AI in Instructional Design
Hayley Mooney
Created on March 18, 2022
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Welcome to our ETEC 522 Opportunity Forecast. Our topic is AI, and our focus is the use of AI in Instructional Design. Some of these slides are interactive, to see the interactive elements, click on the " " button (top right). To navigate, use the arrows on the right and left of each slide, to return to the menu, click on the home button (top left) and to see all slides, click on the 3 dots (bottom right).
Reflection/Discussion Questions
AI in Instructional Design
Privacy and Security
Higher Education
The Market
About the Team
Intro to AI
Next up: AI For K-12
Machine learning and AI quiz
AI recognition Quiz
AI in Instructional Design
At this point in time, it seems like most people have a basic grasp of what AI is. But the term can get mixed up with machine learning and deep learning. Just so that we're all on the same page, let's head all the way back to the olden days of 2017, when Microsoft Cortana was still a thing, to get a quick overview of these terms.
If, on the other hand, you feel like you already have a pretty good grasp of AI, why not take a quick quiz to see how clever you really are?
Before we begin...
AI in Instructional Design
To know what we're talking about when we say "AI".To see how AI is being used by instructional designers in all levels of education and training.To learn about some of the AI technologies that are innovating what instructional designers do now and in the future.To learn about the downsides of AI.To get an understanding of what is on the market now, what are the costs and what the future looks like for AI products.To have a bit of fun with Artificial Intelligence!
What you're here for:
AI in Instructional Design
Growing up, we had interesting ideas of what AI would look like in the classroom. Here’s an example, illustrated in one of my favourite childhood cartoons, Recess (1999) - apologies for the shortage of pixels.
Overview and Forecast
AI in Instructional Design
K-12 (2/6)
One of the primary challenges that K-12 teachers face is burnout, on average reporting a 50-hour work week. The below graphics illustrates how teachers are allocating their time, and how AI can make a real impact. Similar to how AI is affecting other industries, this emerging technology has the potential to relieve teachers of certain responsibilities and redirect their time to student-centric activities. These include activities that should or cannot necessarily be emulated by AI, such as: classroom management, mentoring, counselling, and conflict resolution. Moreover, AI can inform better decisions, particularly within the development and assessment stages of instructional design.
The McKinsey report "How artificial intelligence will impact K-12 teachers" indicates that “school teachers will grow by 5 to 24 percent in the United States between 2016 and 2030. For countries such as China and India, the estimated growth will be more than 100 percent.”
K-12 (3/6)
Today, the educational use cases for AI within instructional design include: automating tasks, creating personalized learning experiences, accommodating accessibility, and identifying areas of weak performance and at-risk students. The following vendors exemplify the current use of AI in K-12 education, from both private and public system perspectives.
Founded in 2012, Yuanfudao is a China-based educational platform and is currently the highest valued EdTech company in the world ($15.5b). Though Yuanfudao offers a variety of mobile application and live tutoring courses, it is most notably known for its use of AI in its curriculum design. For instance, students are able to take a photo of their math homework, and the application will instantly return the answer, along with an explanation. Collecting over 100 million math problems a day, this data is used to train its machine learning model. As a result, the app is not only able to better respond to student queries, but also assign personalized homework and assessments, and identify areas of weaknesses in its curriculum. More importantly, Yuanfudao’s live course instructors are able to utilize the data and reporting collected by the application in the design and delivery of their lessons. This exemplifies the ideal hybrid approach that allows teachers to coexist with AI and harness its educational potential.
Leading Vendors: Yuanfudao
AI in Instructional Design
Leading Vendors: Carnegie Learning- Mathia
K-12 (4/6)
Try it out! Head to this page to try some demo's of MATHia yourself:
MATHia is Carnegie Learning’s flagship product offering, based on the American mathematics curriculum (6th grade to pre-algebra). Primarily used as a supplement to classroom education, MATHia can be see as an alternative to traditional paper worksheets. The key benefit of the application include: real-time feedback, progress tracking and AI-powered 1:1 coaching and concept explanations. For instance, at a glance, teachers are able to accurately identify where students are struggling, and thus target these concepts in the classroom. Whereas paper worksheets simply show if an answer is right or wrong, a digital homework assignment captures valuable metrics such as duration for each problem and number of attempts. As time in the classroom is limited, MATHia also alleviates teaching responsibilities by providing instant feedback and hints to the individual user as they progress through a math problem.
AI in Instructional Design
Next up: AI For Higher Ed
AI in Instructional Design
K-12 Brainstorming Activity
1. K-12: Do you see AI being used in your classroom now? In the near future?
K-12 (5/6)
Q 1. K-12: Do you see AI being used in your classroom now? In the near future?
Announced in mid 2021, LaMDA is Google’s latest innovation in AI language processing. Though it is yet to be released, LaMDA will likely be integrated into all Google product offerings and will have a significant impact on education. How does it work? To quote Google CEO Sundar Pichai, “…if a student wanted to discover more about space, they could ask about Pluto and the model would give sensible responses, making learning even more fun and engaging. If that student then wanted to switch over to a different topic — say, how to make a good paper airplane — LaMDA could continue the conversation without any retraining.” Depending on its sophistication, this technology can change how young learners research and even perceive technology altogether. In terms of instructional design, it will almost be as if each student can have access to a personal educational assistant; technology will move a step closer to achieving the persona of a sentient being. That being said, there are various concerns with this innovative technology, particularly in AI ethics. Published by Google’s own AI Ethics researchers, a study has “…shown how racist, sexist, and abusive ideas are embedded in these models. They associate categories like doctors with men and nurses with women; good words with white people and bad ones with Black people”.
AI in Instructional Design
The above video summarizes an article by EdTech Magazine titled Successful AI Examples in Higher Education That Can Inspire our Future. This video/article is a great place to begin as it provides tangible examples of how AI is reshaping instructional design in higher education. For example, Universities are starting to utilize AI to offload time-intensive tasks while simultaneously providing a better learning experience for students as demonstrated by Georgia Tech implementing an AI driven virtual teaching assistant to handle thousands of questions from their students. This allowed students to receive prompt and accurate responses, while also freeing up valuable time for the teaching assistants to motivate students or help with coursework. Another issue facing universities that AI is helping to combat, is declining enrolment and high dropout rates. AI can be a valuable tool for instructional designers to make learning more engaging.
AI in Instructional Design
In this section we will discuss the current status of AI in higher education instructional design and how AI may shape the future of higher education.
Overview and Forecast
Higher ED (2/3)
AI in Instructional Design
One example of AI being used to create a more engaging learning experience is IBM Research and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute partnering on a new approach to help students learn Mandarin. They pair an AI-powered assistant with an immersive classroom environment that makes students feel as though they are in a restaurant in China — or in a garden or a tai chi class — where they can practice speaking Mandarin with an AI chat agent. IBM and Rensselaer call the classroom the Cognitive Immersive Room, and it was developed at the Cognitive and Immersive Systems Lab, a research collaboration between the two entities.
The results of the Microsoft Research (MSR) and Times Higher Education (THE) study provides significant food for thought for instructional designers in higher education. If we are to proceed under the assumption that AI will complement rather than replace human scientific input, as most of the survey respondents agreed would be the case, it then begs the question of not only how to teach students, but what to teach students, in order to best prepare them to live and work with AI. Universities would need to shift their focus to teaching their students skills that AI would not have an advantage in such as critical thinking, complex decision making, entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence. Technical skills that would allow students to interact with AI,such as programming, would also most likely be a necessity for students to learn. As things currently stand, AI can be an incredible tool for instructional designers for things such as offloading time-intensive tasks to free up valuable time, create more engaging and personalized learning experiences; however, as AI technology advances, universities and instructional designers will need to adapt to designing their courses and programs in a way that best enables their students to work and live alongside AI.
Q2. Do you think that the majority of the respondents of the survey are correct and that AI will complementrather than replace human scientific input? And if so what subjects and/or skills should universities focus on to best prepare students to live and work alongside AI?
In a survey conducted by Microsoft Research (MSR) in collaboration with Times Higher Education (THE), global university leaders provided feedback on the benefits of AI and its current status in higher education:-Only a minority of universities currently have an AI strategy, but most plan to develop one-Universities find it difficult to recruit and retain staff able to teach and research in AI-AI will increase employers’ demand for university graduates and will not lead to university closures-AI will be able to assess students, provide feedback, and generate a test scientific hypotheses at least as well as humans can-But universities will not cut teaching, research, or administration staff and may even recruit moreMost of the survey respondents agreed that AI will complement rather than replace human scientific input, a true human+machine collaboration resulting in a powerful combination of skills.
AI in Higher Education: CUrrent status Looking to the future
Next up: AI For Corporate
AI in Instructional Design
Try Synthesia
Give this a try! If you're willing to share an email address, you can respond to the brainstorming question at the end of this section with your own AI video.
The above video was created by Synthesia, an AI-powered text-to-video program. All I needed to do was enter in the text, and this AI-generated Hayley (not at all a likeness!) provided a much more interactive version of my intro.
AI in Instructional Design
Welcome to AI in Corporate Instructional Design. In this section we'll explore whether AI will be leaving Instructional Designers jobless, how AI is enhancing ID and share some cool technology you can use today! In fact, let's let some AI take over, with an audio-visual version of this introduction:
Vote HERE!
This video is pretty convinced that instructional designers will soon be obsolete. What do you think?
Is AI going to Take Over Instructional Design?
Corporate (2/6)
... And no. Like in many career projections, AI will have a hand in automating many aspects of the instructional designer's workload (if you want to feel panicky watch this prediction from Dr Thomas Frey way back in 2012, that half the world's jobs will be disappearing by 2030).Does this mean that instructional designers will be panhandling outside your local coffee shop in the next 5 years? Of course not. Just because AI can automate many of the repetitive and data-driven computer processes needed to produce good learning experiences, does not mean that human intervention with the content will no longer be needed.
AI in Instructional Design
Your poll results: will ID be obsolete?
Is AI going to Take Over Instructional Design?
Corporate (3/6)
There will always be roles that require creative, cognitive and emotional intelligence skills. The best results will come out by combining AI and human abilities" (Anjana, 2022).What this means is that instructional designers need to continuously adapt to the changing technological world, by providing services that computers cannot and will not perform well.Here are a few aspects of ID that AI will likely not take over any time soon:
- Human creativity and insight
- Communication of ideas (beyond the simple formatting of a course outline in a logical order)
- Providing an overall learning experience beyond the bare learning goal
- Thinking outside the algorithm (avoiding biases from data, and adding human nuance to a course)
AI in Instructional Design
+Learn About This!
Content Analytics and Automation
Now that we've covered the parts of instructional design that AI cannot perform, let's talk about what it CAN do!Here are just some of the ways AI can augment Learning and Design:
+Learn About This!
Content Translation
+Learn About This!
Virtual Facilitators
+Learn About This!
Smart Content
Intelligent Tutoring
+Learn About This!
Corporate (4/6)
AI in Instructional Design
AI in Instructional Design
Corporate Brainstorming Activity
Q3. Do you think that AI will eventually be able to do as good a job as an instructional designer?
Next up: The AI market
Corporate (6/6)
AI in Instructional Design
There are now products out there which use AI to create complete courses. What can an instructional designer do to compete with the machines?
There is currently a movement to improve AI, so that it might eventually "know" what humans want. If we actually reach that point, perhaps ID's will need to be worried about thier jobs! See the video above about aligning AI with human intent.
AI needs guidance. It is up to an instructional designer to direct AI to provide helpful, comprehensive information, presented in the best way for learners, not just providing content for the sake of it. The guidance can't stop at content creation either. Instructional designers need to also pay attention to how data is collected and used to help learners.
Instructional designers need to prove that they are more than a machine. It is likely you have read articles and watched videos created by AI. Although they may sound human, they likely do not have any unique insights or opinions that couldn't be found elsewhere. Yes, programs like mini-course Generator can create fun courses using minimal prompts from a human, but are they truly providing the information that learners are looking for? AI can perform repetitive organizational tasks like arranging a course outline, but what about the actual content?
Ai and Course Creation
OECD.AI (2022), visualisations powered by JSI using data from Preqin, accessed on 27/3/2022,
Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, traditional methods of education have had to adapt faster than ever before. As a result, EdTech companies have leveraged Artificial Intelligence to improve the learner experience in a rapidly changing environment that includes remote learning and strict social distancing rules. Venture Capitalists have taken notice as evidenced by the record growth in 2020.
AI in Instructional Design
The Market
VC Investments in AI for Education and Training
The Market (2/4)
NovakidFunding: 6.5MHQ Location: San Francisco, CA, USNovaKid focuses on teaching children English through remote practice with native speaking mentors and by employing AI-powered games and training apps that encourage practicing English vocally.The company also offers personalized lessons with tutors for children that are based on AI-assisted data analysis.
MemriseFunding: 21.8MHQ Location: London, England, UKMemrise offers a language learning platform that also includes a mobile application and a website. The company’s specialty is combining memory techniques with engaging content to make learning a new language more fun. The application uses machine learning to personalize lessons based on what the user already knows. It then uses said information to help the user memorize new vocabulary, phrases, writing systems.
ELSAFunding: 10.3MHQ Location: San Francisco, CA, USELSA offers a mobile application that aims to help English learners speak English with confidence. The application includes an online pronunciation tutor that users can talk to and receive instant feedback on their pronunciation. ELSA (English Language Speech Assistant) also offers speech recognition and pronunciation analysis that can identify precise areas of improvement based on the native language of the speaker.
AI -assisted language learning Edtech startups
LingvistFunding: 11.2MHQ Location: Tallinn, Harjumaa, EstoniaLingvist uses smart algorithms to track the progress and mistakes of users. It offers a language learning software product that’s based on mathematical and statistical analysis that can adapt lessons in real time to match the user’s prior knowledge and memory patterns.
AI in Instructional Design
The Market (3/4)
TrivieFunding: 16.6MHQ Location: Frisco, TX, USTrivie is a SaaS company that offers an on-demand gamification platform to improve knowledge retention for employees.The platform employs retrieval practice, micro-learning, and adaptive learning that help companies considerably reduce training costs, increase sales, and provide better customer service.
Amira LearningFunding: 9.3MHQ Location: Las Vegas, NV, USAmira Learning develops an intelligent reading assistant that helps improve language fluency. The assistant can analyze the reading of a speaker, recognize errors, and provide insights into their strengths and weaknesses.It can generate diagnostic reports that aid students and teachers in language learning.
SELFSTUDY Inc.Funding: 6.6MHQ Location: San Francisco, CA, USSelfStudy is a learning optimization technology startup that offers an AI-powered cloud platform to professional societies and publishers. The platform delivers personalized content discovery and adaptive learning programs. It leverages machine learning and an MIT-developed dynamic items response theory to provide an assessment of each user and select the most relevant learning content.
CENTURY TechFunding: 9.5MHQ Location: London, England, UKCentury-Tech offers a personalized learning platform. It utilizes AI, big data, and behavioral science to present the right level of learning material to the student at the right time, to fill gaps in the student’s knowledge, encourage mastery and increase memory function.
Adaptive Learning Software
AI in Instructional Design
The Market (4/4)
Mybuddy.aiFunding: 2MHQ Location: Mountain View, CA, USBuddy promotes oral English practice for children with their virtual AI-powered cartoon character in a mobile app.Combining attractive visuals, speech technology, and adaptive learning, Buddy serves over 500 million children around the globe by automating the mundane part of tutoring work.
KidaptiveFunding: 38.7MHQ Location: Mountain View, CA, USKidaptive enables personalized learning for children. The company provides powerful adaptive learning tools that increase engagement, optimize learning, and improve outcomes for kids worldwide.The company’s products include Leo’s Pad, a preschool learning app for the iPad, and Hodoo English, an immersive multiplayer role-playing game that provides opportunities for children to practice speaking and understanding English.
CogniiFunding: 118KHQ Location: Boston, MA, USCognii builds a cutting-edge assessment technology to provide an evaluation of essay-type answers in online learning platforms.It uses an exclusive NLP technology that delivers personalized feedback to engage students in an active learning process and improve their knowledge retention. Cognii’s solution is available through an API for all online learning platforms, including LMS (Learning Management System), MOOCs (Massive Online Open Course), and more.
Next up: Privacy and Security
QueriumFunding: 6.2MHQ Location: Austin, TX, USQuerium Corporation develops a smart online assessment platform for STEM subjects that features a patent-pending expert system, advanced simulation technology, and an easy-to-use interface.The platform provides individual lessons that employ The StepWise Virtual Tutor that uses A.I. technology that simulates an expert teacher or tutor and is available 24/7.
Q4. The Market: Are AI products becoming more accessible, or are they still out of reach for instructors who need them?
Education Assessment Software leveraging ai
AI in Instructional Design
Thank you for inadvertantly providing this site with a wealth of personal data. This will now be used to improve this site as well as to personalize your future learning experiences. It may also be used to share your personal information and work habits with other interested parties! Consider this an added bonus of some AI systems.
Based on the enage-0-graph (right), you had difficulty between higher education and corporate AI. A remedial version of these sections will be provided to you.
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After observing your video-watching habits, it is recommended you rewatch all those videos you watched at 1.75x speed.
Based on the information you unwittingly shared about yourself, your current level is:
Your Personal "AI in ID" Engagement Summary
Overall engagement with this presentation
20 %
Time spent daydreaming, skimming-without-reading or procrastinating-with-this-site-open compared with average (based on eye-movement detection camera)
70 %
Overall comprehension, based on time spent reading information and quiz responses
80 %
Engagement with elements of presentation (videos, padlets, quizzes)
50 %
Time spent reading this presentation compared with the class average.
AI in Instructional Design
AI in Instructional Design
Clearly the "Engagement Summary" of the last page was not actually a true representation of your engagement in this presentation (hopefully in reality you were slightly more engaged? The purpose of this fake summary was to demonstrate the type of information that AI could be gathering in order to analyze, evaluate and give advice to learners. Of course, we're grateful for the work AI can do for us, but what are the security and privacy risks that go with using AI? Let's take a look.
Privacy and Security (2)
Data Privacy and Protection
AI in Instructional Design
One of the key ingredients to developing and maintaining an effective AI system is access to vast amounts of relevant and clean data. In other words, its algorithms are only as good as the data it is provided. Arguably, the most crucial questions an educator may ask when implementing any EdTech system is what data should be collected, and to what extent will it be kept private and secure. Regardless of technology, schools are storehouses of sensitive information, including personal identifiable information of minors. As technology continues to play a more significant role in and out the classroom, how might this change the way data is gathered and used? Imagine microphones that continuously record and analyze conversations in the classroom and computers that interact with students based on their performance and demographic data.
Privacy and Security (3)
Q5. Privacy and Security: Do AI privacy and security concerns worry you? Or do you think we're going in the right direction?
Currently, there are various laws in place (e.g. FERPA in the US, FIPPA in BC, and GDPR in the EU) that aim to protect user privacy and regulate how user data is captured, utilized and retained. For instance, any company that has a single customer that resides in the EU, must abide by GDPR rules (e.g. enable users to export or delete their data). Below are two easily digestible videos that provide an overview on these legislations:
AI in Instructional Design
When vetting EdTech solution providers, it should always be clear that user data will never be shared or sold to other entities. Further, though simple strategies like student numbers can be used to mitigate the need for capturing Personal Identifiable Information (PII), this data can be valuable for EdTech system in terms of communication and user-tracking.
Privacy and Security (4)
Next up: Reflection
AI in Instructional Design
Privacy Brainstorming Activity
Next up: The AI in ID TEAM
To conclude, please take some time to reflect on the topic of AI within Instructional Design.
To make our discussion more collaborative the questions in the ETEC 522 blog will be formatted a little differently. The questions can be found posted in the discussion. Please reply directly to the question you are responding to, this way all responses on a single topic will be in the same place!Here are a summary of the discussion topics you will find in the discussion. Please choose at least 2 topics to post your thoughts (remember reply directly to the post with the question, not as a separate post!): 1. K-12: Do you see AI being used in your classroom now? In the near future?2. Higher Ed: Q2. Do you think that the majority of the respondents of the survey are correct and that AI will complement rather than replace human scientific input? And if so what subjects and/or skills should universities focus on to best prepare students to live and work alongside AI?3. Corporate ID: Do you think that AI will eventually be able to do as good a job as an instructional designer?4. The Market: Are AI products becoming more accessible, or are they still out of reach for instructors who need them?5. Privacy and Security: Do AI privacy and security concerns worry you? Or do you think we're going in the right direction?6. General Thoughts and Reflections: Anything goes here!7. Curious Questions: Do you have your own AI-related question? Post it here and let's start a discussion!
AI in Instructional Design
Personal Reflection
AI in Instructional Design
Aaron teaches middle school English (as a Foreign Language) in Korea.
Aaron Chan
Hayley Mooney is an Instructional Designer, an Engineer, a Doula, a student in the Masters of Educational Technology program at the University of British Columbia, and a mother of three amazing kids.
Hayley Mooney
Here is the team that put together AI in ID:
Next up: Sources
Seth is an instructor of Secwepémctsín (Shuswap Language) , a student in the Masters of Educational Technology program at the University of British Columbia, and a soon to be father of three.
Seth Armitage
AI in Instructional Design
Sources (1/2)
5 benefits of video-based learning. (2017, March 15). CrowdWisdom by Community Brands. (2022, February 16). Impact of AI in E-Learning Industry in 2022 and Beyond. ColorWhistle. intelligence still needs human intelligence | Event Garde. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2022, from—Solutions. (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2022, from, A. M., Bakhaidar, M., Alsayegh, A., Yilmaz, R., Winkler-Schwartz, A., Mirchi, N., Langleben, I., Ledwos, N., Sabbagh, A. J.,Bajunaid, K., Harley, J. M., & Del Maestro, R. F. (2022). Effect of Artificial Intelligence Tutoring vs Expert Instruction on Learning Simulated Surgical Skills Among Medical Students: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open, 5(2), e2149008. to Use AI to Speed Up Your Online Course Creation. (2021, September 22). Rock Content. AI replace creative professionals? (2017, June 1). VentureBeat. AI replace university lecturers? Not if we make it clear why humans matter. (2019, September 6). The Guardian., M. (2019, August 9). What are the benefits of an intelligent tutoring system over a general e learning tool? –
That's It! Head back to the ETEC 522 Blog Post
Back to school: Top 15 AI-driven EdTech startups in 2021. (2021)., S. (2021). Artificial Intelligence Plays Key Role in the Future of Higher Education., S. (2020). Successful AI Examples in Higher Education That Can Inspire Our Future. (2022), visualisations powered by JSI using data from Preqin, accessed on 27/3/2022,
Sources (2/2)
AI in Instructional Design