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Cooperative planning for effective co-teaching

Co-teaching planning tool

The idea behind the tool.





Plays for co-teaching inside classrooms.

Key elements

Steps for successful planning of plays.

Co-teaching Tool

Co-teaching Planning Tool Background idea: a tool for effective teaching and interaction between teacher and TA. Idea: build collaborative teaching relationships through communication and lesson planning. Create classroom settings in which each partner knows their role during each lesson. Strengthen each partner of the co-teaching team. Tool: The different sections offer prompts for discussions during regular meetings. It helps structure discussions and clarify expectations and roles within the teaching team. All subject teachers are involved and meet with their teaching partner.

Play 1: Teacher at the front of the room taking care of e.g. organisation of lesson materials or attandence, TA greeting students as they enter the classroom. Play 2: TA works with the large group giving instructions while the teacher works with a small group explaining the taks and working together with these students. TA explaining/ leading an activity, teacher observing the students during the instruction. Play 3: TA and teacher work their way around the classroom, helping individual students/ working with individual students while managing the whole classroom together. Play 4: Teacher and TA take on active roles during instruction. Each explains part of the content and/or activity. Play 5: Teacher works with the large group giving instructions while the TA works with a small group explaining the taks and working together with these students.

Step 1: Communication - learn about each other and plan together. Enter discussions with an open mind and be ready to engage even when things become uncomfortable. Step 2: Agreements - agree on goals and roles within the classroom. Step 3: Information - make sure that all information is readily available to co-teaching partners. Easy access to all relevant information and materials. Step 4: Co-teaching models - review the plays within the playbook and what they mean for your co-teaching team. Plan activities for lessons according to the play book. This helps clarify expectations and roles within a lesson. Step 5: Classroom culture - make time for meaningful interactions inside the classroom. Cocreate components of classroom culture that become visible during the school day.