mail to Leah

What's the word?


Match the sentence parts.

Small-town living

Step 3 Write your mail.
You're going to write an e-mail to Leah about your home.

E-Mail to Leah

Step 3 Write your mail
Tell Leah about yourself and about your hometown.

E-Mail to Leah

Step 4 Peer correction
Tell Leah about yourself and about your hometown.

E-Mail to Leah

word search

Warm up

1. Read the text and find out what the new words mean.

Getting to know Tennessee

2. Read the text again and answer the questions.

Getting to know Tennessee

3. Tick the correct box and find the line in the text.

Getting to know Tennessee

Watch the video and take notes about the 10 top places to visit in Tennessee.

Getting to know Tennessee

Example: Tennessee - elephant - true - ...Get together in groups of three and make your word chain as long as possible.
Word chain

Warm up

Fast finishers:Read the skills file on p. 175
Answer the questions in complete sentences.
student's book p. 97 task 9


Native Americans today
The history of Native Americans in Alabama

Wed, 25.05.

Tue, 24.05.

Native Americans

1. Stand next to your partner. One of you looks at the board, the other at the wall.2. Try to explain the words on the board, the other has to guess the words (in English!).3. Switch places after 3 minutes. Who got more words right?

Warm upVocabulary Taboo

Vocabulary TabooRound 1

Vocabulary TabooRound 2

TB p. 82: Read the text. What do you think changed for the Cherokees?

The history of Native Americans

TB p. 82: Where is Guntersville? Listen to the audio and follow on the map. What changed for the Cherokees?

The history of Native Americans

  1. Guntersville is named after...
  2. His wife was a...
  3. The white settlers wanted...
  4. Some Cherokees had to leave Guntersville in...
  5. They were forced to go to...
  6. The journey was called the Trail of Tears because...
TB p. 82: Listen again and complete the sentences in your folder.

The history of Native Americans

A group of Cherokees left Guntersville by boat.
The govern-ment said that all American Indians had to leave.
More white people/ settlers moved to the area.
John Gunter...moved to Alabama and founded Guntersville.
TB p. 82: Copy and complete the timeline.

The history of Native Americans

TB p. 212-214 'email sb.'

Vocab test1st June
Practice vocabulary!


2. Fill in the grids with the plural forms.
1. Complete the sentences with the new vocabulary from Unit 4.

Warm up

TB p. 83: Skim the text. What is Chelsey's problem?

Native Americans today

TB p. 83: Read the text and decide - true, false or not in the text.

Native Americans today

Partner work:1. Talk about the meaning of these wordsfeather - cap and gown - graduation - fine2. Discuss: Why do you think it was so important to Chelsey to wear the feather? Do you think the school was fair or unfair?

Native Americans today

WB p. 49: Complete the sentences and follow the lines.The letters give the answer to question 10!

The history of Native Americans

Learning about the Civil Rights movement and Rosa Parks

Tue, 31.05.

Civil Rights Movement

1. Stand next to your partner. One of you looks at the board, the other at the wall.2. Try to explain the words on the board, the other has to guess the words (in English!).3. Switch places after 3 minutes. Who got more words right?

Warm upVocabulary Taboo

Vocabulary TabooRound 1

Vocabulary TabooRound 2

Read the text and answer the questions.

The Civil Rights Movment

Match the words with the correct description.

The Civil Rights Movment

Look at the pictures. What is Rosa's story about?

The story of Rosa Parks

Listen to the story and fill out the gaps.

The story of Rosa Parks

TB p. 85Check your answers together with a partner.

The story of Rosa Parks

Look at these sentences. What happened first?After the police had arrested Rosa, there was a big meeting in Montgomery.Before the boycott, people had taken the bus to work every day. But now they stopped using the buses.After the black people of Montgomery had protested for 381 days, the law in Alabama was changed and segregation on buses became illegal.

The past perfect

WB p. 51/10

The past perfect

WB p. 51/11
WB p. 52/12

The past perfect

WB p. 52/12

The past perfect

Giving your presentation
Preparing and practicing your presentation
Vocabulary test+choosing a topic for your presentation



Wed, 01.06.

Your presentations

Please move your tables apart!You have 15-18 minutes.

Vocabulary test

design a digital poster
3-4 minutes
4-5 minutes
key words only!
Your task:In pairs, present your favourite topic from the Deep South.

Your presentations

Hurricane Katrina
Mississippi River
Elvis Presley
Native Americans
Martin L. King
Civil Rights Movement
Rosa Parks
Jazz music
Mardi Gras
Possible Topics:

Your presentations

Find out more about your topic!
1. Find a partner for your presentation.2. Choose a topic you're both interested in.3. Research your topic and upload your findings on Moodle.

Goals for today

design a digital poster
3-4 minutes
4-5 minutes
key words only!
Your task:In pairs, present your favourite topic from the Deep South.

Your presentations

1. Structure your presentation. 2. Design your poster. If you want to, you can use the template from moodle.3. Make notes for your presentation (key words!)

Goals for today (7th June)

1. Finish your poster and presentation.2. Practice your presentation.

Goals for today(8th June)

Your presentations


word search





Practicing vocabulary

Date: May 19th

Orientation exam

TB p. 182

This test was cancelled!

Class test

How to give a good presen-tation
design a digital poster
3-4 minutes
4-5 minutes
key words only!
Your task:In pairs, present your favourite topic from the Deep South.

